2. We Meet Again

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Okay my lovelies! Here's chapter 2. I still dunno if anyone's reading but I'm hoping so! This story will get interesting I swear! Sooooo PLEASEEEE baby Pleaseeeee stay with me! ... Sorry

OKAY! On to the chapter....


- Miki x


***Lily's P.O.V***

Stretching, I sat up in bed. I sighed as I remembered the events of yesterday; meeting Louis, getting 'home' and tweeting, the hate, the tweet from Louis which I still haven't replied to... I quickly snatched up my phone from the bedside table, unlocking the iPhone 4S and smirking at the photo of Marley. I touched the Twitter app and it was pulled forward onto the screen, making my screen go blue with a simple white 'Loading...' sign in the middle.

Finally it loaded and I smiled at all my new followers and mentions. I had over 6K followers before... No I have over 13K. Shit, the wonders of a boyband. I clicked on my mentions then scrolled down until I got to Louis' tweet.


You're very welcome @Lily_Loves_Youu ! Marley's a very cute dog with a very cute owner ;) hope he's alright x

Giggling at the 'x' I clicked on the reply button and typed into the small box. I sat smiling, for what felt like forever, but was only about 3 minutes. I laughed at my reply as I hit send.


Hmm yes @Louis_Tomlinson it seems he's fine... Missing a certain blue eyed popstar though hahaha. It was really lovely meeting you... Although, I still don't like your band, just the music x

So much hate filtered through that my Twitter ended up automatically shutting off from all my mentions. Good Twitter. Still smiling, I got up out of bed, managing to kick Marley off my bed at the same time, and walked out of my lime green painted room. Yes, my room was lime green. No, I'm not changing it. Green is awesome. Knocking myself out of my thoughts I sniffed the air casually... Oh, my God. "PANCAKES!" I screamed. I instantly sprinted down the stairs and straight into my new kitchen. Being 17 you'd think I would get over my obsession for pancakes. No.

"Oh. Goodmorning sweetie." My dad smiled, kissing my forehead and sliding a delicious smelling pancake onto the plate in front of me. That's the thing with my family. My dad cooks, cleans and is almost always there for us. While my mum was always working, drinking or on her phone. She was a busy woman...

"Morning Dad." I smiled and started buttering my pancake. Once I'd finished I sprinkled a small amount of sugar over it. Shut up, it's delicious. Sitting on the large island in the middle of my new kitchen, eating pancakes and watching my dad cook across from me, I was finally content.


Walking out the front door wasn't my idea. I didn't want to go anywhere, but Dad insisted I take Marley for a walk. So I clipped the dark blue leash onto Marley and took him for a walk, casually strolling towards the only place I new... The place I met Louis. I pulled out my phone while walking and saw I had a tweet from him. Again..?

@Louis_Tomlinson @Lily_Loves_Youu

You don't like my band?!?! And why not miss Marley? I think we are incredibly sexy an smart. Perfect combination ! ;) x

I rolled my eyes and stopped, pulling Marley to a halt as well. I smirked and typed the shortest response, trying to piss him off. I'm hoping this will work.

@Lily_Loves_Youu @Louis_Tomlinson

I've never really fancied boybands

I locked my phone and resumed walking. This place was beautiful. It was close to central London, and before you think 'dull, boring, just buildings', it's not. The sky is amazingly blue, the grass areas around here are bright green, hardly any dried out pieces. The houses around here were so cute, but large since it was a rich area. The buildings in the distance tall and shining in the sunlight, as well as the London Eye I could see in the distance that rose up so high I could tell it was absolutely huge even from here. Sighing contently I turned a corner, only to run into someone. A very rockhard someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" He cried. I looked up and laughed. He laughed as well. "Nice to see you again, Lily." Louis practically yelled. He was quite loud. I raised an eyebrow and looked down at Marley. He was looking up at me and technically grinning.

"Stupid mutt." I grumbled looking back up at Louis. He frowned as I laughed. "Not you, Louis. Marley." I explained. He nodded slowly. Looking around I saw I was outside an apartment complex. Louis seemed to get excited. He started jumping up and down and giggling. "What's your problem?" I asked. He kept giggling.

"Come meet my friends!" He smiled. I thought about it. Louis' friends..? Louis has friends? What am I thinking? Of course he has friends, he's in a famous boyba-. Oh, my God! That's who he wanted me to meet. His band.

"No." I told him, pulling gently on Marley's leash as I started walking again. Louis looked upset. Actually more then upset. He looked mortified. I sighed. "Louis, I'm not meeting your band. I told you, I don't enjoy boybands." I complained, stopping again.

"But they want to meet you!" He wimpered, giving my the best puppy dog look he could muster. I groaned and stomped my foot. Diva tantrum. "Please Lily? Please? You owe me since you gave me an agonisingly short reply on Twitter!" He spoke so sincerely I almost cried. Almost. But I'd never admit that.

"Ugh! Fine! But I'm only staying for like, 5 minutes!" I groaned. Louis yelped excitedly and hugged me tightly. "Louis, get off me." I laughed, pushing his shoulders lightly. He pulled back, still grinning madly. "So... Where are we going?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow and muttered something that sounded like 'clueless'. I frowned as he pulled me through the apartment complex's glass doors.

Oh... I knew that.

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