Play Time!

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(I'm so sorry everyone for the long wait, my phone broke unexpectedly so idk when i will be able to update so i might post what i have today and wait until i get a new one which i won't know when i will get enjoy this part and i will keep you guys updated as soon as i can! )

The next morning Namjoon woke up feeling a slight chill. He opened his eyes to see that Jin wasn't next to him. In a sudden panic he sprung out of bed and put a shirt on before running downstairs. Since everyone else was still sleeping he tried to be as quiet as possible.

'Where could he be? He didn't run away did he?? I didn't say anything wrong di-' his thoughts were interrupted when he heard his little laugh at something. He looked down to see his little on the floor sprawled out with a Mario coloring book, coloring while watching cartoons.

"Oh my baby when did you get up? I was worried that something happened to you!" Namjoon said relieved that he was okay. Jin got up and ran over to his caregiver and pulled him into a hug.

"Morning daddy! Jinnie didn wan to wake oo' up an I wanted to cowor but u were still sweeping an I didn wan to make daddy cwanky by wakin him up." Jin finished almost out of breath because he said it all at once worried that he was in trouble.

"Woah slow down sweetheart, you're not in trouble. I was just wondering where you were because you weren't there when I woke up. I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you." He said kissing him on his forehead.

After letting go, Namjoon told Jin to keep coloring and he would cook breakfast for them. He walked into the kitchen to start.

After about 15 minutes of cooking. Everyone woke up to the smell of something burning. The first to come rushing downstairs were Taehyung and Jimin.

"Oh no, Namjoon is cooking again. Tae you go and sit with Jin while I help sort this mess out." Jimin said with a sigh before going into the kitchen.

Meanwhile Taehyung went into the living room and sat next to Jin. "Morning bun, how's my little one doing today?"

"Morning Taehyungie! I'm otay, I just coworing Mario! Oo' wanna cowor wit me?! Jin said with excitement in his eyes.

"Of course I would love to color with you baby!" Taehyung said before Jin handed him a coloring sheet with Yoshi on it and some crayons. Tae laid next to him and started to color while watching KoKoMom.

After about 20 minutes and 3 coloring sheets,  Jimin and Namjoon were done cooking and everyone else was awake. Jimin called to everyone signaling that breakfast was ready.

"Come on bub, time to eat breakfast." Hoseok said picking up the older and carrying him to the dining room and sitting him down next to Namjoon.

"Hey baby, did you color with Uncle Hoseok?" He asked the older while setting down his Nemo plate with cut up waffles and eggs.

"Tank oo' Joonie an oo' too Jiminie!" Jin said before he started eating happily.

They both thanked him before they started to eat. Jimin scolded him for almost burning the house down just by turning on the stove.  Everyone laughed excluding Namjoon.  Who just ignored them and continued eating.

After they were finished, Hoseok got up and started to clean up since it was his week to do the dishes.  Everyone else headed upstairs. Except for Namjoon and Jin. They went and sat on the floor so Jin can continue coloring.

After a while, Namjoon looked at the clock and saw it was 9:59. He looked down at his little and saw he was fighting off the sleep so he could color. 

"Okay my little bun, I think it's time to take a bath and go night night, we have practice again in the morning." Namjoon said while picking up his hyung who was surprisingly lighter than he thought.

"Otay Joonie,  will oo' help Jinnie take a baf?" He asked very tired before yawning.

"Of course I will help you my princess, anything for you." Namjoon said before going up the stairs to the bathroom and setting the older down before turning on the water.

After the tub was filled he stopped the water to make sure the bubbles don't overflow. He turned back to his little and told him to take off his clothes because the bath was done.

Jin got into the tub slowly until he was fully submerged up to his chest. Namjoon was about to walk out when a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Won't Joonie take a baf wit me?" He asked whining a little.  Namjoon hesitated because he already took a shower when Jin was napping on the floor earlier in the day.

"Of course baby, just let me grab our towels and pick out an outfit for you." He said before walking out keeping the door cracked to make sure nothing happens to Jin.

He walked into Jin's room before grabbing two towels. One regular towel, and one with a duck hoodie. He grabbed some pajama pants with checkered boxes for himself. And a pink and blue footie onsie for Jin.

He set the clothes down and walked back into the bathroom putting the towels on the rack and taking his clothes off. He then got in behind his little.

After they got situated, Jin snuggled himself into Namjoon's  chest. Then, he grabbed the shampoo and started to wash the older boys hair. Then he rinsed it with the shower.

After about 10 mins of Jin playing with little bath toys, they both got out and Namjoon drained the water and wrapped himself in a towel. And then put Jin in his towel.

After they got out and got dressed. Namjoon put Jin to bed with his blue bear paci and his pink pig stuffie. He was about to walk out when he heard a little whimper from Jin. 

Jin made grabby hands signaling that he wanted to sleep with him. So Namjoon turned around and snuggled up with his little.

"Good night baby, I love you so much."

"I wuv oo' Joonie, night night..."

After that, they both were fast asleep.

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