18. Nothing I Do Better Than Revenge

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i have a bit of writers block but I SHALL PULL THROUGH THIS AND WRITE THIS CHAPTER... for the dedicated readers who are actually still reading this...

anyway vote comment fan and share...


- Miki x

"Before you judge people, judge yourself." - Zayn Malik


***Lily's P.O.V***

I have never wanted more than to celebrate after everything that had been going on. I'd gotten through again and I was looking forward to next week. I was going to rock it!

After a whole night of drinking to celebrate I'd laid down in bed and closed my eyes, wanting to get some sleep. My phone had other ideas. It went off, telling me I had a notification from what I was guessing was Twitter. I opened one eye and looked at the notification. It was a picture message.

Unlocking my phone I clicked on the link and nearly died when it loaded. It was Louis. And my old high school 'friend' from Australia, May. 1, what the hell was she doing in England? 2, WHY WAS SHE KISSING LOUIS?!

"Shreya!" I yelled. She came stumbling in, but immediately sobered when she saw my upset expression.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She asked. I turned my phone around, and when she took it I rolled onto my stomach and let the tears leak out of my eyes. "Oh honey, her hair is so extensions..." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes and sniffed.

"She's kissing Louis, Shreya." I said flatly. I heard her mutter an 'oh' before I faced her. "As if you did not see Louis' lips smashed against hers!" I yelled.

"Sh... No need to get all angry at me." She frowned. I groaned and laid down again. "Okay, well we can use this! We can do a Simon! Put these feelings in song Lil!" She suggested, still slurring. I sat up and frowned.

"How will I get Simon to let me do a song when he wants me off the show anyway?" I asked. She shrugged and threw me my phone. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes, her light snore filling the room within minutes. "Right, that helped." I rolled my eyes before closing them as well and drifting off into a nightmare.


I was sitting on a porch swing, light music in the background with people dancing around on a pier in front of me. The lake in front of me was dark, but little candles floated on top of it in glasses. The pier was rapped with Fairy lights, making it light up in a magical way. There was no one around me, just me and the wind. I had on a light blue gown that went down to my ankles, showing off my beautiful white 6 inch heels. My hair was in a ponytail and I felt beautiful.

"Lily?" I turned and saw Louis, he was in the most breath-taking suit, making him look handsome and sophisticated. I smiled and he smiled back, walking and sitting beside me. "You look amazing." He whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Thank you, Louis." I smiled. He smiled as well, but then looked up in front of us. I looked as well and there was May. She looked very... Skanky in her short red dress with killer red heels. She looked like the she-devil she is. Oh, come on. This sucked. I thought this was a dream, not a nightmare. "What is she doing here, Louis?" I asked.

"She's my date, Lily." He told me. I turned to him and felt tears well up in my eyes. His what?! I turned back to May and saw her smiling giddily at Louis. Then everything started fading as Louis stood up and walked to May, planting a lasting kiss on her lips.

That was when I woke up.

Sweat was pouring down my forehead and sticking my top to my stomach. My hair stuck to my cheeks as I breathed heavily. This sucked. I was sweating like a pig because I dreamt of Louis loving someone else... What was wrong with me?!

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