Jealousy Pt.1

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(Idk if there is gonna be a part two, if not I will change the name lol)

'Another little... Yoongi's a little too...'

Those words were running in Jin's head since Namjoon had told him. He didn't know what to feel, he felt a little sad when he found out. He knew things were gonna change.

They already are

He had to share his pacifiers since they couldn't get any more at the moment because of their tight schedule, Yoongi had been getting a lot of attention, a lot more than Jin has had before. He had to share his toys with him.

And most of all, he hasn't been out of little space since.

So he's had to be big and help out by cleaning, cooking, taking care of Yoongi. And unlike Yoongi, he hasn't been in little space at all, and it's really stressing him out.

The comeback is in 2 days and everyone is on edge. Well at least that's what Jin thought.

"Open wide sweetheart, here comes the airplane. (Drink Champagne in my Airplane! AIRPLANE!... Hope world is my shit.)

Hoseok had become Yoongi's caregiver and had been taking care of him sine the day he slipped. And it was killing him, he wanted to slip so badly.

Time skip to later that night:

Jin had done so many things today including finishing up his parts in the new songs. He was exhausted as was everyone else. So he decided that he would slip since he hadn't in a while.

" Ookie! U wana pway?" Jinnie asked the youngest member with a little glisten of excitement in his eyes.

"Sorry kitten, I'm really tired, I would love to play with you later on after I rest for a while okay?" The maknae said to his hyung.

"O-oh okai. Bai ookie..."

Jin closed the door and headed off to the third youngest members room. He knocked on the door before entering the room to see Jimin lying on the bed.

"Minnie! U wana has tea pawty wit Jinnie?" He asked his dongsaeng hoping he would say yes.

"Not right now sweetheart, Minnie's had an exhausting day and needs to get some rest." The younger says drearily.

"B-but ookie nu wanna pway eithrr..." He said while slurring the r a bit.

"Jin I said no and I mean it, now go away!" Jimin did before slamming the door in the littles face.

All Jin wanted to do now was cry.

So he went to the one person who would comfort him.


He was in his recording studio probably finishing up the last couple songs. He was about to knock on the door when he heard another voice coming from the room.

"Nu Joonie u doin it wong u ish suposed to pwess da bwue ones!" Said the voice

'Yoongi? Whas he doin wit Joonie?!'

"Ohhh okay, you are so smart baby! I see now, this is fun!" He heard Namjoon say

And what he hears next would set off a chain of events.

"Wub oo Joonie!"
"Love you too Yoonie"

This made the eldest so upset that he ran to his room and slammed the door shut and locked it. He flipped down on the bed and sobbed into his pillow.

"J-joonie no wub Jinnie nu mowe... He wub Yoonie..." He stayed like that for about 5 mins before he completely slipped out of his headspace.

He got up and wiped his face, and went downstairs. He started to cook dinner to distract himself from slipping. He started to take out ingredients when he felt someone grab onto his waist.

"Hey pumpkin, whatcha doin out here without anyone watching you?" Namjoon said to his boyfriend into his broad shoulder.

"I'm not little Joon." Jin said emotionless and a bit cold.

"Why not bub, are you feeling okay, I can make you some so-"

"I'm just not okay?!?! Why don't you go and be with Yoongi?! You obviously love him!" The eldest said before pushing his boyfriend to the ground and storming out the door.

A/n: I've been feeling really bad lately and the person that I call my friend just said that because I'm depressed, that I'm a pessemistic cunt. So I decided to write some angst.

A/n 2: I ish sowwy. I wote dis earlyer wen I was weally sads... M sowwy if dis make oo sads... I dun wanna be hewe wite now... Bai

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