I Love You 💜

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Namjoon's POV:

I'm so happy that Jin and Yoongi are getting along now, I was scared that they wouldn't since Jin is a little clingy. But it doesn't bother me, I love my little baby koala (hehe get it 😂.... I'll go home)

I look over to check on them but i see neither my Jinnie or Yoonie. Maybe they wandered somewhere upstairs, I've been talking with everyone for a while. I got up and told everyone that I needed to get a drink so I wouldn't worry Hobi about Yoonie.

I walk upstairs and check mine and Jin's bedroom and see that things have been moved around and the bedsheets are messed up. Jin always makes the bed when we wake up, big or little, so it was odd when i saw that the covers were halfway off the bed.

I fix it up so it looks somewhat neat again, then i close the door behind me. I continue looking in other places that they could possibly be. I was about to begin calling their names when i saw a familiar pink shirt peeking from behind the playroom door.

I walked up behind him quietly and put my hand on his shoulder and saw him turn around slowly.

"I ish almos don Yoonie! I jus gona gwab a few more tin-"

"I'm not Yoonie honey bear"

"DADA! Wa ish oo' doin up hewe? I tought oo was downstawis havin gwon up talkies?" He said kind of nervous but also a bit excited that i was up here.

"I saw your stuffed llama abandoned downstairs with Yoonie's Kumamon laying next to each other. And I wanted to make sure that you guys were okay." I said to him. Just then Yoonie popped into the room with his blankey in his hand and pacifier in his mouth.

"Hey are you tired sweetie? Looks like it time for you both to take a nap." I say looking at him and looking back at my Jinnie.

Yoongi just nodded and waddled over to me, while Jin just looked at me and started to put away his toys back into his bag. After he tucked the bag into a cubbie, he walked over to me and made grabby hands, signaling he wanted to be picked up.

So i picked him up and held him to my hip, and grabbed Yoonie's hand. We walked out the door and i shut it with my free hand. We first walked over to Yoonie's room to put him in his bed. I tucked him in and put his kumamon pacifier in his mouth.

I shut his light off and kept the door slightly opened so he could see a little logjt from the hall. I look at Jinnie to see that he was rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"You ready for naptime too honey bear?" I asked. He perked up at my voice.

"N-nu I ish.. *yawns* nu tiwed..." He said putting his head on his boyfriends shoulder.

"Okay fine, guess we can cuddle and nap together another time.." I said fake sadly

"NU! I-i mean... W-we can napies an cuddwe now.. I-if Joonie wanna? I ish vewy tiwed.." He said blushing profusely.

I smiled at him and nodded, then I turned around and started to walk back up the stairs and into our bedroom. I put Jin down and started to go through the closet looking for some naptime clothes for the both of us. I grabbed some sweatpants and a white shirt for me and a dinosaur shirt and matching pj pants for my baby.

I came out and closed the door behind me. I looked back to where Jin was sitting and saw that he was lying down. I walked over to him and sat him back up. "Hey we have to change into our sleep clothes before we sleep baby buck." I said to him.

He just nodded and started to take off his clothes and put on his pajamas. I'm suprised he didn't ask for my help this time. I changed into my clothes and layed down next to him.

"You okay sweetie? You didn't ask me to help you change at all." I asked Jin a bit concerned because he is a very dependent most the time. I don't mind but i am just worried.

"I-it's okay Joon. I didn't wanna bother you more than i already do." He said clearly. Not seeming to be little anymore.

"Baby... You never bother me. No matter what you do. I love you. I do it because i care about you, i want you to be happy. Please stop saying sorry about these things. You know I don't mind." I said looking back at him.

Then i heard a noise that broke my heart.... His voice cracked and he started to sob. I grabbed him and pulled him into a huge bear hug. He was shaking, and i heard little 'I sowwies' inbetween sobs.

"Shhhhh, its okay baby im sorry if that came out as rude. I just wanted to make sure you knew how i felt." I said continuing to rock him. He started to calm down, his sobs reduced to little sniffles. And the tears stopped dripping down his face. He pulled back and looked me in the face with puffy eyes.

"I-i w-wove oo Joonie. Jinnie pwomise to twy an stop apowogizin su much.." He said before pulling me back into the hug.

"I love you too baby, I understand its difficult. You dont have to promise me anything, you don't have to change for me. I love you for who you are. That will never change." I said to him.

I noticed that he started to loosen his  grip, and saw that he started falling asleep. I layed him down but he still had a grip on me. That's when i noticed he was sucking on my shirt.

I reached i to my pocket and took out spare pacifier i keep just in case, and popped it into his mouth. I kissed his cheek and cuddled up next to him drifting to sleep.

Hoseok's POV:

"Hey is Namjoon okay? He's been upstairs for a while." Jimin said to me. I looked over to see that him, Jin, and Yoongi were gone. Everyone else had called it a night and went to sleep. It was only us two left.

"Idk dude maybe I'll go check on them, both Yoongi and Jin are gone too." I said getting up from the couch and heading upstairs. I look in Namjin's room and see them sleeping. And i see everyone else in their rooms too.

I look into my and see Yoongi cuddled up with his Shooky plush and pacifer in his mouth. I smile at the sight and pull out my phone to take a picture of this adorable bean. I love him so much... Maybe i can tell him when he's not little.

For now, I lay next to him and kiss his cheek. And shut the light off.

"Good night my sweet prince"

A/N: Wow its been a while lol. Hope yoh liked this chapter. I finally thought of a ton of ideas to continue this book. And I have some good news........ Im gonna start a oneshot book! Based on your ideas and ships. I've always liked your ideas tou guys gave me for this book and i wanted to use them for something that tou guys will enjoy. So i will start taking requests in the first chapter. I will publish that on a later date. But i will make the first chapter for requests. On a side note... Im sorry if you guys don't like how Jin is so insecure and stuff.. I based how he is on how i am when i am little... Minus the caregiver. Well hopefully i'll hear from you guys and be ablw to write your requests. Thanks for reading love you guys!

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