24. Leaving

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Soo enjoy because I told you to ;) sorry it's short and spaced out. I'm on my phonneee :) 

Love you! 

- Miki xx 

"Being single doesn't mean that you're weak. It means you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve." - Niall Horan


***Lily's P.O.V***

After I'd figure out I love Louis I'd started ignoring the outside world. I didnt text anyone, reply to tweets or inboxes on Facebook. I did my Twitcams, but when someone asked about One Direction I'd completely ignored it. I did my Video Diaries every week, and eventually we got down to the final 5. Shreya was still in the competition, Alex wasn't. There was a group and two solos.

Simon and I had started working harder toward my goal of winning, and he was happy to admit he was proud of my success. I was number 1 to win still and Shreya was completely jealous because she was voted most likely to go this week.

This week Simon is making me sing something I never wanted to sing. I wanted to sing something cool like It's Alright, It's Okay by Ashley Tisdale, but Simon gave me this particular song that I knew was bound to get me elminated...

"Come on Lily! One more time!" Simon yelled. I sighed and waved my hand at the band, telling them to start again.

I had to get this perfect.


It was the night of the performance and I was a bundle of nerves. If I left this week I would combust into a pile of nothing-ness. That wouldn't be pretty!

My cue came so I stepped out onto the stage in my long, black dress and stood near the edge of the stage. The dress was split up to the top of my right thigh and hung low on my back. It was a beautiful silky material that slid over my body and fit me snuggly. I had on 5 inch heels, but no make-up. I still never wore make-up.

"So here she is! Lily Deacon!" Caroline cheered, somewhere to my left. I instantly smiled and waited for the cue to start singing.

"Shut the door, 

Turn the light off. 

I wanna be with you, 

I wanna feel your love. 

I wanna lay beside you, 

I cannot hide this, 

Even though I try...

Heart beats harder, 

Time escapes me. 

Trembling hands touch skin, 

It makes this.. Harder.. 

And the tears stream down my face..

If we could only have this life, for one more day. 

If we could only turn back time. 

You know I'll be, 

Your life, your voice, your reason to be, 

My love, my heart is breathing for this, 

Moment, in time 

I'll find the words to say... 

Before you leave me today

Flashing lights in my mind 

Going back to the time 

Playing games in the street 

Kicking balls with my feet

There's a numb in my toes 

Standing close to the edge

There's a pile of my clothes 

At the end of your bed

As I feel myself fall 

Make a joke of it all

You know I'll be, 

Your life, your voice, your reason to be, 

My love, my heart is breathing for this, 

Moment, in time 

I'll find the words to say... 

Before you leave me today.." I finished singing and opened my eyes to see everyone clapping and cheering. It sounded different to other weeks. It was off, like something was wrong.

I so wasn't going to get through this week...

***Louis' P.O.V***

It was elimination day on X-Factor, and I'm pretty sure that girl-group was going. They'd been terrible. Like really bad.

But I didn't care about that.

For the past forever I was trying to get Lily to talk to me, but she didn't. I'd asked Shreya and she said that for some reason Lily had been throwing herself into her singing and wouldn't even talk to her about anything anymore.

It sucked worse then when Harry and I fought.

I watched the TV as Lily's name was called out... She was in the bottom 2. LILY WAS IN THE BOTTOM TWO?!

"Lily, before we announce who is going through to next week, what's it like being in the bottom two for the first time in the competition?" Caroline asked. Lily sighed shakily and bit her lip, the same lip I had kissed.

"Well... It's different. I mean, I've never been so scared in my life." She laughed lightly, but shakily, then sighed again.

"Okay, well... The person, or people, going through for another week is.."

And the world froze.

The boys all looked at the TV in shock as Lily broke down and tears started falling from her eyes. The girl-group jumped for joy as their mentor, Dani, cheered and clapped.

She didn't make it.

***Lily's P.O.V***

I sat down on my bed after the show. Tears were still dripping down my face as Shreya lay her head on my shoulder and hugged me.

It was all over.

My singing career.

My friendship with Shreya.

Everything felt like it was collapsing.

"We're still keeping in touch right?" Shreya asked quietly. I nodded and sobbed quietly. "Hey, come on. Cheer up buttercup! I'm sure you can still make it far!" She smiled as she let me go. I hugged her and kept packing up everything.


I didn't look back as I left the house. I looked forward and let the tears fall again. I heard eveyone shout goodbye so I waved over my head then got in the car.

This was going to be a long ride home.

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