I'm Sorry {Latherine}

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A/N - warning! A crap chapter, so sorry x

Lauren's POV:

"Lauren! How could you screw that up?" Christina screams at me as we make our way into the van on the way back to our house. She's talking about recording, I wasn't feeling well today and my voice had to crack at least 40 times during my solo and to make things better, my sisters were all mad at me for making them stay later and miss important things, like Kath's lunch date and Lisa's party.

"Sorry," I say quietly and sit next to the window in the car. They all sigh and ignore me for the rest of the drive home.

As soon as we reach our house, they all get out of the van and slam the door, not waiting for me to get out and causing me to wince at the loud sound. I sigh, I get out the van and make my way into my room. I start to cry into my pillow as the events from today play around in my head.

"Lauren! I'm going to be late for my lunch now!" Katherine screams as she barges her way into my room and stares at me with pure hatred. I look towards her.

"Look Kath, I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling well." I say truthfully and she rolls her eyes and scoffs at me.

"I don't care. You've ruined my life!" She tells me and I look down in shock. I had to go and screw up Kath's lunch, well done Lauren.

"I'm sorry Kath!" I say getting impatient. How many times do I have to say this?! I stand up and look her straight in the eye.

"I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE IN THIS BAND!" Katherine screams at me and I can't stop the tears that flow out of me like a waterfall. I don't say anything but just cry and look away, not making eye contact with her.

"Katherine!" A voice calls out from the door. We both turn around to see that all of our sisters are standing there in complete shock.

They're all staring at me, waiting for me to say something. However, I don't and push my sisters out the way and run out the door. The tears don't stop and as I run as fast as I can, my feet and brain physically hurt. I thought she loved me. We're family. How could she say that?! I can hear all my sisters calling and screaming for me as I reach the front door and run out.

I run to the beach, I fall down on the sand tears flowing out of me like there's no tomorrow. I feel like I'm having a panic attack, I can't breathe. My breathing becomes slower and slower and I suddenly feel myself looking for air.

Minutes later, I've finally calmed down and I close my eyes and lie down on the sand. I try to sit up again, gaining strength and confidence.

"Lauren!! Lauren?!" I hear a few familiar voices scream and I snap my head into that direction.

I don't say anything as I see Lisa, Christina and Amy run towards me. I turn around and look down below at the sand.

Before I know it, lots of bodies have engulfed me into a huge hug, stroking my back and my hair. They all whisper soothing things into my ear. Frankly, I don't care what they have to say. I know they're probably still mad at me and I'm mad at myself for screwing it up.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Christina asks me while they pull away and wipe my tears. I shrug my shoulders and avoid eye contact with all of them.

"Sweetie, Kath feels awful. She didn't mean what she said. She was just angry. We all love you so much," Lisa says and Christina and Amy nod.

"I ruined her life." I mutter out and I can see from the corner of my eye that Lisa looks at Christina with a sad look.

"You didn't Honey, let's go back so she can talk to you?" Christina says and I quickly shake my head.

"No, I don't want to see her." I say in a firm tone. They all look at me with sad eyes and I sigh.

"Okay, you don't have too." Amy says and brings me into a hug while Lisa holds my hand.

I don't say anything and stare at the waves behind Christina's head. Somehow, they calm me down and I can feel myself relaxing. A few minutes have passed of us just sitting there and staring at the ground, not knowing what to do or say until Lisa speaks up,

"Do you want to go back home Laur?" Lisa says and I silently nod.

"Come on then," Christina says and takes my hand to pull me up. As soon as I'm standing, Lisa pulls me into a huge hug and I rest my head on her shoulder.


As soon as we reach our house, I'm scared to go inside. I don't want to face anyone. I just want to sleep. I follow Amy into our house and without saying anything, I run into my room and slam the door shut.

I can hear my sisters sigh from downstairs and I jump into my bed, pulling the covers up over my head and cry into my pillow.

The door opens and I can hear someone's footsteps make their way to my bed, they sit down next to my feet and their hands rub my back.

I push the covers away and sit up to look at who it is. The last person I want to see.

"What are you doing here?" I say in an annoyed tone. Kath sighs at me and I can see she's been crying.

"I didn't mean what I said. I'm such a terrible person Lo, gosh I would never ever think that in a million years. You didn't ruin my life, you made it brighter. You give our band a unique sound and your voice is so soothing," Kath starts as she scoots up closer to me and pulls me into a tight hug, stroking my back. I tense at first but relax as soon as she touches my back.

"I love you Lauren, so much. I feel awful for what I said. I was just mad that we came back late and I missed my lunch date with this boy I've been crushing on for weeks. It's not your fault Laur, please never think that. We should have gone home once we knew you weren't feeling well. We all feel terrible Lolo," Kath says and pulls away from the hug. I nod, not saying anything, trying to stop my head from overflowing with thoughts about what happened earlier.

"I'm sorry Katherine," I say and give her a small smile. I feel bad for what happened with her lunch date.

"It's not your fault Laurie," she says and wipes some of my tears away and pushes my hair back behind my shoulder.

"I love you Lo, do you forgive me?" Kath says quietly and I nod in response.

"Love you too," I say and smile. Trying to forget about this whole thing and to focus on the fact that everything's okay and my sister didn't mean what she said.

Kath pulls me into her caring arms and strokes my hair as I lean into her shoulder. She kisses my forehead and soon enough, I've fallen asleep on her shoulder.

- a/n
sorry for the crap chapter :(

thank you for reading x ilya 💛

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