Chapter 24

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Isaiah P.O.V.
The trial began and it just was the logistics, Chantel told me we got a new judge so they had to fill him in on what happened.
"Your honor, the victim was hosting a family meal, when the to suspects came into their home non-forces entry, they posed as normal people knocking on the door to do know harm and once the door was open David and Summer began holding the victims at gunpoint."
"Do the suspects have a defense" "Yes your honor this could be merely hear-say." David and Summer's lawyer said "Your honor there was a bullet in the ceiling and a bullet in the victim and a pool of the victims blood Isaiah Walter in the middle of the dinning room. We have a consistent testimonies saying that they shot the victim Isaiah Walter and the suspect David rubbed the gun across Isaiah Walter and Chantel Walter 4 month old daughter who was just about 2 months at the time."
After a bunch of going back and forth
in the case it was finally done.
"We have are gonna take a recess and this shall be resume tomorrow morning at 9:30."
The DA lawyer comes and talk to Chantel, Maximus, Alexis, and I.
Okay now tomorrow we will be questioning them and then Wednesday and Thursday we are gonna be questioning you guys and your parents. So all of you need to be here including Bailey both of those days because she was apart of it even though she can't talk and little Lily needs to be here if it's okay we may have to put her on the stand to make sure we have a solid case but I will tell you tomorrow for sure."
Chantel's P.O.V.
We got done at court around 2 and got home at about 3. Isaiah and I grab some take out and go home and eat it. Isaiah and I crashed after we got done eating. I know Isaiah was tired from today but I am extremely tired being down one and trying to go to work, take car of his needs, take car of Bailey, clean, and then try and rest and cook. It drains me so much but I have to give Isaiah some credit he does try and he does what he can like puts up dishes, attempts to change Bailey's diaper and put her to bed. And do other things for himself and he is trying to drive.
Isaiah crashes on the couch after eating and I go upstairs and try and get some business done and some laundry while Isaiah is asleep and Bailey is away. But I ended up laying on the bed and getting on Facebook while watching Baggage Claim (awesome movie by the way can't get over it). Then finally I just dozed and off and began to fall asleep into a deep sleep.
Isaiah's P.O.V.
I woke up to see that it was dark outside and grabbed my phone which read 8:30. After setting the alarm I went upstairs to go to bed and I see Chantel knocked out. I know she has to be tired between running a company, taking care of me and the baby and still being a wonderful wife and mother I know what she feels. My baby was spread across the bed her feet going at the end of the bed and her in the middle sort of. I decided to not disturb her sleep so I pull the comforter from under her and kissed her goodnight.
I almost turned off the tv when I realized she loves to hear the tv when she sleeps by herself.
I love her so much I hate David for shooting me because I have to ask her for help and I know she is tired but she won't say she is. I think I am gonna clean some things up and do something's for her to let her breath.
She deserves this and she needs me and I need her because we are a team.
Chantel's P.O.V.
The next morning I woke up and felt rested I got much needed sleep last night. I looked at the clock and it said 11:30 I jumped out of bed and realized I had to go to court. But I saw a note on the bed as I was making it up.
"Dear Chantel,
Good Morning beautiful, you have been asleep since sometime last night after I crashed. I went ahead to court because I know how tired you are. So here is a gift from Bailey and I, there will be a car to pick you up at 2:15 and then you will head to the spa for full body massage, then it's off to the nail salon, and one final stop at the hair salon.
Your parents are gonna keep Bailey again tonight for us so we can have some one on one time. I know you have been stressed and tired from being caretaker to main bread winner. I love you even more for taking upon so much and not complaining once about it. Love you more than you can imagine.
My husband is so sweet, and thoughtful for thinking of me. I love him and that's why I married the man I married. Because if it had've been any other man I don't think they would've done this for me and I can't take him for granted and he just showed me he doesn't take me for granted.
Later that evening
After a full day of being pampered I was able to go home and then go on a night on the town with my wonderful hubby. After being pampered I was given a dress, a short purple Gucci dress with my red bottoms and I put on my wedding ring, diamon tennis bracelet, diamond stud earrings and a diamond necklace that Isaiah bought me. It's raining diamonds he bought me so much it's only right that he gets something out of it tonight. I head home and feeling relieved and stress free.
I walk in and I am greeted by his well dressed self in a black Armani suit with a white button down and a light blue tie. I walk over and kiss him on his lips and hug him.
"Hey sweetie" I say "Hey sweetheart, did you enjoy your day?" Isaiah asks
"Yes I did enjoy the much needed day of relaxation. I thought the note you left me was so sweet."I confess
"Well tonight is about you, first we are gonna go grab dinner at "Von Qui", second we are gonna go walk and then we are gonna come back here for some dessert. I think I am gonna put my sling down for the dessert though because I wouldn't want it to be in the way." Isaiah says
Isaiah's P.O.V
The night was beautiful it looked as if someone had thrown diamonds all across the sky and the were just shining. Dinner was delicious and romantic and we took a walk after dinner down on the pier and then came home and had dessert.
I pulled off the sling as we started vigorously kissing each other. I carried my wife up the stairs with her undressing me. I drop her on the bed, my arm is a little sore but it goes away as we go.
I enter her and began to thrust making her scream my name over and over again. I began kissing her down her body and make her back arch and scream. I think I did my job to make my wife feel just like I did honey moon night.

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