21. Forgetting A 'Crush'

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11 VOTES OVER NIGHT!!!! thank you to the people that voted xxx 

Guys I don't have bold... or italics... I'm on my mums stupid Samsung tablet... (get an Ipad, not these.) So don't blame me for errors 

Anyway i hope you like this chapter, it has a little bit of romance... I guess.  


And comment vote and fannnn 

Stay awesome! 

- Miki x 

"I don't think you can really define love." - Harry Styles.


***Lily's P.O.V***

Everything was slightly awkward as I was dragged out of the house. Alex was talking animatedly about how fun the club was and how we should go out more often. I kind of zoned out and thought about Louis. He had ignored Simon's 'don't talk to her' orders and spoken to me over the internet. Same with the other lads. I was so happy! Wait, lads..? I was turning English, I swear.

"Lily?" Alex asked. I looked at him and mumbled something. "Get in?" He asked, pointing to the open car door. I blushed and slid into the car, where I took out my phone and scrolled through Twitter. "You alright, Lily?" Alex asked once he was seated.

"Yeah... It's just a little sudden to be going on a date, you know?" I asked. "And seriously I'm not wearing the best clothes..." I muttered, looking down at my ripped jeans and low cut top with the words 'It's A Secret' on it. It fell above my belly button and showed off my new belly piercing. I also had on those awesome black high tops that had the green stripe going down it that I'd worn while singing Liar, Liar...

"You look perfect, Lily." Alex told me and I blushed. I looked at my phone and decided to ignore my inner wantings to text Louis. "Seriously, how do you get a body like that? You look gorgeous." He went on. I smiled and could feel my cheeks turn more red.

"Thanks, Al." I smiled. He smiled and grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers together and slowly trailing his thumb back and forth over my thumb-knuckle. Thank God the car was an automatic... "So... Where are we going?" I asked. Alex chuckled but kept quiet. "Not telling me?" I asked. He shook his head and squeezed my hand once.

For the rest of the car ride I sulked and begged him to tell me, and when he pulled up outside a park with no one in it I laughed. Most clichéd date EVER. He got out of the car and walked to my side of the car, opening it before I could and gesturing me out of the car. "Why, thank you." I smiled, kissing his cheek. He blushed and went to the boot of the car and opened it, grabbing out a classic picnic basket and a very normal-looking blanket.

"Picnic date." Alex stated as he led me over to a willow tree that stood tall over a shallow lake. Its branches leaned down over the lake, touching the water delicately and creating ripples as they moved slightly in the wind. Alex laid the blanket out carefully and placed the basket on one corner with medium sized rocks on the other three. He sat down and I copied him, sitting with both my legs out to my left side.

"How the hell did you get food without someone noticing?" I asked as he pulled plate after plate of food out of the basket. He smiled cheekily and I was instantly reminded of Louis' smile when he was in Simon's house after I'd sung Torn.

"Actually... Brad caught me and I had to beat him up to keep him quiet." He winked and dipped a strawberry from one bowl into another, pulling it out to show me it was covered in melted chocolate. I opened my mouth and he let me bite the tip of the strawberry off, leaving him with the stalk.

"What else you got, Alex?" I asked. He tipped a few bowls towards me and I saw a bowl full of chips - oops I mean crisps, we're in England people -, another full of snake Lollies, another full of Maltesers and so on. My favorite had to be the plate that contained Fairy Bread. I am absolutely in love with Fairy Bread. I picked up another piece of bread and took a bite of a corner. "Tell me about yourself Alex." I ordered once I'd swallowed.

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