Sorry Not an Update (again...)

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Im gonna post this chapter on all my books just incase anyone reads my other ones (you probably don't...).

I've been feeling very bad lately. (I say that a lot i know) But it's getting to the point that updating doesnt feel as fun as it used to be... More like work and pressure from people to update. I've seriously been trying to write, but i end up feeling like its bad and deleting it all.

I'm not gonna end my books... But i may take another little break from writing. I don't necessarily want to because i know I'll lose just about all of my readers and stuff... But its just getting too much, with school and depression and the constant anxiety i get when im writing. And i feel so bad when i take these breaks...

I know some of you guys actually enjoy my book (i say some... I mean like 7) and i lovw hearing the positive feedback from you guys and hearing that its okay to take breaks and stuff. But no matter how many times i hear it, im still gonna feel shitty. I've taken too many breaks... I feel like I've failed as an author..

I'm gonna try and be back as soon as i can but if you guys leave... That's fine i understand why you are. Only a couple people have even looked at my oneshot book to give me requests... Cause idk how to start that either.. But its my fault for not starting off with some sort of an idea or story for the first chapter. So i may just delete that book all together..

As for my little book... Idk where that's gonna go... No one really wants to read whatever shit is going through my head when im little and can barely type correctly.. So that is undecided right now.

But all in all i just wanted to say im sorry for doing this because I've done it one too many times... No one will probably even read this but its okay... I just wanted to get it off my chest..

This is Jay signing off of writing until who knows when... Im sorry if i disappointed you. 😔

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