16. Liar, Liar

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hey guys! it's pretty cool that Im not on writers block right now hahah! i usually am... 

anyways, i hope you like because it's a kinda dramatic chapter! 

so comment vote and fan! 

Stay awesome ;) 

- Miki x 

"There comes a day when you realise turning the page is the best feeling." - Zayn Malik


***Louis' P.O.V***

Lily's older brother... Why the hell was he here? That's what you're asking right? Well, his 'mother' refused to tell him anything because... Well he doesn't know. And his dad up and left to start working in a factory somewhere. So he came here and threatened us and security took him out and explained everything to him... It was quite funny and when the door closed after them I burst out laughing.

"Louis! That guy nearly killed us!" Harry spluttered, laughing as well. I stopped laughing but the occasional giggle left my lips.

"Guys... It's not that funny..." Zayn told us. Niall nodded, but you could tell he was trying not to laugh. He was doing quite well for Niall. Liam was on the phone trying to call Lily but we knew she would either be in practice or ignoring us...

"Well... I'm hungry. Can we go get food?" Niall asked. I looked at Zayn, he was always in charge when Liam was busy.

"How about we stay in and eat?" Zayn asked. Niall rolled his eyes and walked out of the apartment, heading to Liam's which is where we usually eat. I followed him slowly, wanting to hear if Liam got a hold of Lily.

Of course... He never did.

***Lily's P.O.V***

"I hope you realise that when Simon finds out he will kill you!" Shreya tried to argue with me. It was a day before the live show and I was practicing quietly in my room. I nodded but kept singing. Shreya and the band were the only ones who knew about the change in song and I didn't doubt that Simon would happily throttle me when he finds out. It is against the rules...

"I know Shrey." I told her once I'd finished singing. She nodded slowly and eyed me as if I was the strange one in the room. Well... I did throw chairs... "Anyway... I need to do this. You can find out afterwards why." I told her. She nodded again and went back to singing 'Untouchable' by Taylor Swift. I didn't like how we always had to cut out parts of the song... It's upsetting.

"I can't believe you're going against the rules." She whispered. I turned to her and she looked really upset. I smiled sadly and went over to hug her.

"Don't worry, Shrey. It'll be fine." I told her. She nodded and we both went to relax by the houses pool.


I watched as Shreya sung her heart out on stage. She was so cute! That's why she's my best friend. Even though she tried to get me into smoking... Don't try it... It's gross.

"Wow! That was amazing Shreya!" Caroline exclaimed when she walked out on stage. I rolled my eyes and did a once over, making sure that everything was where I needed it to be. Simon wanted me in a dress and heels. Instead I was wearing grey denim short-shorts and a camo. tank top with the best high tops. They were black with neon green stripes going down the sides. And just to piss Simon off I'd put my hair in two pony tails down my front and had put two stripes of black paint on each of my cheeks. It didn't suit the song choice but I reckon I looked cute.

"And now! Lily Deacon!" Caroline cheered. The doors opened and I stepped forward, meeting Simon's confused grimace with a smirk. The piano started and I walked forward a few steps. I was looking directly at Simon as I sung.

"Can't see you anymore 

You're in, and shut the door 

Didn't know what I do know now 

With words I've been betrayed 

You respond and let them fade 

And I just won't let you bring me down

You can see what I know and I know 

Somewhere there's a sorry heart

Tell me why these roads keep leading 

Leading you right back to me

Liar liar, don't cry on my shoulder 

You played with fire 

And smiled when you told her 

Oh, oh, thought you were someone 

Oh, oh goodbye to no one." As the drums started I moved more freely, walking to the front of the stage and smiling sweetly at Simon as he glared heavily. I was loving it, making sure Simon knew that I knew about Louis.

"Eye the rain as it falls in your hands 

Will there be another storm?

Tell me why these roads keep leading 

Leading you right back

Liar liar, don't cry on my shoulder 

You played with fire 

And smiled when you told her 

Oh, oh, thought you were someone 

Oh, oh goodbye to no one

I don't need to know you'll be there

You're not on my mind

I don't need to know you care

Please don't waste my time

Liar liar, don't cry on my shoulder

You played with fire

And smiled when you told her

Liar liar, don't cry on my shoulder

You played with fire

And smiled when you told her

Oh, oh, thought you were someone

Oh, oh goodbye to no one

Oh, oh, thought you were someone

Oh, oh goodbye to no one." And just like that the crowd was on its feet yet again and cheering their hearts out as I breathed heavily and cringed under Simon's deathly stare.

Again Caroline came on stage and started to talk about how good it was and I looked amazing and all this other crap while I just nodded and smiled. She asked Dani what she thought and, you guessed it, she loved it. Cher agreed and started saying I looked smoking and I laughed. Last but not least, Simon was just silent.

"Simon?" Caroline asked again. He stood up and shook his head. I watched as he started walking off the judges podium and walked away, not looking back once. "Oh..." Caroline muttered as everyone started murmuring about Simon leaving.

"Keep the show going Caroline." I hissed and she nodded as I sprinted off stage and after Simon's retreating figure.


I caught Simon as he was about to walk out of the studio. "Simon! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I shouted. I was vaguely aware of some cameras following us and new we were live.

"What am I doing, Lily?!" He shouted back, turning around and facing me. "What are you doing?!" He asked. I stood there, speechless as he stood flush against me. "You just broke the rules by singing something that I didn't choose. I could kick your ass off the show right now!" He told me.

"I was doing something to stand up to a liar." I growled quietly. "Have you ever thought about the fact that you lied about one of my closest friends hated me when maybe I was being lied to at home? Maybe I was actually needed him?!" I yelled back. He looked taken aback as I turned and faced the camera. "Behold a liar." I whispered sweeping my arm towards Simon. And just like that I walked down the corridor and to the backstage area.

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