Jin's Little Secret

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(Yes pun intended 😂😂)

The boys were at home relaxing after an exhausting practice at the studio. When they walked in the house, they immediately fell to the ground with exhaustion.

"Uggghhh that was the longest practice we've ever had! My legs feel like jello." Suga groaned as he stumbled getting up and flipping back down on the couch. Everyone else got up and went to their rooms, except for Jin.

" I'm going to make dinner, I'll call everyone down when it's finished." But no one responded.

"Aish these kids." Jin said to himself before he got up and stumbled to the kitchen to cook.

After cooking for 30 mins, he called everyone downstairs. But once again no one responded, so after calling 5 times with no response, he went to scold them for not responding when he tripped over something and fell to the ground.

He groaned at the sudden pain in his hand, when he looked at it, he saw that he had a huge cut on his palm.

He felt himself slipping into little space at the pain ' Owwie! It reawwy huwts!' He felt tears prick in the corner of his eyes, but he wiped them off trying not to be seen by the other members.

He's hidden it for so long, he would be so embarrassed if anyone found out about his little space. He got up and went to the sink to wash up the blood.

After about 10 mins cleaning up his mess and wrapping his bloody and up, Jin started eating by himself. After about 5 mins, the boys started coming downstairs.

"Hyung why didn't you call us down for dinner??" Taehyung almost yelled out before he sat down and started eating.

"Firstly, Don't yell at me unless you have a death wish. And secondly I did call you all down like 300 times but no one responded so I just started eating by myself, now be grateful that I didn't throw it out or ate it myself." After that no one said anything and ate in silence.

After everyone finished eating, they cleaned up and went into the living room to watch a movie. The maknae line got to choose the movie and of course they choose a scary movie. Jin never liked scary movies since he was scared very easily.

'Oh no I hope it's not too scary, what if I get scared and go into little space!' Jin thought to himself as he slowly leaned more into the couch grabbing a pillow and squeezing it.

"What's wrong hyung? Are you seriously this scared?!" The whole room exploded with laughter as everyone was taunting Jin. But he didn't realize that he was slowly slipping into headspace.

He was about to cry when he yelled out without thinking about it "Don't laugh at me! Don't waugh at Jinnie!" He got up and ran upstairs to his room almost falling several times before he got into his room and locked the door.

He immediately started to break out in a sob. He want over to his bed and reached under to grab a box.

Inside the box was all of his little stuff, he grabbed his paci with a pink llama on it and his Mario stuffie. He stuck the pacifier in his mouth and hugged his Mario and softly sobbed into his pillow.

"W-why eberone waugh at Jinnie... wat did Jinnie do wong" he questioned to himself. The little voice in his head responded

'You're a disgrace to the band'
"I kno"

'You can't even sing'
" I kno I can't "

'Why do you even try? Why don't you just quit '
"I dun't kno I sowwy"

He was so distracted by the voices in his head that he didn't know that everyone got the door unlocked and was standing in the doorway with shock.


He was awoken by Namjoon deep loud voice, he got up and stood there frozen with fear. He started to cry, letting the pacifier fall from his mouth onto the floor.

" I-I s-sowwy"

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