8. Boot Camp!

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Okay I'm fast forwarding a lot in this chapter! SORRY!

My friend Bethan, just went back to England and she lives near Liam Payne so im extremely angry at her ! Not really, im actually really envious!

Hope your liking, it gets quite... boring but stick with me and it'll be great !

Sorry it's short

Love you all

- Miki x



I'd always wanted to share my talent with the world. You know, show people that I did have the ability to sing and I had the ability to change people's lives. I loved the fact that I finally had the chance. I could finally show people everywhere that I could change someone and make them believe they could do what I did.

Boot Camp was brutal! 5 days of torture to see if I was ready for the real X-Factor. I knew I was and obviously so did Simon Cowell; who said YES again! Thats right people. Lily Deacon made it through!

I was so excited when I was able to tell someone I was through. I was jumping up and down with excitement and I wanted to call Louis, but knew I couldn't. This was going to be HUGE!

***Louis' P.O.V***

Checking Twitter as I walked into my apartment I nearly choked on my latte, stopping dead in my tracks. I was staring at Lily's account, her new name capturing my attention and I instantly knew X-Factor was trying to change her.


Hey tweeters! wanted to let you know that I got through to the judges house! so excited !!! wish me luck guys. x

I swallowed and walked inside slowly. She was standing where I once stood. She was in the position I was in so long ago, yet I actually cared unlike when I'd watched the show before and people had been were I had been. It almost felt like she was protecting those places for us. I opened a new tweet and smiled cheekily.


Congrats to @OfficiallyLily for getting through to the judges house! well done Lily and i hope you go far :)

That was to be my last ever tweet to Lily. Management- or Simon- would kill me if I used myself or the band to make Lily famous. Instantly hate and Retweets blew up my phone and my Twitter shut down.

"LOUIS! We're going out for drinks! You coming?!" Harry yelled from his room. I smirked and walked in there to see the boys doing a Twitcam.

"Start without me boys?" I frowned, pretending to be upset. The boys rolled their eyes and faced the camera towards me. "Oh hi!" I yelled. "Drinks was it boys?" I asked, and all the boys grinned before closing the laptop and standing up.

"Drinks it is Lou." They all replied in unison. This was my way to celebrate Lily's victory, even if she wasn't here to get piss-drunk with me.

***Lily's P.O.V In The judges House***

I walked slowly through the doors of the house with five other 16 to 24 year olds. Since there were only three judges this year there were only three categories. 16 to 24's, over 25's and, of course, groups. I looked up and saw a girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes framed with glasses staring at me. I smiled and the beautiful girl smiled back.

About half an hour later we were all sitting in a HUGE room drinking either coke or, in the older people's case, beers. I wasn't drinking anything, I was too busy staring at the tweet Louis had dedicated to me. I knew we were being filmed but I ignored the camera and dialled Louis' number. "LILY!" Louis screamed after the phone had rung three times.

"Hey hun!" I smiled into the phone. "I'm not supposed to be talking but I just wanted to say thanks for everything. I'll text you tonight and tell you what happens." I told him. I heard him laugh.

"Okay Lils. Good luck!" He called before hanging up. I put my phone down my bra and looked around only to find the same girl staring at me.

"Who was that?" She asked from across the room. Instantly everyone stopped and turned to look at her, then to me. "On the phone, I mean."

"How's it your business?" I asked, trying not to sound rude. She smiled and walked over to me. I was afraid I was going to get hit but she just sat next to me and smiled.

"I just know we're going to be great friends." She held her hand out. "I'm Shreya Jones, and you are...?" She asked, trailing off. I gripped her hand firmly and shook it twice. Grinning I pulled my hand away.

"I'm Lily Deacon, your new best friend." I winked and we both laughed.


After another half hour we all froze when we heard a knock on the door. We all stood and looked towards the door before the handle was pushed down from the other side. I gasped in shock when none other then Simon Cowell walked through the door. "Hello everyone." He smiled as his English accent made its way to our ears.

"Simon..." I greeted, smiling back boldly. He looked a tad shocked I'd spoken to him, so lifting my chin up I smiled wider.

"Okay, let's get to work then. Shall we?" He asked, stepping aside so we could all walk through the open doors.

Well, Simon Cowell- mentor and Head Manager of One Direction- was my new mentor. This was going to be so much fun... Note the sarcasm guys...

We followed the tall man until we got to another room. There, he started explaining to us how we would be here for another couple of weeks until a select few would progress to the X-Factor House, where we would do performances but not live ones. I was so confused but I nodded along with everyone. I needed to get through! I couldn't fail.

Later that night I got a call from someone I didn't want to talk to. My mum's face flashed on my phone and I sighed before pressing 'Answer'. "Yes mum?" I asked, quite rudely. She was the one to get shitty at me in the first place.

"I can't believe you ran off to the X-Factor, Lily! You can't even sing!" She yelled down the phone to me.

"If I can't sing Mum, then how come I got through to the judge's house?" I asked before hanging up. I didn't want to deal with that bitch right now. I needed to focus on getting through the X-Factor House.

Oh, God... I think I was having a nervous breakdown.

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