7. X-Factor Auditions

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okay im really pissed atm ! i wrote this and then it deleted and then i accidently deleted my other story and im upset :( and i broke my knuckle punching some guy who said ONE DIRECTION HAVE NO TALENT! the bastard :@ 

Hope you like SORRY ITS SHORT! 

comment, vote, fan and ladies and gentlemen; Lily Deacon 

- Miki x 

"Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them, the will lead you to your destiny." - Liam Payne.


***Louis' P.O.V 2 Days Later***

"Louis, it's 8 o'clock! What do you want?" Zayn asked as I dragged him into my lounge room. I know what your thinking, 'as if they'd be up that early!' Well I've been up for an hour trying to get Zayn up. AN HOUR!

"What I want is for you guys to watch this! It's a video of Lily auditioning." I smiled proudly at the nervous girl on our computer screen.

"But... She auditioned like an hour ago... How's this up already?" Liam asked. I rolled my eyes and played the video of Lily standing awkwardly on stage that someone had filmed from the audience.

***Lily's P.O.V***

As I stood backstage, ignoring Caroline Flack's curious glance, I thought about Louis' encouraging words yesterday. "Listen, before you go on that stage you'll be thinking about all the ways you'll be most likely to stuff up or you'll be thinking that people will laugh at you. But they won't Lily. Everyone will love you." Then he'd attacked me and declared war...

Finally Caroline pushed me onto the stage, microphone in hand and Converse slapping the empty stage. I took a deep breath and walked to the small 'x' in the middle of the stage, not daring a glance at Simon... I'd always been scared of him. It appeared that Simon, Dannii Minogue and Cheryl Cole were back... Yay?

"Name?" Simon asked. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat before answering.

"I'm Lily Deacon." I told him, hopefully sounding confident. He nodded and wrote something down while Dannii threw me an encouraging smile. I smiled back before Simon waved his hand and the music started.

"Mr. Know It All 

Well you you think you know it all 

But you don't know a thing at all ain't it 

Ain't it something y'all 

When somebody tells you something about you 

Think that they know you more than you do 

So you take it down, another pill to swallow 

Mr. Bring Me Down 

Well you like to bring me down, don't you 

But I ain't laying down 

Baby I ain't going down 

Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be 

Nobody's gonna make a fool out of me 

Baby you should know that I lead not follow

Oh you think that you know me, know me 

That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely 

'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me 

You don't know a thing about me

You ain't got the right to tell me 

When and where to go, no right to tell me 

Acting like you own me lately 

Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me 

You don't know a thing about me."

Luckily I'd chosen a shorter version, so they didn't cut me off half way through. I finished singing and closed my eyes, waiting for the laughs. But I opened them again when the crowd burst into applause. I looked around in shock to see everyone standing from their seats. Holy shit, STANDING OVATION!

After everyone had quietened down Dannii smiled at me again. "Well... That was... Oh wow." Everyone laughed. I smiled and let out a small giggle. "Lily? You have what we call the X-Factor." She winked at me. She turned to Cheryl who gave me a small smile.

"You were good. Not great, but you definitely have talent." I smiled as everyone held their breath, looking at Simon. He leant back in his chair and right then I understood why I was scared in the first place.

"Well... well, well, well..." He looked around then turned back to me, a rare smile forming on his lips. "I agree with Dannii, Lily." He told me. Then all three said 'yes'. My mouth hung open, and then I squealed. I smiled and thanked them before sprinting off the stage.

I even hugged Caroline...


Half an hour later, none other than Niall Horan's name lit up on my phone. I walked around a corner and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked calmly.

"Lily?" Harry yelled down the phone. "How come you didn't call us to tell us you got through?" He asked, sounding really upset. I stifled a giggle and cleared my throat instead.

"Because you weren't my number one priority." I told him, trying so hard not to laugh. It didn't work though, because when I heard a disappointed 'oh' from the other end I broke and started giggling uncontrollably.

"You bitch, Lily." Louis laughed. LOUIS! "Hey Lils! Congrats on getting through, love! I'm so proud!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. Thanks dad." I thanked sarcastically. He chuckled and I instantly felt like flying. I had One Direction and the X-Factor.

What more could I want in my life?

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