Chapter 8

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Isaiah's P.O.V
"So here is one of the house on 4217-19 S Martin Luther King Jr Drive and it's 6 bed and 5 bath, and its 5,000 square feet priced at $699,000. The second on is on N Whipple St. and it's 4 bed and 4 bath, and it's 4,000 square feet priced at $674,500. The third one is on 4220 N Ridgeway Avenue and it's 4 bed and 5 bath, and has no square footage listed it's priced at at $699,000.
The fourth one is 1636 N Newland Avenue. It's 3 bed and 2 bath, the square footage is not listed. It's priced at $305,000. Okay no let's make some choices, and I want a house we can grow in."
"I don't like the fourth one it's not open enough. The first one is a definite yes, let me look at the second one and third on. I like Whipple Street but it's too close to the neighbors and too high off the ground. So I think it will be good for her to choose between Martin Luther King and Ridgeway."
"Okay, man thanks" I tell Max.
"How are you gonna propose to her?" He questioned
"Well I am gonna propose in Fiji. So the second to last day. We are gonna have dinner, and I am gonna have them being her favorite dessert and we are gonna have a photographer. Later, we are gonna take a walk on the beach and have roses leading to John Legend playing "You and I". Who is her favorite artist then I will hold her hands and express my love for her. Then get down on one knee and get the ring box from the sand and propose." I said
"She will love that man, and I am so grateful that you treat her like a princess that she is unlike her scumbag ex-boyfriend."
Couple of days later
"C'mon babe or we are gonna be late for the airport." I said
"Okay, you can get my bag and load it up and wait for me because I am gonna do a last run through and make sure I got everything" Chantelle said
"Okay don't forget mine and yours phone and ipad." I replied
As I take the luggage down and I get to the garage floor. I see Summer leaning on my Mercedes.
"Summer can you move me and my girlfriend are about to leave. And you leaving a smudge on my white Mercedes." I said opening the tailgate and putting our luggage in
"No, I know you want me back you don't love niggers." She said
"Summer don't you dare say that love has no color, Chantelle could be purple and I would still love her the same." I said 
"I think a kiss would change that whole thing." She grabs my face and kissed it and I pulled away
"Isaiah, who is this hoe?" Chantelle asked
"I am his ex-girlfriend, I know he wants me and he doesn't want a nigger." I said
"I am about to beat this chick" As I see Chantelle about to go at there after she puts all the electronics in the front seat. She starts swinging and she hits Summer real hard the the nose, and her nose starts to bleed. I run up and I grab her at the waist and whisper in her ear.
"Babe, you saw she tried to kiss me and I pulled away. We will leave momentarily, just get in the car and start it up." I make sure Chantelle is in the car and calmed down.
"Summer do you know how stupid you sound? Like this girl is special and you were nothing but a gold digging tramp. If you will excuse me I have to go on vacation. Another thing if you come around my girl or me again, be prepared. Remember what she did don't even try her." I said before getting into the car and prepared to leave
I got in the car and the first thing I did was hug and kiss Chantelle in front of Summer and then pulled off and went to the airport.
"Chantelle I love you more than anything. I would never cheat on you or go back to her." I said
"What was her story?, if I can ask?" She questioned about Summer
"Well, we dated from the end of Sophmore year to the middle of Senior Year. I was really into her and I thought the relationship would continue after high school. Senior year I decided I didn't want to go to the league, I wanted to work with computers. So I told her what I wanted to do she dumped me the same day.
That's when I figured our she was only with me because she thought I was going to the league. So a mutual friend Sammy was an awesome baseball player, within the next 2 days after our break up she began dating him.
I talk to him every now and then and he told me he figured it out after he went to the league, and actually plays for the Cubs now. He invited us to a game though we have to go. But all she wanted to do was eat out and shop. Because when he would come home from a road game she would be shopping instead of at home waiting on him." I said
"Wow, I have never heard that and you why didn't you never mention to me?" Chantelle asked
"Because she is a non factor in our relationship. And someday you are gonna be my wife." I said kind of dropping a hint
We get to the airport, check in, and get on the plane first because we are on a first class ticket. The flight is super long 12 and a half hour flight. Basically, we slept mainly sleep,eat, and watch Nextflix or Hulu.
We finally get to Fiji and we go check in to the hotel and the hotel is beautiful.
"So Zay what do we have planned this week?" Chantelle asked
"Well it's our week we have nothing planned if we want to stay in and have sex all day we can." I said
A week and three days later.......
"Babe, you almost ready?" I asked her
"Yeah, what are you wearing?" I asked
"I am wearing my white jacket and black pants tuxedo. What are you wearing?" I asked her
"The dress I had for my promotion dinner." She replied
"Okay, after dinner we are gonna come back and put on something for the beach." I stated
We get to John Vairé and I rented out the whole restaurant just for us. I hired a photographer to take pictures the whole night.
"C'mon a picture for the beautiful couple." the photographer said
We stand up and take a kissing, standing side by side, and Chantelle leaning on me.
"So Isaiah, how did you come about liking bow ties?" "Well my mother always showed me picture of my father and saw he always wore bow ties. So I asked my mother about it and she said that was his signature. Me not having the chance to know my father I wear bow ties to kind of have a piece of him. Actually this one I have on is the one my father wore at their wedding."
"I think that gives you peace, like my grandfather he loved watches. I love watches now because I feel like I tell a story."
Our dinner comes and she gets Chicken Parmesan Alfredo and I get steak with baked potato.
"What would you guys like for dessert?" the waiter asks.
"Ladies first
"Babe, it's Fiji and we are gonna share 4. You get 2 I get 2." Chantelle said
"The lady has spoken." says the waiter.
"The 2 I will have are Coffee Cake and Bread Pudding." Chantelle said
"And for you sir?" asks the lady
"Coconut Candy and Jamaican Plantain Tarts."
"Very good choices the coconut candy is my ultimate favorite."
We get up and take some more pictures over by the floor to ceiling windows. Me hugged up behind her whole looking at the city, kissing, and me looking at her and her looking out the window. Just some other fun pictures of us.
Our desserts come and we head back to the hotel to change for the beach. I put on my linen khakis and a white polo shirt and she wears this one shoulder white shirt with a peach maxi skirt.
Before we leave I call to the guys that was setting this up is everything ready.
"Babe, you ready?" she yelled from the living room part of the sweet
"Yeah, give me like two minutes." I said
"kay I am gonna watch tv until your ready." She replied
"Hello, Junie is everything set up and ready because we are headed down in a few minutes?" I asked "Yeah man I will be hidden where you guys can't see me do I can go and cue John Legend." he replied
"Alright man, oh yeah I need you to take pictures on my Ipad." I said
"Okay" he said in compliance
"Thanks again Junie." I said before hanging up the phone
"We hang up and before I leave the bathroom I open the box and look at it. I shut it really fast and stick it into my pocket before Chantelle sees it because I hear her coming into the room.
"Babe you alright? Who were you on the phone with?" She asked being inquisitive
"Oh nobody I was just handling some business." I said trying to throw her scent off
"Okay let's go, you got the Ipad and your phone."
As we are walking downstairs I get more nervous and we are holding hands and my hand is shaking so hard and sweating profusely.
"Babe you okay your hand is shaking." she asked rubbing my hand
"Yeah I fine just late night jitters I get sometimes coffee will do it to you." I said
We go on the beach and we take off our shoes and there are rose petals that make a path and every few feet there are roses and I pick them up and hand them to her.
The photographer is beside us and taking pictures and you hear John Legend playing "You and I"
"Babe, what's going?" she asks as we get to the end where John Legend is playing.
"Sweetheart, this is all for you. Fore to express my love to you." I said

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