9. Intervention - Louis Tomlinson Style

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Okay, dont blame me if its terrible. I cant exactly figure out everything at the moment, but im trying. Ill, make sure the story becomes great! i just have to figure out how... :)

Not edited, sorry

Love you all,

- Miki x

"Life is a funny thing , the minute you think you've got everything figured out something comes along and turns it upside down :D mwah x" - Zayn Malik


***Lily's P.O.V***

"You really think he won't care?" I asked Shreya as we walked outside. The stress had been getting to us and Shreya had told me of a guilty habit to get rid of the unwanted stress. She handed me a cigarette and a lighter. Biting my lip before putting the smoke in my mouth and lighting the other end.

"Of course he won't mind! He's like your guy best friend!" She winked at me. I rolled my eyes and took a drag of the smoke. I inhaled again and felt the tabacco smoke burning down to my lungs. Blowing it out, I sighed.

"I'll call him and see." I told her. She nodded. Shreya had definitely become my best friend while here. We practiced the song we would be singing to Simon together and told each other what flaws we had. It was actually really awesome to have someone tell me if I was off-key..

"Okay, finish this first, then we practice, then you can call Lou." Shreya was also the only one that knew about Louis Tomlinson telling me to go on here and stuff. She thought he liked me...

Bullshit right?

***Louis' P.O.V***

I liked Lily.

There, I admitted it. I, Louis Tomlinson, have a crush on Lily Deacon.

No one will tell her, right? Good. Didn't want her ego any bigger than it is.

"Louis!" Harry called from his room. "Louis your phone is going off and I still have a hangover. I will throw it at a wall!" He threatened. I chuckled. Wait, my phone is ringing?!

"PHONE!" I yelled before running into my room across from Harry's. I heard him groan at my yelling but ignored him as I saw Lily's name on my screen. I pressed 'answer'. "Louis' phone." I answered in my most girliest voice.

"Hey Lou..." Lily mumbled.

"Lil? You alright babe?" I asked, not meaning 'babe' to slip out. I heard her sigh then something smash. "What was that?" I asked.

"I threw a chair at Shreya." She told me. Shreya? Who the hell is-? Wait! She threw a CHAIR at someone? "Don't worry though, it only hit her leg." Lily giggled.

"Is there something wrong with you? Like, mental wise?" I asked, trying to sound serious while on the inside I was rolling around on the floor pissing myself laughing.

"Meh, probably." She giggled again. "Anyway Lou, I just wanted to tell you that... Um well... I'm kind of copying you and singing Torn." She told me. I was silent for a minute. She was singing Torn? It was like One Direction's national anthem! "Only if you want me to! I mean, you can say no, I just wanted to sing it because it's such a beautiful song and-."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I laughed. She stopped talking while I heard Harry complain from his room again. "Yes, you can sing Torn!" I told her. I heard her sigh in relief. "Just take precious care of it, alright?" I ordered.

"Yes, sir." She laughed. "I gotta go, Shreya and I are going out for a smo-." She stopped, cutting herself off. Was she going to say..?

"Lily, did you just say you're going out for a SMOKE?" I asked, starting to get angry.

"Um... No?" It sounded more like a question then a legit answer. Before I could tell her off she cut me off. "Sorry Lou! Gotta go, bye!" Then I was met by the beep that meant she hung up. I threw my phone onto my bed and stormed into Harry's room.

"HARRY! UP, NOW! INTERVENTION FOR LILY WITHOUR HER HERE!" I screamed in his ear. He quickly clutched his forehead and groaned. I grabbed hold of his hands and pulled him off the bed, not caring when he was only wearing boxers. When he was successfully off the bed I grabbed his phone and made a call-convo-thing with the other boys.

"What is it Lou?" Liam asked once Zayn and Niall had picked up. "If it's about Lily singing Torn, we know. She text all of us and-."

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BLOODY SONG!" I yelled. I heard all three boys sigh. "It is about Lily though..." I trailed off hearing them groan.

"We know you like her Boobear. Can we go back to relaxing now?" Liam asked.

"She started smoking." I stated. I heard Zayn murmer something before hanging up, Liam made an 'oh...' sound before doing the same while Niall just hung up. I kicked Harry's side softly. "Boys are coming over Harreh!" I shouted.

"Piss off." He groaned. Aw, my poor Hazzabear. Meh, his fault he got REALLY drunk last night. I think he hooked up with some brunette bimbo... Hearing a knock at the door I forgot about the brunette bimbo and sprinted for the door. Opening it I quickly pulled all the boys inside, slammed the door and ushered them into the living room.

"What do we do?" Niall asked. He loved Lily like a sister, mostly because she ate as much as him. "We can't have two close friends ruining their lungs... No offense Zayn." He added.

"None taken, Nialler. I don't want her doing it either. You know I've been meaning to quit, and I don't want her starting." Zayn told everyone.

"She's practicing now, so we can't call her. But maybe we could text her and tell her we don't want her hurting herself." Liam suggested as Harry walked in. I winced when he said 'hurting herself' as it brought back memories of her broken in her room with blood staining her ankle.

"Yeah, or we could go there? You know, turn up and intervention her there." Niall suggested. Everyone stared at him. "What? I have awesome ideas sometimes too, you know." He grumbled. I walked over and sat on his lap.

"And awesome idea it is, my minion." I told him, stroking his dyed hair. "So it's settled." I shouted, jumping up and smiling at my four best friends. "We leave tomorrow." I told them before running into my room to pack.

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