12. Twitcam Love

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HI GUYS! thought I'd be awesome and post another chapter!!!! 

Sooo... what's up?...... nothing... yeah same... 


Sorry it's short... 

Love you all 

-Miki xx 

"In life, we always fall for the person who will never fall for us, always want things that we can't have, and say things we shouldn't." - Zayn Malik

***Lily's P.O.V***

Sitting down on the stairs I set up the laptop on a chair in front of me on the landing so I could sit back and people could still watch me. I quickly tweeted and then waited as people started logging onto the Twitcam thing. This was to be my first Twitcam and damn I was nervous. I looked at all the people in the comments box on the side asking why the screen was black, so I quickly turned the camera on and the volume up so they could hear me. Comments rolled through about me on 'One Direction's stairs' as I waved.

"Hi guys!" I called enthusiastically. Most people said hi back. "Okay, this is my first Twitcam so don't go all Directioner on me and tell me off. First, I wanted..."

"Lily?!" I heard from my room up the stairs. I looked behind me. "Why are you on my computer?!" Shreya called. I shook my head and turned back to the computer.

"My roommate... Shreya, I'm doing a Twitcam!" I called back. I heard her grunt back and I giggled. Time to start this thing.

***Louis' P.O.V***

I watched as Lily turned around and called out to her roommate about her Twitcam and nearly blushed when she giggled. She was so... cute...

"What you going, Lou?" Harry asked, walking into our apartment. I smiled up at him, not bothering to answer, and turned back to my computer screen. "Is that a Twitcam? Who is it?" Harry asked from behind me.

"Dude, it's Lily." I told him. He looked at me in disbelief before sitting next to me. He looked closely at the screen.

"No way dude, she's too hot." He decided. I looked over at him and he shrunk away from me knowingly. "Not that Lily isn't hot, because she is. I mean..." He tried but I just ended up laughing.

"Shut up and watch Haz." I told him. He nodded and turned to the computer screen. Lily took a deep breath.

"Okay so... Most of the people that follow me and are watching are Directioners, correct?" She asked. She waited as people replied to her then smiled. "Okay, so most of you will know where I'm sitting, right?" She asked again, waiting while people replied. "Right, so I wanted to say something before I keep going with this Twitcam. These stairs are where I'm going to be doing my video diary every week. Not because I have to but because I want to. I met the boys a while ago because my dog ran off, as you would know if you followed me then, and they were the nicest people I could ever meet. So I want Directioner's permission to do this. So... Please?" She asked. I smiled as she waited, reading people's replies as they all agreed and told her how pretty she was.

"They like her, Lou." Harry whispered beside me. I nodded, agreeing with the curly-haired boy beside me.

"I can see why." I smiled at him. Lily smiled at me (not really me but at the screen) and waved.

"Hi directioner43. Yes, I would." She replied to someone, still smiling. I looked at the comments bar and read the comment she was referring to.


would you ever date someone famous?? <3 x

I smirked at Harry and he rolled his eyes. "Foreveryoung, yes... Yes, I do." Lily said, winking at the screen. I looked at the comment.

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