The Big Reveal

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Jin was so terrified right now. He was about to tell everyone that he is a little.

"J-Joonie are u sure dat t-they wunt make fun of Jinnie?" He asked nervously holding the younger hand tighter almost cutting off circulation.

"I'm completly sure that they won't make fun of you sweetheart, and if they do, I will teach them a lesson." Namjoon said fiercely scaring the older a little.

"O-okay I twust you Joonie"

They looked at each other for a minute before heading downstairs. As they walked down each stair, Jin's heart beated faster and faster until they were face to face with the rest of the members.

Jin frowned and started playing with the hem of the Namjoon's sweater. "Namjoon what's up with Jin why was he acting like a child?" Yoongi asked not knowing that Jin was right behind him. He started to cry and poked his head from behind the leader.

"Oh my gosh Jin I-I didn't mean it like that, I didn't know that you were behind him!" Yoongi started to panic as the little started to cry harder.  Namjoon glared at him before he comforted his hyung.

After he finally calmed him down Namjoon stood back up and cleared his throat. "Guys this is Jinnie, he is a little." There was a brief moment of silence, Namjoon was about to explain when Jimin squeaked out.

"OMG YOU'RE A LITTLE! That is soooo adorable! I've done lots of research on it and I've always wanted one!" He finished almost breathlessly.

Everyone stared at him for minute.  "Wait are you serious-" "YOU TOO JIMIN! You should have told me! We could do research together!" Taehyung blurted out interrupting Yoongi mid-sentence. The younger knew that Yoongi would get him later for cutting him off.

"S-so u no hate Jinnie?" He asked nervously peaking from behind his caregiver so he is seen by the others.

"Of course we don't hate you kitten! No matter if you're in little space or not we will always love our Seokjinnie." Hoseok said before going up the the older and hugging him tightly.

Jin hesitated at first before hugging back. He was so happy that they didn't hate him and make fun of him like a dream he had once.

They all eventually joined in the hug, and no one noticed until that Jin was crying until they heard a little whimper.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Are we hurting you?! Guys back up for a second."

Everyone backed up until it was just Namjoon and his little. He kneeled down because Jin was on the floor.

"What's wrong baby, you can tell me I won't judge you, I would never do that to you." Namjoon said softly to the older

Jin started babbling incoherent words in between sobs. Namjoon put his soft hands on Jin's broad shoulders and lifted up his chin.

"Sweetheart I need you to call down, I can't understand when you babble like that. You can tell me when you are ready." He said before pulling him into a hug rubbing his back to try and relax his baby boy.

After about 3 minutes, Jin pulled back from the hug. He used his sleeves to wipe off his tear stained face, he looked back up at his caregiver and started.

"I-i was so scawed dat t-they would make fun of Jinnie... but they weren't I'm so happy!" Jin said trying not to cry tears of joy.

"We will always love you hyung- um I mean baby." Yoongi said having to get used to not calling him hyung anymore.

Then everyone went into the living room to get to know Jinnie a little bit more and watch cartoons before he fell asleep in namjoon's arms.

When he was fast asleep, Namjoon brought him upstairs and laid him down in the bed, pulled out a paci with a little purple bunny on it and put it in his mouth.

And then he changed into his pajamas  and laid down next to his baby boy and fell asleep cuddling with him.

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