Play Time! 2.0: Part 1

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Now that there are two littles in the house that means that they needed more toys for the littles.

Sure Jin had a good sum of toys of his own, but it's not really enough for the two of them. Especially since they discovered that Yoongi had a younger headspace than Jin.

So they'd have to get things like blocks and rings rather than trucks and dinosaurs. Yoongi's headspace was between 0-3, while Jin's was 3-5.

So that day Namjoon and Hoseok decided to go shopping while the maknaes watched after the littles. And lets just say the littles were not to fond of not having their caregivers with them.

"Nuuu 'here ish Joonie! I wan' Joonie!!" Jin yelled while pushing Jimin off of his bed whining because his caregiver wasn't with him. They continued to do this until Jimin finally gave up.

"Hey it's okay they went out to get some things and will be back soon." Jimin said reassuring the little that everything was okay

"Pinky pwomish?" Jin said holding out his pinky

"Yes bug I pinky promise" Jimin linked his pinky with the elders to make the promise.

As if in cue, after Jimin let go of Jin's pinky, Yoongi walked in droopy eyed with blanket and stuffed turtle in hand. With pacifier in his mouth and rubbing his eye with his fist cutely.

"Minnie, were ish 'obi? I can nu fin' H-hobi!" The little said almost in tears. Gripping on to his turtle named Osu. (I am terrible at naming things.)

"Oh little bun, Hobi went out with Joonie to g-".

" 'OBI WIT JOONIE!? 'OBI NU WIKE YOONIE NU MORE?!" the little began to sob and shake as he fell to the floor in a ball.

He brought Yoonie over to the bed next to where Jin was sitting. He sat him down next to Jin and knelt down in front of the two.

"Hey, it's okay little ones, Joonie and Seokie just went out to go shopping for some things for a bit, they will be back soon. Don't worry, they love you and would never leave you two." Jimin said to them.

"O-okais s-sowwies I didn mean to oberweact..." Yoongi said with his head down in embarrassment

"It's okay you were just scared that's all". Jimin reassuring the little. "Okay now who wants some breakfast? Taehyung and Jungkook have fresh pancakes waiting for you two downstairs."

"I DO I DO!" The two littles said in unison. They both got up and started heading downstairs.

A/N: Hey I'm finally got around to finishing this. I didn't want to make another 2 parter but I've been writing this at different times and can't think of how to continue yet and I don't want to keep you guys without updates just because I'm sick. But there will be more to this part. I'm sorry I will try to update more often. Byee~

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