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*//Don't hate me, it's gets better I promise... //*


*beep beep beep *

Jin pressed the off button on the alarm clock. He groaned because for it was only 5 am.  He didn't set an alarm for that early.

He turned over to see an empty side of the bed.  Namjoon wasn't there. And there wasn't a note.  Anytime he leaves, he leaves a little post it note saying where he is and how long he's gonna be gone.

Jin sat up, slipped on his bunny slippers,  and walked out the door.

He walked down the stairs to see that there is no one.  A faint smell of pancakes lingering in the kitchen. The dishes were cleaned and the table was empty. 

Jin's lip wobbled a little, maybe they're just in the living room.  He walked out of the kitchen and walked down the long hallway to the living room.

He was disappointed at the sight.  No one was there,  and all their shoes,  except Jin's, were gone. At that moment,  Jin was about to break down in tears.

He decided to try and stay calm.  He walked back to the kitchen and get something to eat.  He grabbed the cereal and tried to reach for a bowl when it came falling to the floor.  Shattering into pieces.

" Oh nu nu nu... Daddy gona be mad at Jinnie." he said almost in tears trying to clean up the mess.  He was picking it up so fast that he cut his arm that he was holding the broken pieces in.

At that moment he dropped all of the bowl and started sobbing on the floor. He was all by himself with no one to care for him. He couldn't even get a bowl without messing up.

He was crying so much that he didn't hear the door open and the boys walking in.  Namjoon was the first to hear Jin crying almost silently.  He rushed into the kitchen and saw a sight that broke his heart. His baby was on the floor crying next to a shattered bowl.  He saw blood and rushed over to him.

" Oh my goodness baby what happened! Are you okay? Tell me what hurts? I'm so stupid I forgot to leave a note that we were going out. " Namjoon said very fast in his panicked state.

Jin just hugged his boyfriend tightly, grabbing fistfuls of his sweater and crying lightly.

After a minute or two,  Jins cries reduced to nothing but little whimpers. Namjoon stood up with the little in his arms and turned to the others.

"Guys can you clean this up for me please.  I have to got clean up this little guys injuri-"

"Nu...  I mades da mess, I can cwean it ups" Jin said softly, but loud enough for the rest of the members to hear.

"Oh no baby,  we can't have you cleaning this up by yourself.  We don't want our little one to get hurt again.  We can clean it up.  We're sorry for not telling you that we would be gone.  It's our faults.  So we will clean this up.  But don't worry, we have a surprise after Namjoonie cleans you up okay?" Hoseok said to him before patting his head and going to get the broom.

"Ready to take a nice bath and get you all cleaned up baby boy?" Namjoon said to the little.

"Y-yesh daddy, u no mad at Jinnie?" Jin said nervously awaiting his response.

"Of course not baby,  it was my fault for not leaving you with a note or anything.  Plus the bowl doesn't matter, we have many others." He said to him before pecking the older on his cheek

" Now let's get you cleaned up. "

They walked up the stairs and into the bathroom.  Namjoon set Jin down on the toilet seat and began to run a bath for the little. He waited until the water wasn't too cold or hot and put the drain stopper in.

"Do you want bubbles baby? Green or Purple?" he asked

"Um...  Purple pwease? " Jin said shyly.

"Okay purple bubbles for the little prince" He said while pouring in a bit of the grape scented bubbles.

Jin was already stripped of his clothes so Namjoon picked him up and set him in the tub. He started to wash his hair while the older played with the bubbles.

"I'm really sorry for leaving you alone baby, I can't believe that I forgot to leave you a note.  I was in such a rush that I forgot. " he said sadly.

"Ish okai dada I wub oo alwaysh." he said blowing the bubble around.

"I love you too little one"

After he got out of the tub, Namjoon got him dressed in a blue dolphin onesie and himself in a white T-shirt and some pj pants.

They walked downstairs to see everyone in the living room in their pyjamas with a box in the middle of the room.

"Jinnie sweetie , that's for you,  think of it as a way of saying sorry for leaving you alone." Taehyung said before pushing the box towards the little.  It was already open so he could just get it out.

Jin looked into the box and pulled out its contents.  It was a giant purple llama plush.  His eyes glistened at the sight. He immediately hugged it super tight.

"Tank you tank you tank you guys.  I wub it!"

"Don't thank us,  it was Namjoons idea to get it."

"Reawwy dada, I don knu wat to say,  I wub u daddy! " he said before dropping the llama and hugging his boyfriend.

"It's nothing baby,  I'd do anything for you, I love you so much" he said before kissing him on his forehead.

"Okay are we gonna watch the movie?" Jimin asked excitedly

"Of course I almost forgot.  Turn it on" Jungkook said

On the screen, Curious George started to play, Jin had the biggest smile on his face.  He loves Curious George. He cuddles up with his caregiver and llama and watched the movie.  Forgetting all about what happened this morning.  He knew that they didn't mean to leave him here.  He's just happy that they're here now.

After the movie was over,  Jungkook and Jin were fast asleep. Namjoon picked him up and said goodnight to everyone.  And Taehyung followed him with a sleeping Jungkook in his arms.

When Taehyung got upstairs, he set down the sleeping boy and cuddles up next to him. "Good night my bunny".

Meanwhile, Namjoon had put down his sleeping prince,  and went downstairs to clean up.

After they finished cleaning, they all went upstairs to sleep. Namjoon went to go lay down when something caught his eye.  On his side of the bed,  he noticed a little slip of paper. It was the note that he apparently wrote.

'Ohhh I did write a note this morning,  it just fell off the bed. Oh yeah,  I must've been so tired that I forgot that I even wrote it. I'm so stupid.' He mentally cursed at himself. He looked over to see that Jin was stirring in his sleep. And was sucking on the blanket.

Namjoon opened the drawer and grabbed the yellow pacifier with the duck on it and lied down next to his boyfriend. He gently tool the blanket from his mouth and put the paci by his lips.  Before he knew it,  jin took the pacifier and was lightly sucking on it.

Namjoon cuddled next to the elder and drifted off to sleep.

"I love you baby boy"

A/n: Wow,  I write a lot when Im depressed.  Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Now that my SAT is done with, I will update when I can.  Hope you guys are doing better than I am.  If you guys need someone to talk to,  you can inbox me anytime. Don't forget to vote, and don't hesitate to comment.  I love reading your comments.  It makes me feel a little bit better about myself...

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