5. Beach - Part 1

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Anyways im hoping people are enjoying this so far. Ive had 17 reads or something on it.. Woo go me ;)

Please message me if you have any questions about ANYTHING, because I'm always here for anyone alright? Even if it's a personal question ill answer it :)

Enjoy, comment, vote... you know the drill

Love you all!

- Miki xx

"I think you have to take me for me. I am who I am." - Harry Styles


***Louis' P.O.V***

I watched Lily carefully as she slept. She wouldn't let the harsh grip on my arm let up, not even a bit. Every now and then it'd get worse and she'd keep it that tight... I'm pretty sure my hand was purple.

I'm not usually this serious, but when it comes to people hurting themselves or being upset I have to be serious, for their sake. I rubbed Lily's back softly and sighed. She was so pretty, how her curly hair fell into her eyes, and her soft cheeks would turn a light shade of pink every now and then while she dreamt. Her eyes twitched behind her eyes, signalling she was dreaming and I sighed. I wanted to know what was running through her head when she thought it was okay to cut.

A while ago, I caught Niall about to cut. (A/N; I doubt Niall did this and ever will, it's just for the story. He's too beautiful) He was sitting in his room, his hand shaking as he held the blade over his skin. I'd gasped and he'd dropped the blade and blushed, mumbling something about girls telling him he didn't deserve to be in the band. A huge intervention was set up that day, for Niall.

"Louis..?" Someone mumbled. I looked down and saw Lily's eyes half opened and she was staring tiredly at me. I nodded and she sighed, cuddling into my side. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, then I heard a light snore fill the room. Rolling my eyes I carefully pulled out my phone and unlocked it. Going into my texts I opened my texts with Liam.

Me; Liam! I need help! Lily's asleep on meee!!

I locked my phone again and waited for a reply. Instead I got a Twitter notification. I went into Twitter and went to my Mentions. @Real_Liam_Payne had tweeted about me. I opened the tweet and gasped. That git!


Por @Louis_Tomlinson having @Lily_Loves_Youu fall asleeep on hm.. Maybe he needs teh atention tho ;)

I quickly opened up a new reply and typed in what I wanted, then clicked send.

@Louis_Tomlinson @Real_Liam_Payne

First of all, learn how to spell Liam. Second she fell asleep on me because I was being an awesomely sexy friend. So suck it mate <3

I smiled and locked my phone, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

***Lily's P.O.V*** 4 DAYS LATER

So I figured out what to wear to the beach. I had on my tie-dyed black and white bikinis on with plain black bottoms, an off the shoulder black top over it with faded denim shorts and light blue TOMS. I didn't have any make-up on, I never wore the icky stuff, and I had my curly hair pulled back into a pony tail. My grey eyes almost looked blue today. "Lily, get your ass downstairs and hurry up!" Louis yelled from down the stairs, tiredly. He still thinks this is a holiday home... Did I mention that it's 6 in the morning?

Probably not since I was half asleep.

"Coming Louis." I called back, half asleep as I stumbled down the stairs with my Ghanda bag over my shoulder, holding my spare change of clothes. I ran straight into Louis' arms and closed my eyes, wanting to go to sleep again.

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