At the Hospital

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When they arrived at the hospital, they opened the car door and carried Jin out. Yoongi went to find a wheelchair for him, the rest of the member helped Namjoon with Jin.

"J-joonie... It reawwy hurts!" Jin said mumbled between sobs. The caregiver looked at his baby boy almost in tears himself.

"Its okay bun you're going to be okay, breathe and stay calm okay? I'm right here with you." Namjoon said holding back his own tears so he won't frighten the little.

Soon after Yoongi came back with the wheelchair, they carefully set him down in the chair. After they made sure he was comfortable they started to push him towards the hospital.

They all rushed in calling for a doctor, when they finally flagged one down they took Jin and told everyone else to sit in the waiting room.

"Hyung i'm scared... Is Jin hyung going to be okay?" Namjoon asked Yoongi who looks at him with a worried face

"I'm not sure Joon, it didn't look too bad. I'm sure that the doctors will take care of him, they have taken care of me when I was here before." He said to the younger.

When Yoongi said that Namjoon's mind went crazy with thoughts. 'I can't believe I didn't notice that he was hurt... I was so focused on the choreography that I forgot about my baby boy. You're so stupid...'

He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't notice almost and hour past and the doctors were telling him that they can see Jin now.

"NAMJOON-AH! WAKE UP!!" Hoseok yelled just loud enough to snap Namjoon out of his trance like state.

"Huh!? What what happened?! Is Jin okay?" He said in a panic. Jimin grabbed his shoulders.

"Hyung the doctors said we can see Jin now, come on." Jimin said while walking him towards the hallway where Jin's room was.

When they walked in Jin's face instantly grew into a huge smile despite the bandages around his knee.

"Daddy! I missed you so much Jinnie was so scawed when the doctows took Jinnie away and I--" Jin was cut off by Namjoon pulling Jin into a super big hug.

"Jinnie baby, I am so sorry that I didn't notice that you were hurt! I am the worst caregiver in the entire world! I can't believe my baby got hurt and I didn't even noti--" Now Namjoon was cut off by Jin kissing him.

They stayed like that for a minute before Jin pulled away and hugged his daddy tightly, rubbing his back while he cried.

"No no no daddy, you not bad at all! It was Jinnie's fault for no tewwing you dat Jinnie huwt himself. You are da bestest daddy in da universe! So no crying, gonna make Jinnie cwy." Jin said with his lip quivering a bit before holding it back to be strong for his caregiver.

They were interrupted by the doctor knocking on the door. "I don't mean to interrupt anything but someone needs to sign him out. He will need these." He held up the crutches in his hand. "You can take the wheelchair as well if you like." He said before handing Namjoon the papers.

"He was very well behaved for a little, I've never had one who didn't cry." The doctor whispered.

Namjoon looked at the doctor in shock and mouthed to him.

'How did you know?!'
"The first thing he said was he didn't want to be treated unless he would see his Caregiver Joonie afterwards. He made me pinky swear" the doctor chuckled a bit. Namjoon laughed a bit.

"What's so funny over there?" Hoseok asked Yoongi looking over at Namjoon and the doctor still having a conversation

"I don't know maybe they are talking abo-" Yoongi was cut off when something (or someone) was pulling on his sweater.

"Yoonie? Y is Joonie waughing at da doctor?" Jin asked quietly looking at the younger with big eyes.

"Umm... He was just telling him a joke sweetheart." Just as he finished Hus sentence the doctor and Namjoon walked back over to the bed.

"Okay now that all the paper work is done you can all go home together. Mr. Kim here will need to use the crutches for 1-2 weeks depending on how his knee heals. You will need to change the bandages everyday to avoid infection." The doctor said before leaving the room. Leaving the crutches with Hoseok.

"Okay bun let's take you home, I have a surprise waiting for you at home." He said while picking the elder up and setting him in the wheelchair.

They all walked out after them, making sure to make the bed and shut the lights off showing that the room was now vacant for another patient.

They all waved and bowed as they walked out of the hospital and got back in the car and went home. Jin was fast asleep the whole car ride.

When they got home, Namjoon carried him bridal style upstairs to his bedroom and laid him down. He gave him a new stuffed alpaca and a new pink and blue paci with a puppy on it.

He quietly closed the door after he made sure his little was fast asleep. He walked downstairs to find the other on the couch. They all looked up at him.

"Is he asleep?" asked Taekook is unison.

"Yes he is asleep, why?

"What was so funny with the doctor earlier?" Jungkook asked

"Ohhh yeah, the doctor was telling me about how well behaved he was for a little." Namjoon said

They all looked at him in shock for a moment.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"THE DOCTOR KNEW??!?" They all almost yelled

A/N: Yes I know I haven't updated in a bit I'm sorry. I've been super busy with finding a job, and school. Plus my mental health is not really helping me lately. But if your still reading then thank you so much everyone for almost 800 reads! I've never gotten more than 200 thank you guys so much! I will update when I can. And remember I love your comments and feedback. If you ever need someone to talk to or suggest something PM me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Baii!

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