Conflict at the studio

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The next morning, Jin woke up to a loud crash. He jumped out of bed so fast that he fell down.

"Damn... I guess I got up too fast" he said before slowly getting up to and walking out of the room, not noticing that his knee covered in blood and scratched up.

He was almost running down the stairs to see what had happened that caused such a loud crash to wake him up.

"Yah!! What was that noise? Whoever did it better have a good reason since it woke me up from my beauty rest!" He said walking into the kitchen to see that Namjoon was quickly cleaning up spilled cereal.

"Hey what happened here Joon?! Are you okay How did you spill so much cereal?" He asked kneeling down to help pick up the spilled cereal.

"It was my fault, I wanted to make some cereal for everyone since I can't really cook anything since Jimin banned me from using the stove and I slipped on something." He said before showing what he slipped on laughing a bit because Jin's eyes widened at the sight of it.

He held up a little green stuffed llama, Jin blushed and grabbed it from him stuffing it in his pocket, and continuing to pick up the rest of the cereal and throwing in in the trash.

"S-Sorry I must have left it down here yesterday." Jin said quietly blushing madly into his hoodie. He ran upstairs and put the stuffed animal in his box full of little stuff.

He went back downstairs to see everyone already sitting down and eating cereal that Namjoon gave everyone since there was no more of the one that he spilled. He sat down next to Namjoon and ate his cereal.

After they were all done eating they cleaned there bowls and went to get ready to go to the practice studio. Everyone went upstairs and got changed.

Jin and Namjoon were getting changed when Namjoon noticed something wrong with his boyfriend.

"Uhhh Jin babe, how did you hurt your knee like that? It looks pretty painful" He asked the older male. Jin looked down and saw all the blood on his knee.

"Oh my gosh when did this happen??? Oh this must've been when I fell this morning after getting up too fast. Weird I didn't even notice it until now, let me go and clean this up really quick and I'll be downstairs in a few okay, go downstairs and make sure everyone else is ready to go out the door once I'm done." Jin said before going into the bathroom to clean up his wound.

'My baby boy is so cute when he's being all commanding and stuff' Namjoon thought to himself before heading downstairs.

Meanwhile Jin was cleaning up his wound in the bathroom. After he heard Namjoon go downstairs and made sure everyone else was gone, he let out a small cry. He didn't act like it hurt but it really hurt him.

He went to put on the alcohol prep pad on it, he cringed at the pain it caused. 'Owie Owwie owwie!' Was what was going through Jin's head the entire time.

Afterwards, he wrapped it up with some bandages because the injury was way too bad for just a bandaid. He pulled down his pant leg and was about to go out when a wave of pain hit him right in the knee. He had hit his knee on the door.

"Grrr.... calm down Jin calm down, you're okay, you don't need help." He said to himself a couple times before taking a deep breath and walking downstairs.

He got downstairs and saw everyone was ready to go so they all went outside and got in the car to get to the studio.

Once they got there they dropped all of their stuff down in the back of the room. They all lined up in their positions for "Blood Sweat and Tears" Jin was always in the back, luckily he is by Namjoon in most parts.

Halfway through their 3rd song , Jin had hit knee on the ground and it was killing him through the rest of the song. He tried to signal Namjoon but he didn't notice.

After it was over, Jin fell to the floor almost in tears. He rolled up his pant leg to see that his knee was bleeding really bad.

"Oh my gosh Jin are you alright?? We need to get him to a hospital right now!" Jungkook said in a panic. Everyone packed up their stuff quickly and threw it in the back. And the all carried Jin avoiding hitting his knee. And they were driving to the hospital.

A/n: Sorry for the long wait everyone I finally got the time to write. And I found out that I can write in my PS4 so I can update this more often now! And thank you for almost 500 reads! I've never had this many reads ever thank you everyone who reads and votes! Just remember that I love when you guys leave me comments and suggestions! And if you guys ever need someone to talk to just PM me and I will get back to you ASAP! Hope you continue to enjoy the story!

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