Come Back

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Hey guys, its been a while hasnt it lol. Well thats gonna end very soon, im making this to tell you guys that i will be coming back with new chapters beginning in February, i dont know the exact date yet because i still have some planning to do and drafts to edit but the wait is over!

Regarding me and my mental state:
(If you dont wanna read then skip the paragraph!😁)
As you guys know I've been struggling with my anxiety and stuffs, but finally after years of dealing with it im getting help and being put on some medications for it. This may not seem like a big thing for some people, but for me this is a huge step from where i was. Now i can finally get the proper help and medicine to help me control my emotions and shit and i can focus better. So I'll be in a better mood once i see my psychiatrist and get my prescriptions.

But thats enough about me for a while lol. I wanna hear from you guys, what do you guys wanna see happen in the book? More Angst? Or maybe some Fluffiness? Idk about Smut because my age regression is completly non- sexual and i kind of based Little Jinnie off of what i do when im little (Minus the whole CG thing 😭) I may just keep this book going as is and make a oneshot book with your requests, would you guys like that?? Im willing to do it, seems like it would be fun. So make your requests for this book in yhe comments, and put a 💜 if you want the oneshot book!

Thank you guys for waiting, if you even did lol, and I look forward to getting to write and interact with you guys again because i love all of you guys and happy that i make you guys happy with my book. Ill see you all soon. Bai Bai from Big and Little me❤💛💚💙💜

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