20. More Apologies

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hi guys xD please read the little thingy at the end, it's SUPER important... :D 

enjoy <3

3X 0H 3X OH Gossip goat ;) 

- Miki x 

Interviewer: "Do you have any phobias?" Louis Tomlinson: "Growing up."


***Louis' P.O.V***

Photos of Lily at a club were everywhere the next day. One was were she was singing 'Rumour Has It' by Adele and others were when she was kissing another contestant.

I wouldn't talk to the boys all day after I saw the pictures. I know it was rude, I knew that they would probably be worried, but my chest hurt to much to talk to anyone and I refused to eat. I was hurting myself even though I didn't realise it. I just... wasn't hungry...

It was probably half 2 in the afternoon when Harry walked in with Niall by his side. They sat down on my bed and just stared at me. I tried to talk to them, believe me I tried, but it hurt to much. "Lou... Mate... You need to get over her." Harry murmured. I thought we'd had this talk before? "Louis, this is serious, don't wander off in that brain of yours again." He grumbled.

"I... I can't just forget her Harry! I hardly know the girl and I can't not think about her!" I exclaimed. Niall smiled.

"He's talking at least." He said to Harry, who smirked. "Listen, Louis. Text her, just tell her that it wasn't real or something. Because Shreya won't talk to me now..." He told me. I frowned at him. He only wanted me to say something to Lily so he could talk to Shreya?

You'd think I'd be angry...

"I'll text her." I told them before laying down and ignoring them. "Phone!" I yelled, holding my hand out. I felt a hard, rectangular object land in my hand and I closed my hand around it. "Thanks... Now OUT!" I yelled again, liking it when the boys smiled. I got up and pushed them off the end of the bed, making them fall to the floor. I giggled, "Bye boys!" I called.

"You're such a girl, Louis." Niall said before getting up and walking out.

"I'M NOT GAY!" I called after him. I heard him chuckle before he turned up in my doorway again. He frowned at me.

"I never said anything about you being gay, Lou." He told me. I threw a pillow at him, which he neatly dodges, before he walks back out and I hear his and Harry's footsteps disappear down the hall. I turned over onto my stomach and bent my knees so my feet were up in the air before unlocking my phone and opening a new text.

To; Lily Deacon<3

Lily, I'm sorry for the rumours that are out about your friend and I. There truly is nothing between us and I'm sorry if you thought otherwise. Listen, I'm trying to be formal and I suck at it... So I'm sorry... Forgive me? 


I sent the text before I could back out then called out to Niall saying I'd sent it. He cheered a minute later saying he got a text from Shreya. So she'd got the text...

But I didn't get anything back the whole night.

***Lily's P.O.V***

I got a text from Louis. He was saying that May and him were just rumours. Did I believe him? Sure. Did I want to forgive him? Not quite.

Most people would find me crazily annoying. I'm causing heaps of drama and not believing people or believing people too easily. And now I wasn't forgiving Louis. Well, I'm sorry. I just don't wanna stuff him up.

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