14. Not Going To Pick Up

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okay i've decided to maybe write a sequel of this! maybe.. but... i dunno, we'll see how this goes first shall we?


enjoy and stuff....


Stay awesome ;)

- Miki x

"Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain." - Louis Tomlinson.


***Louis' P.O.V***

Sitting down in my apartment with three boys looking at you expectantly and one boy looking at you knowingly is really nerve racking. Niall looked really confused and I didn't want to see his eyes fill with tears the way they were going to. I looked at Harry and I could tell he knew something was up and I didn't want to see him glaring at me because I didn't tell him. Liam would take it easily, but want to text Lily and ask to be friends again, he can't stand arguing with friends.

"So whats up Lou?" Haz asked. I licked my lips, a nervous habit, and looked down at the ground. I looked back up into his eyes and saw trust and nervousness.

"Well, you see boys... Simon has been, uh, talking to Lily... About us." I said slowly, letting it sink in. Zayn rolled his right hand in a 'keep going' gesture while the other boys nodded slowly. "And she believed him... That we didn't care about her..." I whispered. Harry groaned, Niall sniffed and Liam face-palmed. Like, legit face-palmed.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked softly, tears filling his ice-blue eyes. I bit my lip and tried to think of something funny to say or do to make my partner in crime smile. Nothing came to mind so I used the truth.

"What I mean is, Nialler, is that Lily doesn't exactly like us at the moment..." I whispered. He whimpered and a tear slid down his pale cheek. I looked away, biting my lip harder. I looked at Harry, there was the famous glare. "Come on, Haz! I was trying to work it out with her so you didn't need to know!" I whined, trying to make that stupid glare disappear.

"Why didn't you tell us?! We could of just told her the truth from the start! Then she wouldn't think we didn't care about her!" He yelled. I cringed away from him. Harry never yelled at me, or the other boys.

"Harry calm down." Liam ordered. Harry shut up and looked at him, expecting a genius plan that would save our friendship with Lily. "I'll call her and explain." He sighed, standing up and pulling his phone from his back-pocket and pulling up Lily's number.

"I'm sorry guys." I whispered. Zayn clapped my shoulder and smiled softly, he was always calmer then the others. "Anyway, it's Simon's fault." I grumbled before standing up and going into the kitchen. I looked through the fridge and cringed away from the carrots. Those jokes were so bad right now. I grabbed a beer and opened it, taking a sip before going back into the lounge.

***Lily's P.O.V***

I sat on my bed after a long night of finding out who was going after their first week. I wanted to cry when I found out I was through. After that argument with Simon I swore I was gone, but people seemed to enjoy me standing up for myself, I was number 1 to win already.

"Lily!" Shreya called as she ran through the door and jumped on my bed next to me. "We got through the first week." She smirked. She'd sung 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift and damn she was awesome.

"Of course we're through, we're awesome." I winked at her. She giggled. "Everyone seemed to like me nearly beating the shit out of Simon..." I whispered.

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