1. Run Dog, Run!

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  • Dedicated to Marley for giving me inspiration

Okay to the people who have started reading this, thankyou :) Im probably talking to no one right now but I'm really excited about this story! I can't wait to get it going hehehe :3

I'm a little insane but stick with me ;)


ehehe vote comment and fan

- Miki x

p.s; italics and bold won't work , so not hate for plain writing please !


I slowly lifted the huge suitcase from the car and hauled it inside. Grunting, I pulled it up the stairs and lay it down near a bedroom door. Instantly my older brother, Jack, kicked my suitcase back down the stairs, laughing. "Jack! You idiot! Go get that!" I yelled. Stupid brother!

"Get it yourself, lazy ass." He growled. I glared at him before storming back down the stairs. Just as I was about to pick my suitcase up my oversized rat of a dog bolted through the door and straight for me. I giggled as the small Maltese/Poodle/Pomeranian licked my hand, his leash still clipped to his collar. I instantly unclipped it and then watched as the front door swung wide. Straight away I regretted unclipping his leash.

"Marley!" I screamed after him as he sprinted for the door. He didn't listen. Stupid dog... I ran after him, pushing past the movers and running down the streets of London. I heard my mum calling for me but ignored her, running after my Marley. "Marley, stop!" I panted. He turned a corner and I followed suit. I stopped as I saw him in a familiar man's arms.

"Hey little puppy. Who do you belong to?" The man cooed. I slowly walked up to him and nearly laughed as Marley licked his chin. "Ew. Mutt germs." The man rolled his eyes.

"Um... That's my dog..." I told him. The man looked up and I was staring into brilliant blue eyes. "And his not a puppy. His two years." I explained, carefully pulling Marley out of his grasp. "Hey Marls. Don't run away again!" I warned. The man chuckled. I knew that chuckle... Oh, my God! He couldn't be... "I'm Lily Knight." I told him, awkwardly shifting Marley to shake his hand. He nodded.

"It's lovely to meet you. I haven't seen you around... You new?" He asked casually. I looked at the ground and thought up a lie.

"Um.. Staying for a holiday." I smiled up at him again. He nodded, trying to identify my accent. Sighing I rolled my eyes. "I'm Australian." I told him. He nodded as his mouth formed an 'O' shape. "Um, I've got to go... But it was nice mee-. Wait, I didn't get your name..." I hinted. His eyes flashed with surprise but he contained it.

"Louis Tomlinson." He told me, smiling easily. I giggled, realizing I was right. "What's funny?" He asked, curiously.

"I'll let you in on a secret, Louis." I told him, pulling him closer so I could whisper in his ear. "I already knew." I confessed. He pulled back, looking slightly confused and hugely worried. "But don't worry. You're just another guy to me." I assured him, then with Marley in my arms I started the walk back home.

***Louis' P.O.V***

Walking back to the complex was kind of a daze. I was still caught up in Lily's grey eyes. They sparkled when she looked down at the squirming dog, almost as if she were in love with the beautiful puppy. The sparkle lessened when she looked at me. I didn't think she liked the band, or knew who we were. But she seemed happy enough to talk to me... And then she said she knew who I was. Shaking the thoughts I walked cheerily up to my shared apartment with Harry. "Honey, I'm home!" I screamed as I entered the apartment.

"Food!" I heard Niall yell from my lounge room and I instantly froze. I knew I'd gone out for something. "Louis... Why don't you have grocery bags?" Niall asked, walking over to me.

"Um... Well... You see... I ran into... someone... And well..." I stammered, trying to think up something excusable. Not working! COME ON BRAIN!

"He forgot." Harry called, stating the obvious. "Or ran into a pretty girl with a dog." Harry chuckled, walking into the hallway. I frowned, how'd he know? "There are pictures all over twitter." He explained. I frowned even more. Already? "They know her twitter name Lou..." He muttered.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. She was going to get so much hate! "How?" I asked. He shrugged. I shrugged as well pulling my phone out and, walking into the loungeroom to sit down. I quickly logged onto twitter. I scrolled through my mentions and saw both Lily and I tagged in millions of hate tweets. I clicked on her account and read her last tweet.


Stop the hate, thanks. Lou just saved my dog. Soo much appreciated if you all fuck off :) #nohate

I giggled then read the one before it. My mouth turned up into a smile as I saw it was posted 7 minutes after I'd met her.


Just ran into @Louis_Tomlinson ... He's not what I expected, attractive even.. He saved my Marley! Xx #thankyouLouis xx

I smiled and replied to her without thinking. She could handle the hate right? I mean, I'd help her if she needed it.


You're very welcome @Lily_Loves_Youu ! Marley's a very cute dog with a very cute owner ;) hope he's alright x

I smiled as I hit send. Instantly my twitter blew up with mentions- mostly hate- until I logged out. Well that was interesting. It also seems that Lily finds me attractive. Likewise Lily, definitely likewise.

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