10. Nothing's Fine I'm Torn

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HIIII PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY READING THIS ! You see, I have a problem, I feel like no ones reading this. No ones commented or voted or whatever. I NEED TO KNOW IF YOUR READING SO I CAN KEEP WRITING D:

And if you wanna you can you know,.. tell people about my story? Even though it's probably shit...

Anywhoo, enjoy comment and voteeeee!

Love you all

- Miki xx

"Thank you for putting up with our immaturity." - Louis Tomlinson



Hearing my name, I stood and made my way outside, facing Simon. Was this how the boys felt? Was this how they felt, facing the man that could change everything - their whole lives? Because what I'm feeling right now is fear. Cold, irreplacable fear. The microphone in my hand shook as I stood, waiting for the music intro. Simon wasn't smiling, like he was for Shreya's performance as she'd told me. He was scowling, a terrifying scowl that meant he was either tired, hungry or pissed. I'm thinking the latter.

As soon my introduction came I took a deep breath and started singing, avoiding making the mistakes I made during rehearsal. (A/N: No italics or Bold, sorry :/)

"I thought I saw man brought to life,  

He was warm, he came around like he was dignified  

He showed me what it was to cry. 

Well you couldn't be that man, I adored  You don't seem to know, seem to care  

What your heart is for  

Well I don't know him anymore.  

There's nothing where he used to lie,  

The conversation has run dry.  

That's what's going on,  

Nothing's fine I'm Torn.  I'm all out of faith,  

This is how I feel.  

I'm cold and I am shamed,  

Lying naked on the floor.  

Illusion never changed,  

Into something real.  

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is Torn.  

You're a little late,  

I'm already Torn.  

I'm already, I'm already  

Torn." I closed my eyes once I was finished, praying he wouldn't care about the twist and short ending. I opened them to see a un-smiling, unmoved Simon. I swallowed loudly and looked shyly at him.

"That is all." He waved his hand and I froze. He didn't like it... I'm so screwed. As soon as I recovered I quickly turned on my heel and practically sprinted inside, nearly slamming into Shreya.

"So? What did he say?" She asked. I looked down at her small frame. Talented singer, petite body, award-winning smile; she's got this whole competition in the bag.

"Nothing." I replied, nearly bursting into tears.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure he loved it." This time it wasn't Shreya talking. My head snapped up and I stared into the eyes of someone I didn't expect to see for ages.

Running at him I did the only thing I was good at. Jumped into his arms and screamed; "LOUIS!"

***Louis' P.O.V***

"LOUIS!" She screamed, throwing herself into my waiting arms. I caught her and spun her around, making her giggle. "Put me down, nut case." She ordered, still giggling. I put her down and smiled at her adorable-ness. "What are you doing here? I mean, it's awesome to see you." She asked. I smirked.

"Well... We know about your habit and we thought we could come and-." Liam started, but I cut him off by jumping around.

"INTERVENTION!" I yelled. Liam face-palmed himself and Zayn rolled his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "What?" I asked, extremely confused.

"You're not supposed to tell her it's an intervention, airhead." Harry laughed, smackng me upside the head. I scowled and rubbed where he hit me.

"What a sec... How are you in here? No one's allowed in here." Lily told us. I smirked knowingly at her. "Louis! I could get into trouble for this as well." She stated. Then something seemed to dawn on her. She turned to Liam and frowned. "I don't need an intervention." She told him.

"We just want to help, Lily. You don't need ciggaretes to get rid of stress." Zayn stated. I got bored then and started to wander around the room, trailing my hands along everything they could touch. I stopped when I got to a photo of Simon. OH MY GOD, he looks so young...

"Shreya Jones." A lady called out. A petite girl with black hair and intimidating brown eyes - kind of like Zayn's but when she looked at you they looked hard and cold - walked outside to face Simon. So that's the girl Lily threw a chair at...

***10 minutes later***

Lily and the boys had been arguing about her smoking issue. Lily kepy saying she was fine and blah blah blah and the boys were getting quite frustrated at her stubborness. Finally someone broke up the arguing though. "Lily Deacon." The same lady that had been calling people out called out Lily's name and instantly she started panicking.

"You'll get through Lil." I reasured her with a smile. She nodded, not believing me, took a deep breath and strode outside. The boys and I sat down, ignoring the curious stare of the lady. We heard absolutely nothing as Lily was being consulted by Simon, and I could tell it made everyone nervous.

A few minutes later Lily came back looking at us with wide eyes, fear and shock evident in them. We all stood up and took a step towards her. "Well?" Harry asked. I watched as her mouth slowly turned up into a smile, and then she let out an ear-piercing scream. We all covered our ears as she jumped around in a circle.

"I'M THROUGH! I MADE IT! AHHHHH!" She screamed. I ran forward and clamped my hand over her mouth. "Loueh, wet go of mwy mif." She tried. I raised an eyebrow. Pushing my hand away she scowled.

"Oh... Let go of your mouth... I get it now. Oh hey, CONGRADUWELLDONE!" I yelled, she smiled. I could tell we were being recorded now, but I ignored the cameras and punched Lily's shoulder playfully. Before she could say anything though, Simon walked inside and glared at us. We all bit our lips as we awaited his wrath.

"Boys, a word? Lily go and find your friend." Simon ordered. Us boys nodded and Simon walked back outside. Lily hugged me tightly and then we pulled back reluctantly.

"See ya Lou." She mumbled, looking at her feet. I smiled and kissed her cheek, surprising everyone including me.

"Take care of our stairs, Lil." She smiled at me and then walked away, leaving us to face Simon.

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