Chapter 17

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Maximus P.O.V.

"This basement had really changed since I left, and I can tell you really took a lot of time." "Well MP when you have a pregnant wife that is on bed rest and you are at home with her all day everyday until she goes into labor. This where I spent most of my time because she was working basically from the bed all day."

"So give me the insight on Alexis? And what happened? you know it was a surprise to all of us especially Chantel."

"Well Alexis and I were talking everyday sometimes 3 and 4 times a day. So we went out together like a friendship thing with Lilly. Then one evening we went out exclusively, when Lilly was on a sleep over. So we went to dinner, got dessert, dancing, and just sat in the park and talked.

She talked to Lilly about me being around whether she was comfortable. She told her yeah and Alexis asked her quite a few times to make sure she was 100% sure.

Then I one day took Lilly out for Ice Cream and asked her could I marry her mom? Lilly was like I think my father would approve so I approve and you are my new dad. My birth father is in heaven but you are my dad now.

Then we went and picked out a ring that day. So we went out to dinner as a family. Then she went to the bathroom and I got prepared and when she came back I got down on one knee and proposed. Then just this morning we woke up, and I was just like let's get married.

So here we are married now." "You know Chantel is upset at you?" "I know I feel that we should talk now. Let's go up to the baby room and we will talk."

Isaiah and I go to the baby room. "Alexis and Lilly let me show you the rest of the house." They walk out and go downstairs. "Chantel may I hold her?" "Yeah" "We need to talk about this thing with Alexis. I didn't do this to hurt you I did it for me."

"I completely understand it's the fact of the matter that you didn't tell me. I let you meet Isaiah, he asked you and daddy for my hand in marriage. I feel you didn't respect the fact of us being close and meeting each other's partners. I felt left out of the fact that you went and got married without any notice."

"Well first I truly apologize for that because I know what it feels like being on the outskirts. But Alexis and I getting married doesn't come between us anymore or any less. You and I will always be close and I love you and I love you too Bailey.

Chantel how did you make her look so beautiful? I think Isaiah and I will have to both have to have shot guns when she gets old enough. Bailey open your eyes sweetie I wanna see those beautiful hazel eyes. So how long is mom gonna stay with you? "I think she is gonna stay for a couple of weeks to help me get used to Bailey and her sleeping habits."

"Okay here is Bailey, we have to go get the little munch-skin home in bed going to the amusement park and then her parents house for dinner." Okay I will see if mom and I can make dinner and maybe y'all can come by."

Chantel's P.O.V.

We go downstairs and mom is down there talking with Isaiah, Alexis, and Lilly. Unpacking all the things she bought from home and the store.

"Isaiah and mom I am gonna go to bed and Bailey will be in the bassinet in our room. Mom the guess room is ready." "Okay sweetie I am right behind you, you have to feed her before you go to sleep. Isaiah can you put the groceries up."

Mom helps me breast feed Bailey and then she falls right asleep and then I fall asleep. Throughout the night it was pretty rough because we have to feed her almost every time she wakes up. Isaiah would get up and change her while I slept longer. Then he would wake me up give her to me and he goes back to sleep. So we had a good schedule and regime for her.

A couple days later

"Hey babe I am gonna run by your sisters shop and get my much needed haircut." "Okay, I am gonna run by the office to show them Bailey they haven't seen her yet and I think it's time we get out. Okay be back by 6 mom is making dinner."

Isaiah is wearing this golf hat and a polo shirt, polo jacket, jeans, and mint green and white roshe runs. "Hey Bailey and I will go with you because I need my hair washed and I don't feel like it and we are gonna run by the office to show them Bailey."

"Okay, hurry up I will get Bailey dressed. I am gonna put her pink sun dress." I hurry up and put a maxi skirt, white shirt, jean jacket, and white bow sandals.

"Chantel I am gonna put her in her car seat and we will be in the Mercedes." "Okay I am coming now."

20 minutes later

"Angelic my mane needs to be tamed and I want to try something new. Do a number 2 on the sides and the back and a scissor trim on the top." "After you are done with him can you wash my hair?" "yeah I don't have an appointment till 5:00 and then I am done for the day and it is 3:08 now." "Mom is cooking dinner at our house at 6 are you coming over?" "Yeah I may be a little late because I gotta close up."

"So there's a rumor going around that there is a new person in someone's life." "yeah you know Lauren always has a different boyfriend every week. "Nope I am talking about you." "Who told you?" "you just did, I got it out of you. when do the family get to meet this young man?"

"Well we haven't been together that long and we don't even have titles yet so." "Okay I want to be the first to meet him and talk to him with his intentions towards my sister."

Angelic finish cutting Isaiah's hair and wash my hair. Isaiah and I decide to go and visit his moms grave rather then go to the office.

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