Jealousy pt.2

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(Lol just thought of Airplane pt.2 that song is my jam.)

"I'm just not okay?!?! Why don't you go and be with Yoongi?! You obviously love him!"

Those were the last words that Jin said before storming out the door enraged. He decided to get away for a while. After he stormed out, he decided to go the one place he goes when he's upset;

The beach

He drove for what felt like hours before he arrived to the beach, where he was greeted with an empty beach with the sun setting down into the sea (not literally😂😂😂)

He got out of the car and walked on to the sand near where the sand ended and the water started. He took off his shoes and felt the sand on his feet and it calmed him down a bit. He sat down and looked out at the view.

He saw how the clouds looked like big fluffy mounds of cotton candy because of the sun setting on the horizon. The whole sky was a bright pink color. It really soothed the elders nerves.

He stayed like that for a when before the sun eventually set and it was dark out. He decided to get back in the car and drive home. On his way he saw a giant bear plush in the window of a store.

'You don't need that, you're a grown fucking man. You don't deserve it.'

He frowned at what went through his head and drove faster past the store and back to the dorm.

He pulled into the driveway and turned the car off. He saw that all of the lights were off. So he just sat in the car.

And he started crying...

'W-why does this always happens... I knew I shouldn't have slipped that day. I should've kept to myself. Now they only want Yoongi.. maybe I'm better off as I was in my dream... I should just go kill myse-'

"Jin! There you are baby!" Namjoon suddenly came up to the car in tears panicking.

"Where were you?! Are you okay?!? Did someone hurt you cupcake?! I will fucking kill the-"

"No. I-its okay Joon I-im okay. I just h-had to get away for a while..." Jin said in a very low whisper but loud enough for his boyfriend to hear him.

"Are you okay sweetheart? You seemed mad when you left." The younger asked concerned remembering what had happened earlier that day.

Calling him sweetheart pushed him over the edge and immediately made him slip.

"Nuuu Jinie ish not okais jinie meanie ta Joonie and and an-"

"Hey baby shhhh it's okay I'm here, its not your fault. Im the one who was with Yoonie instead of you. I'm really sorry my sweet prince. Can you forgive Joonie for being a meanie and come back to me?" Namjoon said looking down to the elder.

Namjoon expected a clear response, but all he got was quiet mumbles and giggles.

"Jinnie? Hey are you okay?" Namjoon said to his hyung

Again all he got were mumbles and giggles. With a bit of spit too.

At this point Namjoon was beyond confused. He picked up his boyfriend and shut and locked the door to the car, and got into the dorm to be greeted with the other members wondering where Jin was.

All the loud voices at the same time was enough to make Jin cry. And it wasn't until Yoongi looked over at Jin that made everyone notice and stop.

"Guys stooop shhhh Jinnie ish cwying! You ish makin him sads!" Yoongi said loud enough for everyone to hear. Evyone stopped in their tracks and saw what they had done.

"Oh no don't cry Jinnie, we're sorry for being loud" Hoseok said to his elder still in the arms of the green haired boy. This calmed down the little a bit and his cries were reduced to little sniffles and a few tears streaming down his face.

"Guys I don't know what's wrong with Jin. He won't talk or even stand on his own. He started acting like this when he and I were talking in the car." Namjoon said kind of panicked because he was still very concerned.

" He's in baby space."

"What? What're you talking about Chim? What's baby space?" The leader asked confusingly.

"It's like little space but he is younger than he usually is like a baby instead of a toddler." Taehyung explained to everyone.

Everyone was talking and explaining what baby space was and what Jin needs when he slips into this mindset, when they heard a yawn come from the eldest member's mouth.

"Aww is my baby tired, Do we have any bottles for me to make him?" Namjoon asked

"Yesh Yoonie has one dat Jinnie can use!" The little said running upstairs to his room he shared with Hoseok to grab a bottle. He reached under his bed to grab his little box.

He emerged with a brand new in the package bottle he got just in case he slipped into baby space one day.

Yoonie ran back downstairs with the bottle in hand giving it to his caregiver.

"That's perfect! Thank you sweet pea for sharing this with Jinnie!" The orange haired boy said to the raven haired little.

"Oo ish welcomes, I just wan Jinnie to be okais." Yoonie said shyly retreating behind his caregiver.

"Can you make a bottle while I go and get him changed into some pajamas?" Namjoon asked the elder rapper.

"Of course I will, you wanna come and help Yoonie?" Hoseok asked the little.

"Yesh I will help Seokie!" Yoonie said happy to help.

"You guys wanna watch a movie? A little friendly movie of course." Taekook asked everyone.

"Sure what movie are we watching? The other members asked.

"Finding Nemo most likely, we really don't have a lot of little rated movies." Jungkook said

"Yayy I wub neemo and dowy!" Yoonie said out loud

"I'll go make some popcorn and drinks for everyone!" Jimin said before running into the kitchen.

Just then did Namjoon come back downstairs with a Jin in his arms with a pink piggy onesie on and a white pacifier with a lamb on it in his mouth.

"Jinnie we gon' watch neemo an dowy!" Yoonie said coming up to the elder poking his cheek causing Jin to whimper a little.

"Yoonie, Jin is feeling very little so we have to be careful not to upset him okay?" Hoseok said to the little after making the two bottles for the littles. A pink bottle for Jin and a blue one for Yoonie.

After a while Jimin came back with the snacks and they all watched the movie together.

After it was over. Jin was alseep in namjoons arms and Yoonie in Hoseok arms. They brought the littles up to bed before falling asleep next to them.

A/N: Oof I'm running out of ideas for this book. Send Halp! Don't forget to vote and comment. I love reading your comments. It makes me feel better about this book.

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