Nightmares {Laurstina}

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10 years ago:

Lauren's POV:

"Chris, Chrissy," I gently shake my sister side to side as she lays flat across her double bed.

"Hm," Christina stirs and then looks at me with her big green eyes.

"I had a n-nightmare Chrissy," I tell her, hiccuping while I study her tired face.

"Aw Laur, it's okay. Come lie with me," She tells me sweetly, brushing the loose piece of hair out of my eyes. She picks up my small body and lays me next to her.

"What was your dream about?" She asks me as we cuddle next to each other.

"You died in a car crash Chrissy and there was blood and I was screaming but no one was there, it was only me and you," I tell her, terrified.

"Aw honey, I'm okay and so are you. Lets go back to sleep Lo," She tells me tiredly as she wraps her arm around me, comforting me into a deep sleep.

The Next Day

"Chrissy," I rock my sister side to side, again.

"Another nightmare Lo?" She asks me and I nod quickly. She sighs and then picks me up to wrap me into her arms.

"What was your nightmare about?" She asks me again. She kisses my forehead gently while stroking my hair.

"The same Chrissy," I tell her and she nods. She cuddles into me while I cuddle into her and soon fall asleep.


The same nightmare of Christina getting into a nasty car accident while I watched haunted me every day for two weeks. I was only 8 years old and terrified of going to sleep unless I knew Christina was safe and asleep or next to me. Christina said she didn't mind when I woke her up at midnight every night and climbed into her bed but I knew how tired she got in the morning.

Christina started to tell my mom about the constant nightmares that occurred and my mom said it was just my imagination but I had a bad feeling and so did Christina. The same nightmare every night had to mean something, right?

Two Years Later

I guess my mom was right when she told me it was my imagination because I stopped having nightmares about Christina in a car accident. I was still scared though and I would always follow Christina around. The nightmares continued for a month and a half and then I eventually grew out of them as my dad said.

I still remember them clearly, they never went away. They haunted me and gave me a bad feeling whenever Christina was out late at night or when she wasn't at home for the night. They scarred me.

6 Years Later

"Lo, do you remember when you were like eight or something and you always had those nightmares about us?" Christina asks me as we sit down at the local cafe shop to order breakfast.

"I remember them too," I tell her and think back to how scared I would be when I saw Christina's car not in the garage.

"How weird were they though, they were constant and only about you dying, I always thought they meant something," I tell her while shrugging my shoulders as I take a sip of the coffee.

"Yea, maybe it was just your imagination," She tells me while I nod.

"They just felt so real though," I tell her while we begin to order food.

Present Day

"Christina, can you drive me to my friends house?" I ask her as I walk down the stairs and see her chilling in our lounge.

"Where's your car?" She asks me while turning off the TV.

"In for a service, please Chris!" I ask, practically begging.

"Okay fine," She says with a sigh and grabs the keys.

We get into the car and Christina begins to drive. We make small talk on the way there and listen to the radio.

We come to stop at a red light on the highway. Christina reaches over to grab her lipstick cap that fell off while she was reapplying her makeup.

"CHRISTINA!" I scream at her. She tries to dodge the huge truck that heads towards us in the wrong lane. I think to myself, he has to be drunk. He's driving on the opposite side of the road, heading the wrong direction.

No Ones POV:

The blue car came to a halt as the truck practically fell into it. The glass from the little blue car shattered and the car fell onto its side. The car was ruined. The truck was fine but the driver had plunged forward into the steering wheel and glass mirror that surrounded the truck.

People stopped to stare and got out their phones to call 911 in a panic.

The car that was now on its side was smashed, there was no sign of the people inside.

The truck looked fine, being the bigger car in the accident, it didn't have a scratch but the driver of the truck looked badly injured.

The ambulance came to the smaller car first and yanked the two girls out of the car. People surrounded them and screamed and cried while they mourned over their lost ones.

The two girls lay on the floor next to each other, beaten, bruised and injured but they both looked peaceful. Their hands were intertwined together as they lay on the road, their hair was flowing everywhere and their blood smeared across their face.

The driver was next, they took the man out the truck and placed him next to the two girls.

They were all dead on arrival.

I guess there's some sort of meaning behind a nightmare after all.

Lauren Cimorelli (one shots) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now