Chapter 18

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Chantel's P.O.V

We got home and mom has already started fixing dinner. I went and put Bailey in her swinger and put it on the counter so I could watch her while I helped mom make dinner.

Isaiah went to his home office to catch up on some work. And do some designs and drawings.

We had fried chicken, corn, green beans, crescent rolls, normal rolls, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, red velvet cake, and cherry pie.

8:00 p.m.

I run down the hall to Isaiah's office.

Knock Knock

"Come in"

"Hey Isaiah"

"Hey babe, what's going on?"

"Everyone should be coming in a minute so can you come and get dressed? Mom is gonna watch Bailey so we can get dressed."

"Okay sure let me just shut everything down in here."

"Okay, I will be upstairs."

I go up stairs and I put on a multi-color skirt. I put on a white wife-beater and white sandals. Isaiah put on some green trousers and a Polo Ralph Lauren dress shirt and his sperry's with his multi-color socks.

Knock Knock

"I am going to get the door." Isaiah said

His sisters and their husbands came and 2 of their kids. My family had already came at like 5:00 pm to spend some more time with Bailey.

"Okay everyone can we come and sit down." Everyone came and sat down and around the table and I had put Bailey in her swinger by the dining room table between Isaiah and sitting at the end of the table.

"Can we all bow our heads and close our eyes." Isaiah said

"Dear God,

We thank you for this day and this gathering we have tonight. We thank for each and every family represented but we are all one family together. We thank you for the food that the cooks prepared we ask you to bless and make it nourishment to our bodies. Continue to bless us and keep us amen."

"Amen" everyone said

"Okay I would like to say something."

"Well I am just so thankful to have everyone here. This year had come with many surprises, sadness, happiness, and love. Isaiah I know your mom is looking down on us right now and is smiling. Not just this past year but the past years that we have been together. I still remember the first time we met, how we became CEOs, how we got together, your proposal, you buying us this house, and most of all us having out first child together.

I am just thankful for my father being okay and I can't thank God enough for this and I can't thank you guys enough for being their."

Maximus P.O.V.

"Well I have an announcement, well not just me but Alexis and I have announcement. Well as you know we have been married for about 8 1/2 months. You know when I got out of the military I have been working on my own business and I can finally say it had been launched and up and running.

But that's not all the news..... well let's just say Bailey is gonna have a boy or girl cousin

Isaiah P.O.V.

I was so happy for Maximus and Alexis I think they are happy and a wonderful couple.

After Maximus talked there was a knock at the door. I went and got the door and when I opened the door....lets just they were no match for me. I thought I would never see either of them again. After all we had been through.

Chantel's P.O.V.

I saw Isaiah walk back in the dining room with his hands up and my ex David and Isaiah's ex Summer walking in behind him.

"David how did........" "Shut up, and everyone sit down put your hands on the table and don't move." "David..." "I said shut up."

David's P.O.V.

I sit down beside Chantel and put my arm around her.

"This is so house you got here, your probably wondering why did I come here and it just so happen I stumbled upon Summer here and we got to talking about our ex's and it just so happen (in my sarcastic voice) that our ex's are married."

"Look at the pretty baby, what's her name??" I asked

"If you even think about touching my daughter or my wife so help me God." Isaiah chimed in

"Well you see Isaiah this was suppose to be my wife, supposed to be my daughter, supposed to be my house, supposed to be me sitting in that chair, and most of all Chantel was suppose to love me."

"You see it all started back when I lost my job and you still loved me and I began to drink. You know most women besides if they lost their job or not they are suppose to stick by their partner. So you kept giving me all these ultimatums about if you don't get yourself together I am gonna leave you.

I didn't want you to leave me, so I started my own company and we were back on track. Then one morning you called and wanted to meet up. So I am assuming that this is a genuine meet up you really want to talk. We get to Starbucks and your exact words.

"David you know I love you and I want the best for you. I am so happy and proud that you started your own business and that your doing well but I don't want to be your fall back anymore. I had to pay bills, rent, dinner, movies, clothes, and shoes and I don't want to be left with that responsibility again. I am not doing this out of spite but I am doing this to protect my self. I am not gonna be home for awhile so that gives you sometime to get your things out of my place.

I truly am sorry, I just don't be the one the one you blame for some mistakes or holding you back."

"You know you didn't hold me back you made me a better man. You were the one that was there when everyone else turned their back on me and told me I would never start a business. But see you know you were gonna be mine. But now you gotta suffer because Summer and I are getting married.

Chantel's P.O.V.

"David my baby is crying she is hungry I have to feed her. Can I got and get her boppy, blanket, diapers, wipes, and other things she may need???"

"Yeah, I am gonna be nice because that's the nice guy I am gonna be but Summer has to go with you. If she tries anything Summer you know what to do. Can Lily help me?? also...."

"Yeah go head sweetie."

Lily and I get up from the table slowly and go upstairs with Summer following us. "Wow this is what its' like being married to Isaiah, I should've proposed to him when we were in high school."

"Hey lily can you get cousin Bailey's diaper bag out of the closet with her initials on it."

We get everything we need and go back downstairs with everything Bailey may need. I go sit back down and get Isaiah to stand up and hold the blanket up while I get Bailey to latch on, and then put the blanket down.

"Can I ask you something??" I asked Summer and David "yeah go ahead"

"I am just wondering what did we do to you guys that would make you want to hold our family at gun point?"

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