3. Meeting The Worlds Biggest Boy Band

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heey guys ! Okay I'm not to good at this stuff.. I usually just go insane and act as if it's completely normal o.O but instead im get straight into it :)

Enjoy the chapter !! Comment vote and fan!

- Miki x

'Get on with life, because life gets on without you.' - Zayn Malik


***Louis' P.O.V***

I ran into the foyer of the complex and smirked at Lily following behind me. I didn't think she'd come so willingly. She seems like the type to complain and protest. "Oi! I do not!" She suddenly yelled behind me. I turned around and looked at her. "You said that out loud." She frowned, picking up Marley from the ground and snuggling him close to her chest.

"Oops?" I smirked. She glared at me and I skipped towards the stairs, laughing. "Hurry up the boys ar-. Oh, hiya Haz." I bumped into his tall frame as he rounded the corner. He looked down at me and frowned.

"I'll be in Liam's room." He told me before moving towards Liam's door. "The other boys are in here as well." He told me before walking through the unlocked door. I turned to face Lily, only she wasn't there. No wonder Harry hadn't started flirting with her.

"Lily?" I asked. She popped her head out from around the corner and smiled sheepishly at me. "Get your ass in there and be nice." I ordered. She rolled her eyes but walked up to me. Punching me hard in the arm she shoved Marley at me.

"If he runs away, your catching him... Again." She smiled but walked up to the door, knocking twice on it. What a strange woman... The door opened and there stood Liam, smiling until he saw her. "Oh em gee!" She shrieked. Liam's face paled. "I am your biggest fan!" She screamed. I couldn't stop the laughs from tumbling from my lips.

"Oh... Your Lily then?" Liam asked, seeing me standing behind her with a dog. She nodded and Liam smiled, pulling her inside with us. "Your prettier then Louis described." Liam told her, grinning. She shrugged and kept walking toward the neat, white lounge. "Lads, we have a visitor." Liam announced as the three of us walked into the small lounge room. Three heads swiveled around from the two huge sofas to look at Lily and they all smiled, including her.

"Hey guys." She smiled. Harry's eyes glinted with that flirtatious look. He was a sucker for Aussie's. He came forward and smiled at her.

"I'm Harry." He took her hand and kissed it. She legit looked like she was about to laugh. Harry is such a tosser. "Your Australian, yeah?" He asked, basically purring. Instantly Lily cracked up laughing, a huge smile plastered on her lips. "Um, what's funny?" Harry asked, looking confused. Poor lad. Lily sobered up and wiped her wet eyes, still smiling.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just..." -more laughing-, "It's just... You actually think I'll fall for your flirting?" She asked. Everyone froze. Did she just... Reject... Harry? Harry nodded slowly. She laughed again, clutching her sides. When she stopped she kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry babe but I don't date." She kept giggling as she sat down next to Nialler. "Now... Louis, introductions please?" She asked politely. Again, everyone froze.

"You really don't know us?" Zayn asked her. She sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Of course I know you. I just don't know YOU." She emphasized. Everyone looked confused. "I know the famous you. The boyband and all. But I don't know the real you since I don't follow boybands." She explained and Liam cracked a real smile. A REAL smile from LIAM?

"Liam's smiling!" I exclaimed, grabbing and pinching his cheeks. He swatted my hand away and glared at me.

"So what?" He asked. All the boys looked over at us, smirking knowingly while Lily sat there, confused. "I smile all the time!" Liam complained, smile dropping.

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