22. Short Break From Practice

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HI GUYS! Got bored and started writing this on my phone... I really hope people are liking this story... Just sayin

Anyway! Enjoy and stuff :) you'll LOVE this chapter ;) *hint cough hint*

Love always

- Miki x

"I don't mind getting a black eye or a broken arm for a girl, as long as after she's there to KISS it better." - Harry Styles

*Hint hint* ^^^^


***Lily's P.O.V***

As soon as I woke up I started packing. I didn't even know what I was doing, I just started packing up some clothes in a bag and left a note for the other housemates on the kitchen bench.

I walked out the door ignoring my thoughts that this was a bad idea, and just kept walking. I got in the limo that was always out the front and asked them to drop me off at the train station. Sending a quick text to Shreya before turning my phone off and closing my eyes.

***Louis' P.O.V***

The boys and I had decided to have a couple of drinks that night. We sat in the lounge with Shreya and drank about 3 beers each until the door bell rang. Shreya squealed loudly and ran to the door.

Minutes later she came back with someone I had been wanting to talk face to face with for ages.

"Lily?" Liam asked. Everyone unfroze then and I jumped up and attacked her in a bone crushing hug.

"Lily! Oh my god!" I yelled, picking her up and spinning her around. "What are you doing here?!" I asked, pulling back to smile down at the beautiful girl.

"I thought if Shreya could have a day or two off, why can't I?" She replies, smiling hugely up at me. She untangled herself from my hands and ran up to Harry, landing in his arms and hugging him. Haz chuckled and spun her around before she was taken into Niall's arms.

After all the boys had finished attacking Lily, Shreya pulled her into the kitchen and started yelling incoherent words. "I wonder what that's about?" Zayn wondered.

"Probably something to do with Lily's boyfriend." I mumbled. Harry snickered and placed his hand on my back.

"They probably aren't even together, Lou." He reasoned.

"WHAT?!" We heard from the kitchen. We all fell silent as we heard Shreya continue. "HE KISSED YOU AND YOU UP AND LEFT FOR ANOTHER GUY?!" She screamed. We heard Lily trying to shut her up but it wasn't working. Instead of listening I grabbed a bear and drank some more.


After a few more beers and Lily joining us, we were all tipsy or in Niall's case: Hamered. "Guys..." Liam mumbled, trying not to slur. "I think we should head to bed." He said. He then grabbed Niall's arm and dragged him to his apartment before Zayn left, showing Shreya where Niall's apartment was.

"Well..." Harry slurred, then giggled like a ten year old. "I'm off to bed." He giggled then walked to his room. Lily sat awkwardly next to me, my arm around her shoulders. She had only had 2 beers and wasn't drunk at all, while I had had at least 5 and was drunk. I knew what I was doing though, when I turned to her.

"Lil?" I asked. She turned to me and smiled happily. "You're doing really great on the show you know! I wish I could be there every week and support you but I can't even be there any week. I'm sorry." I told her. She smiled and patted my cheek.

"It's okay Lou! I'll be fine as long as you watch me every week, even if we're arguing." I smiled and hugged her.

"I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile." I sung quietly. She giggled and hugged me tighter to her.

Pulling back I looked into her beautiful eyes and cupped her cheek in my hand. Confusion and... I think it was longing... Entered her eyes as she watched me. Very quietly I whispered; "Lily... I think... No. No, I know... I love you."

***Lily's P.O.V***

"Lily... I think... No. No, I know... I love you." He whispered, looking into my eyes. I froze and looked carefully into his eyes. He looked back so sincerely that I almost cried.

"What...?" I asked, wanting him to repeat just in case I heard wrong and the man I couldn't get off my mind didnt love me.

"I love you, Lily." He repeated. I let out a shaky breath and shook my head.

"No, you're just drunk." I decided. He laughed and shook his head.

"Look into my eyes and see if I'm drunk, Lils." He demanded. I did as he said and saw nothing but sincere-truth and love. "I love you." He said again, this time looking into my eyes.

Before I could do anything he slowly lent forward and placed his lips on mine. Every single part of me blew up with sparks as he ever-so-slowly started moving his lips against mine. His hand that wasn't cupping my cheek went up to my hair and pulled at it, making me gasp so he could slip his tongue into my mouth, finally gaining a response from me.

I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me, placing so much passion into the long-awaited kiss as our tongues battled for dominance. It was nothing like my kisses with Alex. Where Alex was sweet, passionate but rough, Louis was nothing but love and passion. And instead of a fiery warmth spreading through me, sparks were everywhere. I wanted to keep kissing him forever, feeling these sparks that were flying from every single one of my nerves as his hands trailed over my stomach and cheeks. His lips were ever-so-gentle as the kiss softened into small, delicate kisses.

He pulled away, breathing heavily, and looked into my eyes. His thumb rubbed tenderly over my cheek as we both lay down on the couch without a single word. I faced away from him and wriggle back until I was backed right up against him. His arm circled my waist and soon enough his breathing evened out and he fell asleep, me following close behind him.

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