Lost {Laurmy}

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- a/n - crappy chapter, sorry! x

11 years ago

Amy's POV:

"Amyyyyyy" Lauren whines up to me as we're watching a movie in the lounge.

"Yea?" I ask my seven year old sister.

"Can we go adventuring?" She asks me happily and jumps up around. The energy that this kid has never ends.

"Okay!" I say and watch her face light up in joy.

I take her hand as we open the front door and take in our surroundings. It's a sunny day in Nashville and our neighbours are outside either gardening or walking.

We take each other's hands and run happily down the road side by side. Lauren and I rarely ever hang out but I love hanging out with my younger sister.

We come to the end of the road and decide to take a left turn, finding our way to the park.

When I was eight years old, Lisa and I learnt the way to the park off by heart. And now that I'm ten years old I'm going to teach Lauren the way so that when Dani is older she can teach Dani the way to the park.

"Lauren how come we never hang out much?" I ask her as we walk together crossing the trees that pass us.

"I don't know. You always play with Lisa and I always play with Dani," Lauren says nodding. I nod too in agreement.

"Yea but I want to hang out with you too," I tell her with a playful smile.

"Me too!" Lauren says giggling.

"Let's play tag," Lauren says happily and taps my arm and screams "You're it" while running away.

"Why am I always it first!" I complain and cross my arms over my chest but soon give in and run along, chasing Lauren.

"Got you!" I say tapping Lauren's shoulder and laughing at her while she pouts.

"You always get me," She complains and I stick my tongue out at her which she returns.

"You're it!" I scream and run away crazily from Lauren.

I run and run and run until I get out of breath. I turn around to find Lauren and can't see her anywhere.

"Lauren?" I shout, she's probably hiding and going to get me so I can't fall for this! I think to myself.

I laugh and carry on running, I pass ten more trees and then sit down and rest.

I look around for Lauren some more with my eyes following every tree that goes down. I decide to get up and find her, realising she's not coming to find me anytime soon. As I walk down the path, I realise that the way to the park didn't look like this before. Oh well, maybe it's changed. I think to myself and run off looking for my younger sister.

"Lauren! Lauren?!" I scream out for her.

I don't get any response so I keep on running, confused as to where my younger sister could be.

"Lauren?" I call out one more time.

"Amy?" I hear a very faint voice coming from the left of me followed by some loud sniffling.

"Lauren!" I scream and run to the direction of the voice. I see Lauren sitting on the floor and leaning on a tree. Her knee is all busted up and bleeding.

"What happened?" I say while Lauren cries in pain.

"I fell over Ames," She tells me while sniffling and holding onto her knee.

"Aw Lauren." I say and grab her into a hug. I look at her knee to see it big and red with lots of cuts and grazes.

"Lauren I think we should go home," I tell her but she quickly shakes her head.

"I can't move my leg Amy," She tells me, scared to death about her leg. I start to panic too, are we stuck here?

"Can you try?" I ask her, she tries to lift her leg but instantly screams in pain and lays it back down.

I look around, trying to find out how to get home. I can't remember the way and I start to worry.

"I'm scared," Lauren says and grabs my hand. We're lost in some sort of forest with millions of trees and no clue on where to go.

"Me too Lauren," I say and hold her hand while I cuddle up closer to her and rest my head on her shoulder,

"Amy, are we lost?" She asks me panicking.

"We're lost Laur,"

"Everything's going to be fine," I tell her, not sure if I believe it but trying to calm her down.




"Amy!! Lauren?!"

"We're over here!!" Lauren and I scream our lungs out as familiar voices from all around call out our names.

"I see Lisa, Amy!" Lauren tells me happily.

"LISA!" Lauren and I scream together. Soon enough, the voices stop screaming for us and we hear footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Guys!" Lisa says and runs over to both of us, engulfing both of us in a huge hug.

"Ow Lisa!" Lauren says as she pulls her leg away.

"Oh my gosh Lauren. What happened?" Lisa says worriedly as she pulls Lauren into a hug.

"She fell over and can't move her leg," I tell her.

"Guys, what were you doing out here by yourself? Everyone is so worried and we're all out looking for the two of you!" Lisa says angrily but then looks at Lauren's leg and her angry face falls.

"We just wanted to go adventuring," Lauren tells her and I nod.

"But we got lost," I add on.

"Okay guys, we should get you home." Lisa says and picks up Lauren, carrying her in her arms while I follow her.

We eventually find our house again and I've never been so happy to see the familiar house.

"Amy! Lauren!" Our mom screams for us at the front door and runs over to us.

"Never ever ever step a foot out of this house without telling us where you're going Alright? We looked for you everywhere and we were all so worried!" Our Mom shouts at us and Lauren and I nod.

"We're sorry. We just wanted to go adventuring," Lauren says and I nod.

"Mom, Lauren fell and can't move her leg, I think it's broken." Lisa exclaims and our mom comes over to look.

"Aww, my baby. Let's take a look Laur," Mom takes Lauren out of Lisa's arms and brings her inside. I follow her, making sure Lauren's okay.

"I think we need to go get this checked out by a doctor," Mom says and then looks at both of us.

"I really was so worried girls. I'm glad you're okay but you can't do that ever again Alright?" Lauren and I nod while our mom hugs us.

"Okay Lauren, let's go to the doctor." Mom says and picks up Lauren to take her to the car.


"Lauren!" I scream happily as I see Lauren step out the car in crutches with a blue cast on her leg.

"Amy!" She says happily and comes over to give me a hug with one hand.

"My legs broken," She tells me sadly and I nod.

"Let's just watch a movie now Laur," I ask her and she nods happily.

"Yes!" She says and we make our way to the lounge to chill while watching a movie.

Lauren Cimorelli (one shots) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now