17. Finally Talking

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this is a chapter with only Louis. im not good at writing in a guys perspective because.. im a chick... anyways i hope you like it :)

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- Miki x

"It's incredible to have people show their support when your doing something you love." - Louis Tomlinson


***Louis' P.O.V***

Nights before I'd watched Lily do a Twitcam. She'd apologised to me, in front of thousands of people. No one knew it was me at first but when I said it was okay everyone started accusing us of dating. It was hilarious. She'd sung as well, her voice was amazing and I smiled proudly when she sung that my sisters' are beautiful. But when someone asked if she loved me, she said yes... So she didn't?

I'd closed the laptop after she had and told the boys the awesome news. They were nearly as excited as I was... Nearly...


We watched Lily singing, and instantly I knew she was getting back at Simon. She sung Liar, Liar and that was it, Simon has snapped. He walked off and Lily ran after him. I was so thankful when they followed them, only because I didn't want either of them to do anything rash.

Simon was standing by the door when Lily shouted at him. "Simon! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She yelled, standing behind him. Simon turned and gave her the best death glare I had ever seen.

"What am I doing, Lily?!" Simon shouted, stepping forward towards a frozen Lily. The guys were looking at me, waiting for a reaction. I was shaking in anger when Simon started at her again. "What are you doing?!" He stepped forward again so he was straight up against her. "You just broke the rules by singing something that I didn't choose. I could kick your ass off the show right now!" I narrowed my eyes and Harry patted my back, calming me down.

Lily said something quietly, then started yelling again making Simon take an unconscious step away from here. "Have you ever thought about the fact that you lied about one of my closest friends hated me when maybe I was being lied to at home? Maybe I was actually needed him?!" She yelled, making me smile slightly. She turned to the camera and I saw tears in her eyes. "Behold a liar." She whispered, just loud enough for us to hear. She pointed to Simon and then walked away, the camera following her then turning around when the door behind them slammed shut.

"Well... That was dramatic." Liam mumbled. I scoffed and pulled out my phone. I dialled Lily's number and walked out of the room. "Lou! Mate, she'd be backstage." Liam told me.

"Don't care." I called back. Lily picked up on the 5th ring, sniffling and obviously crying.

"Louis?" She whispered. I smiled.

"Yeah babe, it's me." I told her. I heard her sob and frowned. "Lil, he was being a dick. Everyone loves you, they won't let you get kicked off, I promise you." I promised. She sobbed again and I heard rustling in the background.

"Lou, I don't know what to do! Everyone loved the song but now they know Simon and I are, like, enemies." She sobbed. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Lily, pull yourself together. Simon and you are going to get through this. Even though he lied, you'll be fine. Trust me everything will be fine." I told her. I heard her take a deep breath in and smiled wider. "Hi, by the way. Haven't spoken to you in a while." She gave a short laugh.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'm a little naive when it comes to this kind of stuff." She giggled and sniffed. "How have you been Louis?" She asked quietly.

"I've been fine, Lily. It's been hard not talking to you though." I told her. After a while, she had to go but she called again before she fell asleep and we spoke until she fell asleep on the other end. "Goodnight, Lily." I whispered when she was asleep. "I love you." And then I hung up.


The next night the boys and I decided to go clubbing. We all walked into the bar and I laughed when girls were all over Harry straight away. Liam went to find us a booth while Zayn, Niall and I walked up to the bar and ordered 5 shots.

As soon as we got them we walked over to the booth Liam had gotten and sat down. Harry joined us and we all downed the shots. Liam told us that was all he was having and we all laughed, typical. Zayn walked to the bar and I relaxed back into the booth... Until I realised I had to pee. I got up and bid the guys goodbye before walking towards the toilets.

"Hey handsome." A cute voice said from behind me. I turned and saw a girl the same height as Lily smiling at me. I raised an eyebrow and she smiled at me. "I'm Lily's friend, May." She told me. I nodded slowly.

"Well that's nice. I have to pee..." I trailed off as she walked up to me and trailed her finger nail down my chest, snapping my black suspenders onto my chest, making me wince.

"You're really cute." She told me, smiling seductively. I raised an eyebrow and turned away from her, walking into the bathroom and... doing my business. When I walked out after washing my hands she was still there. This time she pushed me back into a wall.

"What now?" I asked. She smiled and ran her hand down my chest again. She stopped at the top of my white chinos and looked deep into my eyes. Her eyes were brown, but had light trails of gold through them. She was quite pretty but no where near Lily's standard.

"Louis, I need you. Right now." She whispered huskily, then crashed her lips to mine. I stood, frozen, as she tried to get a response from me. She pulled away and frowned. "Come on, Louis. Kiss me." She ordered.

"I don't know you." I told her, then pushed her gently away and walked back to the table. The boys all looked as shocked as me. We were used to girls throwing themselves at us, just not attacking us with there lips...

It was then that I realised too late that there was paparazzi standing inside the club.

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