He Knew?!

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"Wait! He knew that Jin was a little?!?! The members all asked in shock. They all looked at Namjoon like he just said he got someone pregnant.

"Well yeah he pulled me over to the side and told me how good he was and how he promised him that he could see me after they were done wrapping him up." He said to them kinda in shock himself.

"Wow at least he was nice about the whole situation. To be honest I would kinda panicked." Hoseok said

"At least he was good, but I didn't even know that he was in his little space when we got out the car." Yoongi said remembering how he ran to get the wheelchair not even looking at Jin.

"Is he sleeping right now?" Taehyung asked quietly in hopes he didn't wake him up

"Yeah why?"

"I just wanted to know, he looked really upset in his sleep when he was in the car." He said to Namjoon

"Maybe it was just his knee?" Jungkook said questionably

"No, no it couldn't have been that, they doctor gave him some antibiotics that couldn't have made his knee hurt still. Taehyung said in response

They all sat and thought for a while until they heard a slow pitter patter coming from the stairs. Jin was rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"What are you guys talking about down here?" Jin asked seeing as everyone was downstairs except for him. (Time skip because I'm lazy his knee is all better)

They all looked at him questionably. Is he not in little space??

A/n: Sorry this is a short shitty chapter, I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing for too long. Ive been super busy with school and shit so. But break is in two days and I have off all next week so I may update then if nothing backfires. Anyways as always thanks for reading this far!

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