Chapter 25

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Chantel P.O.V.

This is the final day of the trial and I have to testify about the situation and if they are found guilty sentencing will be Saturday morning. I get up and get dressed and put on a polo v-neck sweater and black slacks and my open toe red bottoms. Isaiah wears this gray shawl neck sweater with black shoes and his white button down under it.

We head to the court house and I am determined to look at David and Summer right in their eyes and show them that I am not intimated by them. I was the last and this began the testimony:"Mrs. Walter. Please explain that night and then you can be seated." "So every now and then I love having these big dinners for our family. So my mother and I had made all of this food and cooked for hours. We sat down for a peaceful fun dinner. We had music going the family was just fellowshipping and having a good time. So we were sitting down and eating and just enjoying family time. Then the doorbell rang and Isaiah went and got the door and he came back with his hands in the air. So he was waving the gun around and the final breaking point was when David touched the tip of his gun on our 2 month olds head. Isaiah immediately jumped up and David shot him. My husband was unconscious for about a month and a half and finally woke up. That is what happened." " Thank you Mrs. Walter you may now take your seat.

Jury you can go and deliberate and when you a hour recess to make a decision and we will return in 1 hour to get back.

1 hour later

Everyone is back and David and Summer keep looking back at us and trying to scare us buy the whole time Isaiah is staring just as hard or even harder than they were staring at us.

"Jury, have you reach a verdict?" " Yes we have your honor..... And we find the defendant David Washburn guilt on 1st degree attempted murder and 16 counts of kidnapping/ holding people hostage. We also find Summer Watkins as accessory to 1st degree attempted murder and also 16 counts of kidnapping/ holding people hostage. Thank you your honor."

" Sentencing will be promptly tomorrow at 10:00 and no later. This trial is dismissed." We got home and get some rest for tomorrow at 10:00.

The next day

" David Washburn for the 1st degree attempted I sentence you to 10 years in prison, and for the 16 counts of kidnapping is 26 years in prison. Officers take him away for processing, Summer Watkins 1st degree accessory I sentence you to 7 years in prison and 16 counts of kidnapping I sentence you to 29 years in prison."

Later that evening

" Isaiah this has been a crazy few years for us......your mom dying, getting married, buying a home, having Bailey, and you being held hostage." " Through all of this we manage to be a couple and a loving family and stay together. I love you Mrs. Walter" " I love you Mr. Walter

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