Scars To Your Beautiful {Laurstina}

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Lauren's POV:
I heard the whistle blow. Everyone started to cheer. I'm so shocked I can't process what's going on. My friends and sisters rush to me, screaming and hugging me. Then, I realised I just won! I just won our schools biggest hockey game of the year! I scored 6 goals and the last one I scored in the last 5 seconds of the game.
"Oh my gosh!! Laur yay!! I'm so happy for you!" My friends all said, squeezing me in a hug.
"Thanks guys!" I hug them back.
"Laur!!! Yay! We're so proud of you!" All my sisters say in unison. They hug me and I hug them back.
I glance over at my watch and realise it's already 6pm on Friday night. Did we really play for 2 hours? That's the longest we've every played! I'm so tired.
Our coach comes over to the whole team, which is next to me, screaming and clapping.
"Well done everyone! Especially to you Lauren! We couldn't have done it without you!" Our coach, Ian Thomas said. I say thanks and give him a smile.
"Okay Laur, we're going to dinner now, to celebrate your win!" My sister, Christina says.
We all get in the car and drive to Antonio's pizza place.
"Laur whatcha gonna have?" I hear Katherine ask me.
"Oh uhm, I'm not really that hungry." I say quietly. Truth is, I'm starving but I've definitely been putting on weight recently and people at my school have started to notice, so have people on YouTube, they started calling me fat last week so now I'm going on this special diet, know one knows about this though.
"What?? You literally just played hockey for 2 straight hours without a break or food?!?" Lisa says curiously.
"Yea I know, just not that hungry" I say back. Lisa gives me a stare, like she knows something's going on. I shrug it off and look away.
"Laur, please eat something. Anything at all?" Kath says, in a motherly tone.
"Are you feeling okay sweetie?" Chris says.
By now everyone is looking at us, I just nod at them and drink my water. They all shrug it off expect for Lisa, Chris and Kath. They keep on looking at me and whispering to each other. Okay, this is making me feel insecure.
When the waiter comes round, I order a salad but I know I won't eat it. Lisa and Chris look at me and smile because I ordered something.
-- after dinner --
I only really played with my food at dinner, I ate some tomatoes but that was it. Thankfully know one noticed much and didn't say anything.
I was now chilling in my bed, I decided to go on YouTube and look at our recent video. Big mistake. Everyone was calling me fat or ugly or untalented. They all hurt but this one really got to me.
"That Lauren girl is getting so fat! I know I'm not the only one that sees it. Cimorelli would be way more amazing without Lauren. She brings the band down" I see that this comment has 45 likes and 5 replies. Wow, am I getting that bad?
I make myself a mental note to not eat anything and see what happens. I cry myself to sleep and try to dream of something that makes me happy, playing hockey. When I play hockey, everything rude that has been said just erases somehow and I feel like I can breathe again.
-- next morning --
Lisa's POV:
Something is so off with my ladybug! She's been acting strange this past month. I notice how she doesn't eat anything at breakfast and says she'll eat at school, but does she? She never eats at dinner, only plays around with her food. I decide to talk to Chris about this.
"Chris?" I ask, going into her room
"Hey. I need to talk to you"
"Okay, what about?"
She sighs. I instantly know that she knows something is wrong with Lauren too!
"Chris, she hasn't been eating. Like at all! I'm so scared and I don't know what's wrong!" I say on the verge of tears. Lauren, Dani and the boys are all at school so it's just me, Chris, Kath and Amy at home. My parents are on a business trip.
"I know Lisa. I'm extremely worried about her. I just don't know what to do." Chris says and I know she's about to cry.
I pull her into a hug, she's as worried as I am. None of us want to see Lauren get hurt.
"We need to talk to her" She says and gets up, with me following. We go downstairs to watch a movie with Amy and Kath.
Christina's POV:
After mine and Lisa's chat. I know that I'm not the only one who has been seeing Lauren hurt and sad. I'm so worried about her. I go downstairs with Lisa and watch a movie with Amy and Kath. I grab my phone while we are there and decide to text Lauren.
C - hey babygirl! How's school?
L - hey Chris, school is okay
C - how are you? What lesson are you in?
L - I'm okay, you?
C - good thanks. Laur you didn't answer my question.
L - Uhm, in in math
C - then why are you on your phone little one? Pay attention Laur!
L - sorry mom
Ever since our parents have been on a business trip for 3 months, Laur calls me mom and it's honestly the cutest thing ever. I'm so honoured that she thinks of me like that. I'm still so worried about her and I'm going to talk to her when she gets in.
-- everyone's home from school --
Lauren's POV:
After Chris and mines text convo. She's probably gonna be angry I was on my phone during math but oh well.
"Laur!" Chris says, giving me a hug. I honestly really needed that hug because I've had the worst day ever. People started calling me fat and ugly in class and behind my back. They started making up rumours about me, thankfully my friends are always here for me but I was so sad that I skipped lunch and cried in the bathroom
"Hey mom" I say
"Laur, we need to have a talk" Chris says, giving me a  weird look. I just nod and follow her into the living room.
"Baby girl, what's wrong? I'm so worried about you!" Chris says, about to cry. When I see her on the verge of tears, I instantly start crying. Chris rubs my back and whispers things like "you're okay" in my ear. We hug each other on the couch and I rest my head in her neck.
"I'm sorry Chris" I say still crying but now looking at her
"For what Lolo?"
I gently roll up my sleeve, I had a few cuts there. I did them last week after people started calling me an untalented fat freak at school but I instantly regretted it. I still do.
Chris was crying so much, I hugged her and started crying too. We just lay there in each other's arms until she said.
"What's going on Lo?"
Then I told her everything, from the hate comments about how I'm fat, to me starving myself, to my cuts, to people telling me this at school and online. I basically tell her what happened these past two months. I can't really read Christina's expression but she was crying when I said this.
"Oh gosh Lolo! I don't even know where to begin! You are the kindest, smartest, caring person ever! You are so talented and beautiful and you are definitely not fat! If anything your super skinny, sometimes it worries me how skinny you are but I know that you are happy when I see half the Nutella jar gone. You are such an amazing selfless person and don't let these haters get to you sweetie! There just jealous because you have more talent in your little finger than they do in there entire body! I'm so sorry this has been happening sweetie. Why didn't you tell me sooner? No, how could I not have noticed that something was wrong with my best friend?" Chris says, I'm in tears and she hugs me.
"I love you Chris, you're the best sister ever! I'm so greatful for you and I promise I'll tell you everything from now on" I say and truly mean it.
"I love you too little one. No more secrets okay?" She asks and I nod. We are still cuddling on the couch until Chris says something
"I have to tell the others about this sweetheart, they need to know. As soon as I tell them we can let you and Dani transfer schools okay?" She asks. I don't know if I want her to tell the others but I nod anyways.
"Can you tell them tomorrow? I'm tired and I want to cuddle with someone!" I say with a smile.
"Of course I can!" She says happily.
Chris kisses my cuts on my wrists and then my forehead. We lie in each other's arms on the couch and she puts a blanket over us
"I'm always here for you Laur, goodnight, I love you" I hear Chris say as soon as I get comfy.
"I love you too" I say before I fall off in a deep sleep.

A/N whoa, this is probs the longest thing I've written and tbh idk if I like it 😹
Sorry if this sucks haha I didn't proof read it 😹Sorry for any mistakes 💖
Love y'all 💜

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