You're an Angel {Latherine}

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Lauren's POV:

Ring Ring

The familiar sound of my ringtone beeps on my desk across from me. I sigh, throw my physics book onto the end of my bed and get up. I grab my phone, without looking at the caller ID and answer it,

"Hello?" I start off.

"Lauren. I can't do this anymore." Sobs come from the other side of the line and by the familiar voice of my best friend, I instantly know it's Liz.

"Wait, what do you mean Liz? What's going on?"

"I'm sorry Lauren. You're the only one I'll miss,"

"No, no, Liz what are you doing? Stop. Hold on. Let's talk-,"

I'm cut off by the beeping of the phone and realise she just hung up on me.

No, no, NO! I phone her phone about ten times with no answer each time. I sigh and throw my phone on the tiled floor, not caring if it cracked or not. I slide down onto the floor and bury my face into my hands.

Scenarios of our phone call replay in my head, her familiar voice echoing throughout my mind and haunting me. Elizabeth, or as I call her, Liz, didn't have the best life. Her parents didn't care about her, her father was abusive and her mother, an alcoholic. She didn't have any friends, I was her only friend at school and yes, it came with people making fun of me for being her friend but I didn't care. She was known as a freak at school. She was bullied. But I saw past that, She was loyal. She cared about me. She was an only child so I can't imagine how this must have been for her, with no one to talk too.

Thinking fast, I quickly grab my phone and call the police.

"911, what's your emergency?" The voice on the other line says.

"I think, I think my friend is dead. She tried to kill her self," I say stuttering.

"Okay, can you tell us her name?"

"Elizabeth Torres,"

"Okay, Thank you. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I got a call from her saying she was going to do it," I trail off, feeling the tears coming.

"Do you know her address?"

"64 Campbell Road, Sutton. It's right next to a green supermarket," I say and gulp my tears. The all too familiar feeling of nausea circles my body but I quickly shake it off, with quick deep breaths and rubbing my one hand over my face.

"Okay. Do you want me to stay on the line with you? We are sending help." The voice on the line says kindly.

"No. I'll meet you there," I say and hung up. I grab my shoes that are under my bed and wipe my tears. I run out the door, leaving my phone behind and forgetting to tell my sisters where I'm going.

I run to her house, it's about 15 minutes away from mine. As soon as I get there, there's two ambulances parked outside, sirens going off. Police cars are parked outside and her parents are there, talking to the cops, not looking sad at all, like their child didn't just try to kill herself.

A short familiar body, covered in blood, lies on the stretcher that is being loaded into an ambulance. I run towards them, screaming and crying hysterically.

"WAIT!" I scream and reach them. The paramedics look at me with confused faces and then look at each other.

"She's my friend. My best friend. Can I go with you?" I say in a rushed tone. They nod and lead me to the back of the ambulance where I quickly get in and sit down.

Lauren Cimorelli (one shots) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now