You're a little too?

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After Jin had the nightmare, Namjoon had been keeping very close watch on Jin.  He just wanted to make sure that he wouldn't hurt himself like he did in the past.

He found out about it when he was helping Jin do the dishes one day and saw the marks going up his arm.  When he asked about it Jin got upset at first because he was ashamed.  But  I assured him that it was okay.

Now that Jin had found little space to de-stress instead of cutting he was really happy and proud like a soccer mom.

But since then,  he noticed that he hasn't really been in his headspace. At first he just thought that he was feeling stress free and didn't need to slip.  But days turned into weeks and it worried him.

They were preparing for their comeback with their new album 'Love yourself' and they were all stressed out. Especially Yoongi.  He's always the most stressed during comebacks.

Even though Namjoon was focused on his boyfriend.  He was extra worried about Yoongi too.  He's been acting strange.  He is always strange during comeback time,  but this particular comeback.  He was really strange.

They were all in their rooms doing different things to prepare for the comeback.  Hoseok and Jimin were practicing the choreography, Namjoon and Jin were in their room practicing lyrics and Jungkook went out to get food for everyone since Jin was too busy to cook.

And Yoongi...

Was in his room by himself trying to figure out new music for the album. And he was super stressed about it. He always does this during comeback time. He locks himself in his room composing songs until he figures it out.

"DAMMIT WHY CAN'T I GET THIS RIGHT!?" he yelled out. Not loud enough that the members hear, but enough to startle anyone in the room with him.

He pulls at his newly dyed sky blue hair. He's been working on the album for 37 hours straight. Only leaving the room for coffee and bathroom.

He finally gave in and decided to take long deserved break. He flopped down on the bed and let out a long sigh. He shuffled to get comfortable before finding the source of the uncomfort.

It was his stuffed lion Chub Chub. (I really couldn't think of a name 😂😂😭😭😭 (+_+) )

Yoongi hadn't told anyone ever that he was a little. And with his cold hearted persona, no one would think that he was.

' No you can't slip, what if the members come in to check on you. And you have a lot of more composing to do.'

He looked down at Chub Chub and smiled a bit, showing off his gums a little.

'Well maybe just for a little while. They're all busy anyway.'

So got up and went to his closet and opened the door to reveal a normal looking closet with his big clothes. He pushed them out of the way to get the bright baby blue box (try saying that 5 times fast).

He grabbed the box and shut the door heading back to sit on his bed criss crossing his legs. He opened the box to reveal his little stuff.

A mint green pacifier with a turtle on it

A sippy cup

A little stuffed purple dinosaur

And a couple of onesies

He grabbed the paci and a black Kumamon onesie and closed the box. He placed the items on the bed and put the box under his bed.

He quickly changed into the onesie and popped the paci into his mouth. Sighing happily into the plastic soother.

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