4. Arguments And Pain

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Otay guys ! This is another chapter ! I hope you guys like this so far because seriously, I do! My mum does to... I think... Maybe she just wants me to keep writing... I dunno...

Oh well!!! Hope you enjoy, pretty please comment vote and fan :)

also enjoy Louis on the side >> ;) hehehe

WARNING; This chapter contains self-harm. If you self-harm please seek help, it's serious and not a good idea xxx

Love you all

- Miki x

'Everything happens for a reason, learn from it and move on. Don't be bitter about what happened, be happy about what will.' - Zayn Malik x


***Lily's P.O.V***

As soon as I got home Mum was on my case. She walked straight up to me and started yelling. Something about her being really worried or whatever. I zoned out and just stared at her as she yelled. She started to poke my arm to get my attention. I hit her hand away. "Lily! Pay attention!" She yelled into my ear. I pushed her back a little and glared.

"Don't yell at me! I was with friends!" I yelled in her face. She flinched back a bit but then leaned in so she was in my face again.

"Don't speak to me like that!" She yelled. "I'm your mother! You don't speak down to me!" She glared even harder, screaming in my face. I moved forward, pushing her back until she hit the wall.

"You're my mother?! You actually think you're my mum?! You're never here! Never around! You're always working, just non-stop! You may have given birth to me but you're NOT my mum." I growled. I felt her tense up, getting angrier. I'd told her this many times before, but it was worse now because we'd actually moved here because she'd been promoted. She became manager of this weird company that sells something or other.

"How dare you." She whispered before walking away, her work heels clomping on her feet. I shook my head and walked up the stairs, away from the hallway. I could hear her and Dad yelling, her complaining about my attitude while him standing up for me. She was always one of those mums...


As I sat beside my bed, the hard, wood underneath me, I thought of all the stupid things I've done in my life. Punching that teacher, ditching those classes, yelling at those friends, running away from home... I'd done so much wrong, and not much right. But this... This was worse. I didn't know how to stop, I just sat watching as the thick red liquid run down my ankle.

Okay so I'd done this twice before... The first time was when my nan passed. I was about 13 and it sucked... I thought... Maybe, just maybe, it would take the pain in my heart away. Maybe if the blade went deep enough the pain in my chest would fade... But it never really worked. Just made me feel guilty, like I'd done something wrong. The second time was because my mum and dad were close to divorce when I was fifteen. I'd felt guilty then as well so I stopped... Now it felt like I should just do it again.

I sliced the thin, sharp pocket knife blade over my ankle again, wincing as the blood started to bunch up where I'd cut. Blood started flowing freely from the four deep cuts running along my leg. Stupid cuts. Why aren't you getting rid of my pain?! I went to make another cut but stopped as my phone lit up and started vibrating. I looked down and saw Jack's number. As if. My phone went black again but I quickly unlocked it and saw it was on my contacts screen where I'd added in my last number.

'Louis Tomlinson'

I took a deep breath and clicked his name. It went into his information and I tool another long breath. Okay Lily... Just ask him. I clicked his number and the screen showed it was dialing him. I put the phone to my ear and waited as it rung. "Hello?" Someone asked on the other end. I sighed, it was Louis.

"Louis? I need your help." I whispered into the phone, praying he would understand. It was silent for a minute until he responded, sounding worried.

"Lily? What's wrong?" I whimpered down the phone and he sighed. "Tell me everything babe." He said kindly. So I did.

***Louis' P.O.V***

I quickly strode up the beautiful footpath of the house, straight to the front door. I knocked and waited impatiently for someone to open the door. A tall boy around my age opened it and eyed me up and down. "She's up stairs." He told me before walking further into the house. I quickly walked inside and looked for the stairs. On the right side of the hallway I spied the first step and ran towards it, then up them all. I looked for her room but didn't know which one it was. Then I knew because clearly it was the only closed door.

'Your such an idiot Louis', I thought as I knocked and entered without waiting for a reply. "Lily?" I asked. I heard a whimper from on the other side of her bed. I quickly walked around the bed until I saw her, blood dripping from her ankle and her eyes red with unshed tears. "Baby..." I muttered before walking over to her and lifting her up onto the bed, craddling her to my chest. "It's okay. I'm here now baby. I'm here." I told her, kissing her forehead.

"Thank you Louis." She whispered as she held onto me so tight it would of hurt if I wasn't so depressed by her state. I can't let my new friend be so upset. I just can't...

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