Terminal Cancer {Laurstina/Dauren}

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Lauren's POV:

"I'm so sorry, but Lauren does have cancer. It's spreading and fast. Currently, the cancer is in her lung. I'm very sorry but Lauren only has a few months, weeks even." The doctor says and gives me a sympathetic smile. He walks out the door to give us time alone. The room falls silent and all eyes fall on me.

"I don't want to die," I say quietly, breaking the deadly silence in the hospital room. All of my siblings and my parents are still staring at me, I don't know what they're expecting me to do.

"Sugar," Dani says with tears in her eyes and walks over to me and wraps me in a huge hug. Soon everyone has joined in on the hug, no one knowing what to do.


"Laur! We need to go," Christina calls out to me from downstairs while I grab my phone from my bed.

"Coming," My weak voice shouts back as I walk down the stairs carefully. Yes, I still have cancer and yes, I'm still going to die soon. It's only been three weeks since we got the news and our family really hasn't been the same. Everyone's always looking out for me or spending more time with me. I want to tell them they don't have too, that I don't want to spend my last days drowning my sorrows and being sad but I don't have the strength to say it without crying.

I see Christina waiting for me at the front door and I walk over to her. We get in the car, where all my family is. We're heading to the hospital for a check up. Today we find out if the cancer has spread, if it has then there's a possibility I could die today and if it hasn't, maybe just maybe, I have a few extra days to spend it with the people I love doing what I love.
The news was overwhelming for me, I mean I'm only 17! I want to live my life and go on rollercoasters and eat so much cotton candy that my stomach hurts. I want to get married, have kids and binge watch TV shows with Dani as we talk about boys and gossip.

As we arrive at the hospital and get out the van, the all too familiar walls surround me as we walk together into the familiar waiting room. My siblings sit next to me, Lisa's holding my hand and Christina, the other one.

"Lauren Cimorelli?" The Doctor comes out and looks around. I stand up, letting go of their hands and make my way to the doctor.

"You ready?" He asks me with a comforting smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say back with a small smile.

We go into the room where they do X-rays, MRI's and a bunch of other scans with fancy equipment. I've been in most of them, there not as bad as I thought they would be.

As soon as I've done all my scans, the doctor leads me to a room where all my family waits for me.

I haven't even properly stepped into the room and Dani has already engulfed me in a hug with Christina right behind her.

"How ya feeling?" Chris asks me as they all move out of the way so I can sit on the uncomfortable bed.

"Mm, better." I say and nod while Dani gives me a smile.

"That's great!" Dani says happily and climbs next to me in the bed. We lay down and hold each other while the rest of my family sit on the chairs surrounding the room.

Knock Knock

Lisa gets up to open the door, it reveals the doctor with a huge brown envelope. He steps in the room and smiles at us with his warm eyes.

"Hello guys," He says sadly. A bunch of muttered 'heys' come from around the room.

"The test results have come back and I'm so sorry to say this but Lauren, the cancer has spread and we're not sure how much longer you have." He tells me, once again everyone's eyes suddenly fall on me. I stare at the wall in shock, I didn't know what I was expecting but I sure as heck was not expecting that.

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