Chapter 2

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Chantelle's P.O.V.
I turned around and saw that it was Isaiah talking.
"You look breathtaking" he said
"You clean up well yourself and what are you doing here?" I asked 
"Mr. Thompson has another computer tech company and I am partner there." Isaiah replied
"Mr. Thompson just recently promoted me to partner." I said
"Congratulations" he said
"Well thank you" I said looking around to see if we were alone
"Yeah my family is somewhere around here, I hope they don't see us over here. " I mumbled
I see Max headed over this way with his chest poked because he is not as big as Isaiah but he has muscle like him. He comes and stands right between us. "Whats up?, whats your name?" He asked
"Excused us for a moment" I told Isaiah I grabbed Max by the ear and dragged him to the side. 
"FYI we met at the Starbucks and we have just kind of met and we just so happen work for the same man now go find mom and stay over there and I will be there in a few."I said pointing away
I walked back over to where Isaiah standing.
"I am sorry about him, we are very close and he is just so protective over me like I am over him." I explained 
"Its cool because I have a little sister just like that and she always questions my date and girlfriends and dates like an interrogation." he said relating to me
"But anyways I was wondering tomorrow how about we grab some lunch and I want you you to take a personal day and come spend the day with me."he asked me
"Well you are a stranger to me so I can't just come anywhere with you?" I said
"You can trust me? You can let Max do a background check on me?" he said
"I'm going to let him search you and take pictures of you and your license plate." I said
"Ok that works for me" he said
"I'm just playing" I said
Can I get your number?" he asked
  "Okay I will be waiting on your call my number is 923-478-9902" I replied
"May I get everyone's attention please, I have a very important announcement to make....." Mr. Thompson said getting everyone's attention
"I gotta go Isaiah but I will see you tomorrow." I said and then we hugged and said goodnight
"Well I have a beautiful women on the inside and out becoming partner. Consistently this year and every since she has worked for me. I and I want my partner from Technologies Inc. to come and present the new partner, Isaiah Brown everyone" hands clap as he walked up to the podium
"Good evening I had pleasure of already meeting this young lady at Starbucks. From the short time I having been talking to her I can tell she is very ambitious. So I would like to introduce you the new partner of Samoht Inc. Chantel Mason." He said I get really nervous as everyone claps. I walk up to the podium and begin to speak.
"I would first like to thank God who is the head of my life I wouldn't be who I am today. I want to thank my family for all the support that you give to me, each and everyday to move forward and strive towards my goals I want to thank Mr. Thompson for giving me this promotion that I do not believe I deserve. Thank you Isaiah Brown for that wonderful presentation of me. I myself have also enjoyed our conversations and hope to have more in the future. But receiving this promotion comes from hard work and dedication.  Late nights at the office and early mornings. But in order to get to somewhere as such, you have to work hard, find motivation from within yourself, that nobody can't give you but yourself. Thank you again and everyone enjoy your evening" I said before stepping down from the podium.
I mingle with some important people a few more minutes and decided to go home.  When my brother took me home I noticed a car sitting outside that I had seen but wasn't sure because it was so dark outside.
I went inside and did my nightly routine and when I got in bed Isaiah sent me a text
Isaiah: This is my number
Me: What should I wear to our date tomorrow and where should me meet?
Isaiah: Would you like me to pick you up or would you like to meet me there ? Also where something sporty or that you wear to workout.
Me: Pick me up at my apartment and my address is 1025 Jackson Place, Apt #45
Isaiah: I will be there around 11
Me: Okay goodnight
Isaiah: Goodnight, beautiful
I check my Instagram, Facebook, and then my emails. I watch Youtube videos so I am able to fall asleep.
Next Morning
I wake up and lay there for a minute in my thoughts and finally decide to get up. I turned on the shower and I love when my showers steaming hot. I shower and get out and go into my closet to decide what I am gonna wear. As I was picking out what I am gonna wear Isaiah texts me.
Isaiah: I'm going to be at your place in like 10-15 minutes
Me: Just come on up and knock on my door and  come in. And you will have to sign in with my doorman before coming upstairs
I locked my phone and went into my closet and got some Nike leggings, my Long-sleeve Cleveland Cavaliers shirt, and black Nike baseball cap.
As I was brushing my teeth, I heard someone knock  in and come in, and forgot that I told Isaiah that he could come in.
"Hey, anybody home?" Isaiah yelled across the apartment
I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room.
"Are you ready to go?" he questioned
"Yeah I have a couple of more things to do" I said before going back to my bedroom to finished getting dressed. And then putting my baseball cap on.
"We are gonna do that has me dressed like this?" I asked
"We are going on a hike,  and then on the beach for lunch" he said standing up and fling his black and white Nike elite shorts, with a long sleeve blacks Nike shirt. And black nike socks, with some black and white Adidas Turbulences. I got my phone and PowerBeats for the workout and left and locked my apartment.
We went and got into his all red and white interior 2016 Dodge Challenger. We drove to Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Trail on the east side of Chicago. It's about 45 minutes from where I live.
"Why did you decide a hiking trail?" I asked
"It's so cliché to go to dinner, movie, or a picnic in the park. I like to be different, and I love exercise. Since I played football and baseball in high school and college. I had to stay physically fit, to keep up with the stamina." he explained
"That is cool, I was kind of overweight until my Senior Year of high school and then began to run about 4 miles a day and then to 8 miles, and it increased and I get about 14 miles a day, I hope to be able to run a 26-mile marathon one day. " I said
We pulled up at the trail and there were other cars there also. "Let's stretch" I said
"Why?" He asked
"Your an athlete you should know this, it keeps you loose and from hurting anything." I said
"Okay come on let's stretch" I said
We stretched out arms and legs, and we began jogging.
"So how long have you been working for Mr. Thompson?" He asked
"Roughly 5 years now" I said
"I am 30 years old, so I have been working for him since I was an intern, so that adds up to about 10 years old." He said
"That's a long time, and I am 27 years old, so we are near in age." I said
"What do you listen to when you exercise?" Isaiah asked
"Just a lot of upbeat music to keep me moving and the blood following." I said
We ran up the hike trail which is about 8 miles up and back down. We got to the last 2 miles of the run and I rolled my ankle.
"Ahh" I said falling down
"What is wrong?" Eli said crouching down next to me
"I think I rolled or sprained my ankle" I said
"Let's take off your shoe off and see" He said untying my shoe and pulling it off
"Ahh" I said
"Yea it's definitely messed up" he said
"What do you think we should do?" I asked
"Take you to the hospital and get it X-rayed" he said
He picked me up and took me to the hospital and they gave me an X-Ray and I sprained my ankle really bad. They gave me some pain mess and some crutches so I can stay off of it as much as I can. Isaiah took me back to my apartment to let me rest.
"My key is in my shoe" I said and pointed to the shoe he was carrying. He reached into my shoe and he got my keys and unlocked the door.
I walked in with my crutches and went straight for the bedroom. "I am gonna go and shower and change. You can shower, I have some of my brother clothes in the spare bedroom, you guys are about the same size." I said
"Okay I will" he said leaving for the bathroom.

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