Playtime 2.0: Part 2

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Both little ran down the stairs excited to have pancakes. After they got down they went to sit at the table eagerly awaiting their nummies.

Jimin went to the table holding two plates with cut up pancakes.

"Here you go little buns, a Pink Princess plate for Jinnie, and a Kumamaon plate for Yoonie!" He said as he set the plates down in front of the two littles.

"Tank oo Minnie!!" Both boys said in unison before digging into their plates. In the end, there were pancake pieces and syrup all over the table and both littles.

"Well, I guess I have my work cut out for me." Jimin said to himself quietly as he picked up the plates from in front of the two and put them in the sink.

"Looks like you two need to be changed into clean clothes" he said to them. Yoongi made grabby hands towards the younger, asking to be picked up.

"Uppies Minie! Uppies pwease!"

"Why sure little Prince! You are so polite!" He said as he picked up the the elder surprised at how light he was.

"C'mon you too Jinnie don't you want up?" Jimin asked the little standing up beside him

"Nu tank oo Minnie, can Jinnie jus hol' it hand isead?" Jin asked slightly blushing from embarrassment

"Of course you can sweetheart! Here" he held out his hand in front of the little. Jin was hesitant at first but eventually held onto his pinky and ring fingers. (Yes I understand Jins hands are much bigger than Jimins but it seemed cuter to make his smaller)

So they went upstairs and walked into the bedroom to change. Jimin went into the walk in closet and grabbed a Yoshi onesie for Seokjin, and a dinosaur onesie for Yoongi.

 Jimin went into the walk in closet and grabbed a Yoshi onesie for Seokjin, and a dinosaur onesie for Yoongi

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He came back out with the outfits and changed their clothes

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He came back out with the outfits and changed their clothes.

After seeing them both yawn, he looked at the clock and realized it was about to be their nap time.

"Okay you too time to lay down for nappies." Jimin said to the two rubbing their eyes. He picked them up and set them into their beds. He was about to shut the door when he heard them say something very quietly.

"Wan' paci Minnie.. "
"Yoonie tu Minie."

"Ohhh I almost forgot that, I'm sorry little ones!" He said as he walked over to the drawer and grabbed a pacifier from Jin and Yoongis bin.

He walked back over to them and popped them in each of their mouths.

He quietly walked out the door making sure to keep it cracked a bit so they won't get scared. He made his way downstairs to clean up the messes from this morning.

After about an hour after he finished up, Jimin had just sat down on the couch when he heard the door being unlocked.

"Hey we're back! We have some-"

Namjoon was interrupted by Jimin covering his mouth.

"Shhh, they've only been napping for an hour." Jimin whispered to his elder before he woke them up



The two littles little ran down the stairs fully awake as if they weren't even napping. They immediately ran to their caregivers and hugged them tightly.

"Why hello my sweets, Joonie and I have some thing for you two!" Hoseok said as he took the items out of the bags.

A package of all 26 letter blocks, a shark pacifier, stuffie, and a stack of coloring books with cars and dinosaurs + crayons for Yoongi.

And for Jin..

An alpaca stuffie, a pack of Mario pacifiers, a Suga(r) Glider onesie, and a stack of princess coloring books + crayons.

He handed the boys the bags, and they immediately poured them on the floor in front of them. Jin started coloring, while Yoongi began to gnaw on the pack of blocks.

"Oh no sweetie! Don't do that, you'll hurt your teeth. Here let me open it for you" Namjoon said

Jin notices this and doesn't like it. But he just turned back to his coloring page and continued. After he finished up 3 princesses he gets up and takes his stuff upstairs. By this time he was out of his headspace. He looked back downstairs seeing how much fun they were having without him. He walks into the bathroom and locks the door...

A/N: OOF school is hard. I will update more if I can. I really am trying I'm sorry. Byee

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