Chapter 10

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I turn around and it's the guy from the elevator. "What are you doing here?" I asked being frightened and backing away slowly
"I told you I get what I want and I want you right now." He pushed me down on the bed and I scream hand he punches me. He punches me again after I scream super loud. He begins to kiss me on my neck and ran his hands down my pants and
"Chantel, where are you?" Isaiah screams. I yell "He's here, Upstairs" The guy from the elevator runs out on the balcony and jumps downs and run away.

Isaiah runs up in a rage and his adrenaline running. "Where is he?" I continue to cry hysterically. "He went out on the balcony, and ran away." "Babe, I am so sorry, tomorrow I'm gonna find him and send him a message."

"Are you okay, I am supposed to protect you and let nothing happen." "Babe, it was unpredictable and it was not your fault."

We go and get something to eat after taking the last load over and we put some wood in the fireplace.

"Let's make this a goodbye and romantic evening with the 2 of us to make up for what happened earlier"

"So what do you think about the CEO job that Mr. Thompson is offering us?" "I think it will be good for us, and we can find a building and combine the companies in one. So that we can continually stay focus and make sure everything is okay."

"Yeah, Isaiah let's do it," Its only 7:00 let's go and get my dads F350 and take this stuff and move in to the storage unit and we can lock up. The once we are ready to have the yard sale we can pull it"

We go and take the bed and couch and whatever else that we sell to the storage unit and go back and lock up his place.
Then head to my place to get ready for the next day.

"What color you want to wear?" I ask Isaiah, while looking into the box. "Let's just go with red and white." He comes up and grabs me and throws me on the bed and begins to get carried away.

The Next Day
I wake up to breakfast on my bed and a gone Isaiah with a note.

I got up and got dressed and went to Starbucks to get some business done because I didn't want to wake you. So when you wake up I will be in the hallway coming in.

Your Love

Sure enough as I get up I hear his key in the door. I get my try and bring it into the kitchen on the island as Isaiah comes in. "Hey my love, did you like the breakfast I made for you?" "Yes", I pull him closer and make out with him.

"Okay, did you get me some Starbucks?" "I was but I want it to be hot and I don't think rehearsed Starbucks is good, that's why we are gonna leave a little earlier."

I go and get dressed and flat-iron my hair put on my red dress with a white cardigan, and red LuLu Townsend. Isaiah decides to put on a black suit with red bow tie and white shirt. With his black Gucci shoes I bought him this past weekend.

We get to the office and go up to Mr. Thompson's office. "Hi Mr. Thompson, how you doing?" I ask. "I am good hanging in there, I assume you guys have made a decision." "Yes, Isaiah do you want to tell him our decision." "After talking it over multiple times last night and this morning. Also taking everything into consideration not just business wise but would it be a strain on our relationship and marriage. We have made the decision to become CEOs of them."

"That is great, and I have some advice for you guys. Continue to communicate and make sure you have a good relationship. Also keep your personal business between you two don't tell anyone besides each other. Keep business with business and personal business with personal business. Isaiah continue to treat her like the queen she is and you Chantel don't except anything less."

"Thank you so much Mr. Thompson for everything that you have done for us and I pray that you and your wife get better soon."

"Please call me T.J. I am not your boss anymore. I give you the right hand to these companies and they are yours. We are not gonna have a celebration for the 2 of you because I don't want any confusion I just want to keep the company smooth. Both of my offices will be cleaned by the morning so it will be yours."

We go and walk in my office and there are chocolates and roses on my desk. "Ahhhhh babe you are so sweet, you did this for me." "I didn't do that, who is on the little comment card." "It reads

I apologize for the other day, but I wanted to send my love some flowers and candy. I get what I want when I want like I said earlier.
Elevator Boy
"Chantel I am going to kill him once I find out who he is. He has messed with the wrong mans women. He is gonna wish he had never saw my beautiful fiancè."

Later that day

"Isaiah I am going to pick up my brother to take him to base. This is gonna be hard for me because I have gotten used to him being her." I say as I begin to cry and Isaiah comes to hold me.

"I don't know what I would do without him, I think I would go crazy and loose my mind." "Chantel, you will not lose you mind or go crazy because I am here to comfort you no matter what is going on."

We go to my parents house and my family knew if got proposed to but they didn't see the ring.

Maximus's P.OV.

I hear my sister Chantel come in as I am putting my final things in my duffel bag. I have a gift for my sister, I am so happy she found someone that she could love and they would love her back. I wrap the dog tags that I have gotten made. I had 2 sets made one with her name and one with my name.

Out of all the siblings we are the closest and if something were to ever happen to me I don't know what she would do without me. I put her dog tag in a box and mine on my neck and take one last room around my neck.

Before I leave I write a letter to my family if something were to happen to me but I pray to God nothing does. You know I had to write a personal one to Chantel 2nd favorite women.

I head downstairs to say an emotional goodbye that I always do every time that I leave. Then we get in the car and the whole time on the way to the Base.

We get to the base and Chantel is just a complete mess so I go and hug Isaiah first. "Maximus Powers, you use those powers while you over there. I need you to come back safe because of Chantel man. Be safe and I don't care what you have to do just come home man." "Thanks Isaiah, I will and you just take care of my sister and don't let her focus too much on me okay." "Okay man"

"C'mon sis, bring it in." I grab her and just hold her because I know how hard this is for her. "Max I don't want you to go I want you to stay and be safe." She says while crying. I know sis but I promise I will be back for the wedding my be earlier. I got this for you, because I know how much you miss me. I wrote this letter for you also. I want you to wait until I leave the states and I leave tomorrow at 5:00 am."

I hold her for a few minutes and kiss her on the cheek. "Chantel I love you and I will see you soon. Bye" I say as cry's harder and she got weak in her legs so Isaiah carried her back to the car.

This will be the last tour and then I will be some with active duty overseas. I hope I will be able to endure this.

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