Are you okay baby?

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"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Jin asked questionably  because they were looking at him like he was crazy.

"Are you okay baby?" Namjoon asked wondering if he is out of little space.

"Nothing I'm fine, what time is it? Oh it's late I should start cooking dinner.  I'll tell you all when it's done.  It shouldn't take long so no snacking. " Jin said glancing at his phone before walking into the kitchen.

He didn't want to say anything, but he felt bad that they take care if him all the time.  Especially after he hurt his knee.  Which left a scar. So he decided to force himself out of his headspace for a while.

While he was cooking he could hear them mumbling to each other, but not exactly hearing what they say.  He just put his headphones on and listened to music while cooking.

"Is he out of his littlespace? He wasn't this morning. " Taehyung asked concerned.

"I think he is,  maybe he just didn't want to be little.  Not all littles are in headspace all the time. But that was sudden that he  just slipped out. " Jimin said.

They all looked at Namjoon for a second.

"What? What did I do?" he asked confused

"I don't know Namjoon, what did you do to Jin? " Hoseok asked.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MY BABY!" he yelled louder than expected. They looked at him in shock,  they've never heard Namjoon this loud before.

"I-im sorry I yelled...  But I would never do anything to Jin to hurt him or make him uncomfortable.  I'm just as confused as you are. " he said sliding down in his seat a bit.

Jin heard what Namjoon said and wanted to run to him and hug him.  He knew that Namjoon would never hurt him,  what were they talking about?

He decided he would have a talk with Namjoon after dinner because he had just finished plating everyone's food.

"Yah,  dinner is done and on the table.  Hurry before it gets cold. " Jin said before taking off his apron and grabbing his own plate and sitting down.

They all sat down and thanked Jin for the food before eating.  They all were talking about different things, except for Jin and Namjoon.  They just sat and ate in silence. 

After they finished Jin collected everyone's plates and started to wash the dishes.

Everyone went back into the living room,  except for Namjoon who went to help Him with the cleaning.

He started to dry and put away the dishes whilst Jin washed them.  Jin looked at him worried that he'll drop something.  But he didnt drop a single plate.

After they were finished, Jin started to go upstairs so he can go to his room.  But Namjoon stopped him at the door.  "Hey are you sure you're okay? " He asked worried because Jin hadn't been in little space for quite a while.

Jin looked at him with tears pricking his eyes. He held them back in embarrassment.

"I-im sure...  I'm okay,  I'm just a little tired is all... " he said with a low quiet voice. He was about to walk in the door when he remembered what Namjoon said earlier.

"Hey,  why did you yell earlier? I thought you were hurt. " he asked

Namjoon shot his head up not knowing that Jin had heard him. He hesitated a bit, then he sighed before starting.

" Well... We were just worried about you, you weren't little all day.  I read about it, I was worried that I triggered you out of it.  I don't want to hurt you baby. " he said nervously waiting for his response.

Jin went to him and hugged him. Namjoon was shocked at first,  but then he hugged back. Rubbing circles on the older back.

Jin started crying into his boyfriends shoulder. His eyes widened when Namjoon pulled him back and kissed him.

Their lips moved in sync as if two puzzle pieces being put together perfectly.  After about what felt like forever,  Namjoon pulled away,  Jin slightly whimpering from the loss of contact.

"I-i fewt wike I made u worriwe about me..." he said almost crying

"Baby it's okay, yes I worry,  but it's because I love you. Don't force yourself to be big, if you want to be little it's okay.  It will never bother me how you are,  big or little. " Namjoon said before pulling Jin into the biggest hug.

"I wub u Joonie"
"I love you too baby"

A/N: sorry for the long wait, school has been being stupid. But I have off tomorrow so I may update again if I'm not stuck doing chores.  Baii wub u guys

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