Chapter 9

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Chantelle's P.O.V.
Once I get down to the end, and start to realize what's going on I start crying and it won't stop.
"Chantelle I never believed in love at first until I met you. " he said and began to cry and his dimples seem to get deeper when he is happy.
"You know you make my heart skip a beat. I feel you with me day in and day out. Every time I am having a bad day I think of you, look at a picture of us. And I smile and realize how grateful I am.
My whole world revolves around you. I praise the ground you walk on. I want to breathe the air you breathe." he said and continued to cry
He gets down on one knee
"Chantelle Elizabeth Mason, will you continue to let my world revolve around you and make me the happiest man in the world truly. Will you marry me?" he asked looking up at
"Yes, yes, yes, I will." He stands up and kisses me and we hug.
"Okay, let me put this ring on you finger." He said unembracing me and bringing the ring box in between us
"Wow babe this ring is beautiful, you didn't have to have this big of a ring for me." I said
"Well, it's 20 carats and it's a princess cut diamond. I got it engraved and it says "Forever Mine"
"C'mon babe let's dance."  He said
I bury my head in his chest and we dance and talk. "Babe, how did you get John Legend to come all the way down here to Fiji."
"Well, Mr. Thompson has a buddy that books professional artists for private events and things of that nature. So he gave me his number and we worked it out." He said winking towards John Legend
"This had to cost a lot of money bae." I said continuing to look at it"
"I can't put a price on how much I love you but I can try." he said bringing a smile to his face
We dance to songs and I got to meet John Legend and he gave me front row seats to his concert in Chicago in a month.
The next morning we go down to breakfast.
"Chantelle, how does it feel being engaged?" Isaiah asked
"It really doesn't feel any different, it still feels like we are dating. But what feels different is having a 5 lb rock on your finger." I said lifting my hand up to admire my ring
"Well I have another piece of jewelry to go with that. A diamond tennis bracelet, that's 5 kt." he said pulling  out a longer black box
"Why are you so good to me?" I ask as we kiss
"I have one more surprise and then I am done with surprises for now. So we are getting married. I want us to move in together. But not at my place or yours." He said
"What? I am confused." I questioned
"I want us to buy a house together, and grow in it from many years to come." He replied
"Really?, that sounds terrific and we can finally have something to called our own." I said smiling and moving my hand on top of his
"Maximus Powers and I have picked two of the best options for us to choose from
1. It's on 4217-19 S Martin Luther King Jr Drive and it's 6 bed and 5 bath, and its 5,000 square feet priced at $699,000.
2. It's on 4220 N Ridgeway Avenue and it's 4 bed and 5 bath, and has no square footage listed it's priced at at $699,000.
"Isaiah let's say it at the same time which one we want." I said
"1....2....3....number one" we both said in unison
"I love the openness and it's move in ready and all we may have to do is change the colors to our liking and matching." I said
So we are gonna offer what they are asking. They pay closing costs and pay inspection costs." He said
2 days after we get back
We have been going good and we got the house. We paid full price for the house and they paid all closing costs, and the inspections.
So we are setting the wedding for a year off so we can have plenty of time to plan and get settled and buy all of the furniture.
"Good Morning big man" I said
"Good morning monkeys butt" I laugh at what he said
So what do you have planned to day, lady bug?" He asked
"Well, I have about 3 meetings and Mr. Thompson said he wanted to meet with me and you, did you get that email." I replied to his question
"Yeah, I just checked my email and I wonder what's it about." he said
"Isaiah, you don't think Mr. Thompson is selling the companies, do you?" I said feeling concerned
"No I don't think he would do that, he has been doing this for years." he said giving me some relief
We get dressed I wear this pink dress with a light blue blazer and a pink and light blue pumps. Isaiah wears this white polo long sleeve button down tucked in with his khakis pants.
I drive his Benz and he drives my Jeep and we follow each other to my office. We get into the elevator, "Chantelle, have I told you how excited I am to marry you and how much I love you." He said reaching down and grabbing my hand
"Yes, you told me last night after dinner in the bedroom." I said smiling at him about what we did last night
He pulls me closer and he begins to make out with me until the elevator bings. We walk down the hall and past my office to Mr. Thompson's office. We go into Mr. Thompson office because we were summoned.
Isaiah knocked on his office door.
"Come In" he said
"Hello, Mr. Thompson" we say in unison
"Hey Isaiah and Chantelle how is the lovely couple?" He asked
"Have a seat guys" he said
"Good, we just go engaged." I said
"Let me see the ring" he asked as I put up my hand showing him the ring
"that's not a ring that's a rock. How many carats is that ring?" He asked
"20 carats" Isaiah says
"You too seem really in love." He said
"Oh yeah, and we are moving in together and we just bought a house." I said giving him more news
"That's good you guys are on one accord, because I am retiring. Before you say anything I am retiring because of health issues and my wife has just been diagnosed with stage 2 cancer."
"We are so sorry, Mr. Thompson can we do anything for you?" I asked
"No, we are just coping with the situation and working it out in our own time." he said
"So what I really called you two is, I want you guys to become the CEOs of these 2 companies. You are the only ones I trust fully." he said
"Are you sure? Because we don't want to step in and not have you full blessing." says Isaiah
"I want you guys fully to run this, I am gonna give you the night to sleep on it and I will let you decide and I hope you guys choose to run it." he said
"Okay, Mr. Thompson we will meet back her first thing in the morning." I said
"We walk out the office and walk in to mine next door and I go and stand by the floor to ceiling and Isaiah sits in my chair.
"Babe, do you want to do this?" I ask him.
"Well, I think it will be a good for us to do this because we can join our companies and make them two separate branches." He replied saying his idea
"Let's talk it over tonight when we are at your place packing up. Then we can have a romantic dinner by the fire." I said
"Babe, I have to go to this meeting and then I have some paperwork and I will see you at your place tonight after I go home and change." he said before leaving and giving me a kiss
I go to meetings, and I head to the elevator and I go in and this cute guy light skin guy comes in the elevator.
"Hello ma'am may I tell you, you look stunning this evening. Will you go out with me tonight?" he asked
"Buddy, you are cute but sorry I am taken, as I put up my left hand and show him my ring."
"Whoaaaa, that guy must really love you because that almost poked my eye out and the bracelet is beautiful. He must really want to buy the world for you." he replied
"I get what I want, and I want you." he said as he comes closer to me and leans down and attempts to kiss me and runs his hand up my skirt. I slap him in his face, "I said I am taken and I love him and when I find out who you are the sexual harassment department will know and MY FIANCÈ will also." I slap him again as I get off the elevator.
I drive home in anger and stressed out. I get home and I put on a polo shirt and some khaki shorts with my red and black sperrys.
I head over to Isaiah's place and he has my Jeep and he is putting boxes in the car. "Hey babe" he says joyously
"Hey" I say dryly
I go inside and start packing up things aggressively like the books. Isaiah comes in and turns me around and pulls me closer and I began to cry.
"Chantelle talk to me, what's going on?" he asked
"Well as I was leaving the office, this guy comes in the elevator and I had my arms folded and you couldn't see my ring. And he tried to ask me out on a date this evening with him. So I show him my ring and he was like whoooaaaa that thing bout poked me in the eye. I thought he was gonna back off but he didn't. He said I get what I want when I want it and he tried to kiss me and reached his hand up my skirt. So I slapped him hard in his face and told him off and slapped him again." I said confiding in him
"Do you know who it was?" he asked with a look of concern
"No but I am going to find out." I said drying my eyes
"When you find out he's done. Are you okay my love?" he asked rubbing my back and embracing me tight 
"Yeah I just felt violated and I wished you were there with me." I said
"I am here now and will find out who did this to you." We pull away from each other and he gives me a comforting kiss on the forehead. "
So these boxes labeled books are too heavy for me, can you come get them so we can take the first load over. Then when we get back we will finish the living room and start on the kitchen and finish that and you don't have much in the kitchen so we are gonna sell the table with the condo." I said
"The woman has spoken" he said and he gets down and start crawling like a dog.
"Get up, you goofball. We are trying to be out of here by this weekend. The sooner we are our and sooner we get to list this place. The sooner we list more offers we get. The more offers we get the more money we can get for it." I said
Isaiah goes to the house and unloads the boxes. The new house is about 45 minutes away so it will be awhile before he gets back. He said if I stayed and packed up it would go faster and we could get done quicker.
I go up to his bedroom and begin packing up the pictures and bubble wrapping them. So I get to this picture of him being nerdy with high waters and round glasses. So I heard the door open and someone come up stairs so I assume it's Isaiah.
And someone comes up behind me and wraps their arms around me. They don't feel the same and I turn around and realize its.............

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