26. Those Special Moments

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Okay so enjoy and look out for my sequel to LULF!  

Anyways love you all 

- Miki xxx 

"There's nothing that annoys me more then people being horrible to my mates." - Louis Tomlinson


***Lily's P.O.V*** 

Standing on the stage again was weird, especially because the rest of the stage was lit up. I was in the dark, waiting for my part in the song while everyone else was singing. The song choice sucked, but it would have to do. I looked up and sighed, so many people here...

"I love the way you lie..." great, my part...

***Louis' P.O.V***

"Where's Lily?" I asked, looking at the TV. The other boys looked at me like I was crazy. Well... I was pressed up against the TV looking for my girlfriend... Girlfriend... I like that.

"Maybe she chickened out?" Niall suggested, munching on the leftover Nandos. Everyone looked at him like 'as if'. "It was just a suggestion! Geez..." He grumbled.

"THERE SHE IS!" Harry cried looking at the TV.

"You ever love somebody so much, you could barely breathe when you with 'em? 

You meet, and neither one of you even know it hit 'em 

Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah, them chills, used to get 'em 

Now you're gettin' sick of lookin' at 'em, 

You swore you'd never hit 'em, never do nothing to hurt 'em 

Now you're in each others face spewing venom in your words when you spit 'em 

You push, pull each others hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em 

Throw 'em down, pin 'em, so lost in the moments when you're in 'em, 

It's the race that took over, it controls you both 

So they say you'd best to go your separate ways, guess that they don't know ya 

'Cause today, that was yesterday, yesterday is over, it's a different day 

Sound like broken records playing over 

But you promised her, next time you'd show restraint 

You don't get another chance, life is no Nintendo game 

But you lied again, now you get to watch her leave out the window 

Guess that's why they call it 'window pane'."

We all sat silently as she continued singing the chorus with everyone else. We knew she could rap... Hell we were surprised when she did it the first time as well... But we never knew she could do it like that. I was the first one to cheer, and the boys followed afterwards.

That's my baby girl.


Lily was due home any minute now. She was supposed to walk through that door and... SHE'S HERE! "LILY!" I shouted before running up and hugging her. She squealed out of fright then sighed and hugged me back.

"You scared me Lou..." She breathed. I chuckled and pulled back to smile at her. She smiled back then reached up and pressed her warm lips against mine. Damn, I could get used to this.

We pulled away and she walked me into the kitchen where the other boys were waiting. They all greeted her happily but all I could think about were the sweet sparks that went off whenever I kissed Lily.

"Well... I'm tired guys. I'm gonna hit the sack." Lily told us, yawning. I grabbed her hand and, smiling at the boys, walked down the hall and into my room. "Hey, Lou?" She asked once we were lying down. I was on my back with my left arm wrapped around her small body while my right was behind my head. She was curled up on my side with her head on my chest.

"Yes, beautiful?" I asked quietly, not wanting to ruin the peaceful atmosphere. She rolled over so she was on top of me, her legs straddling my waist.

"I love you." She told me before leaning down and pressing her lips to mine. I responded immediately and pulled her down further so I could deepen the kiss.

****************** (A/N: Okay guys my friend is making me put a M15+ scene in. If you DO NOT want to read it go down until you see this '****')

She reached down and pulled her white singlet over her head. She had on no bra which made me groan and kiss her chest. She moaned quietly, so I flipped her over so I was on top. I shimmied out of my blue plaid pyjama pants off. She quickly tugged off her booty shorts then pulled me down so she could kiss me.  

Entering her was probably the most exotic feeling in the world. Everything suddenly felt... Alive. As I moved inside her, hearing her moans fill the room, I leant down and kissed her on the lips. Her responses were immediate with every small thing I did. Every tiny kiss or movement made her moan or grab onto me tighter. She was so beautiful as I slowed my movements and whispered the four words that got me here in the first place,

"I love you, Lily."


Laying beside Lily I wrapped my arms around her again. She smiled lazily at me, then reached up and kissed my lips. "That was your... Um first, right?" I asked stupidly. She nodded tiredly then closed her eyes, drifting off into sleep while I watched her beautifully naked chest rise and fall in her slumber.

***Lily's P.O.V***

Waking up, Louis wasn't next to me. I panicked a bit until he walked casually into the room with a tray full of food. "Breakfast in bed?" He asked. I nodded happily, then remembered I was naked and decided to get dressed.

"Thanks... For last night..." I mumbled before laying back down. Louis was sitting up with the tray over his lap. He passed me a piece of toast with Nutella on it, then gently kissed my lips.

"You're welcome beautiful." He whispered before digging into his on toast. Deciding to just eat and not humiliate myself even more I quickly shoved the toast into my mouth and took a bite.


For once I felt extremely peaceful as I lay beside the love of my life. The world was dead to us as we told eachother secrets and laughed. Louis was running his fingers up and down my, once again, bare back as he told me the story of how him and Harry met.  

I listened intently until I ended up laughing about how him and Harry had kissed in a supposed serious photo during x-factor. I told him the story of how, when I lived in Australia, I had a boyfriend that physically abused me. Louis tensed up at that, until I told him how Jack had pushed him into lockers at school and had told him to never go near me again. It was one of the only times when Jack's big brother role was filled.

We ended up talking late into the night, not bothering to eat lunch or dinner. The boys started getting worried but we always told them that we were busy talking. Emphasis on talking when Harry asked what we were doing.

I'd never felt happier as I fell asleep next to Louis Tomlinson, the love of my life... The man of my dreams, and now my reality, too.

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