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um... it's been a while hasn't it?

let me start by saying, i'm really sorry for just leaving and basically being completely inactive for like 2 months without a word or anything. i've been working almost every day and barely even have time to sleep. so i think the last thing in my mind was updating a story barely anyone reads anymore.

that brings me to my next point. i'm not sure what else to say but i've kinda stopped using this app all together like i used to. like it's to the point where all the stories i used to read and were currently reading aren't enjoyable anymore. i don't know if it's just cause i'm depressed and haven't been able to enjoy a lot of things that i used to, or maybe i've kinda grown out of my wattpad obsessed phase.

i'm really not even sure what to do at this point. a part of me says to just end the book right here and not even write or read anymore. at the same time there's another voice telling me to just take a while to myself and maybe i'll get the inspiration again and start writing again. cause i absolutely love this book and everyone who reads it, this was basically my outlet from all the bad and depressing shit in my life going on. every time i get a notification from a vote or comment i go right to it and read it, or i just flat out ignore it. but something in me goes to it and reads it and thinks, wow, someone actually reads my book still and likes it?

i honestly wanna continue this book. i like writing and seeing you guys laugh and relate to what happens in the story/one-shots. but anytime i try to write i feel so uninspired or bored or have not a single idea of what to write. it's conflicting me so much cause i feel as if a big part of my life has been on here reading, writing, laughing, and finding parts of myself that i didn't know were there. i mean i literally discovered what being an age regressor/little is by reading a random book i found. that moment i found out what it was. it was life changing.  i finally realized why i am the way i am. i why i like feeling like i'm 4 or 5 years old again. not having to think about the stresses of the real world for a short time. going back to a simple time where i could be happy and be able to enjoy the small things i used to. like the feeling of a soft stuffed animal after a long day, the warmth of the blanket after coming in from the cold. the comfort of a pacifier when sleeping. every aspect of being little has helped me so much, it even stopped me from cutting so much.

so i'm just gonna say this. this is not a goodbye, it isn't an ending or the curtains closing. let's just call this a pause or an intermission. i'm not gonna be back very soon, it may take me a while to come back with new chapters and one shots. so i hope that you guys will possibly wait for me to come back. and if you don't, that's okay too. i hope i was able to make you smile, or even just make you're day a little bit better than it was.

i'll see you guys when i get back.

~ Jay ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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